Why is Poland such a shit hole?
Why is Poland such a shit hole?
Oh look, this shill thread once again.
I'm not shilling, I've just returned from Krakow and it's an absolute shit tip. No wonder you shit houses move to our country with the state of living over there.
Who the hell knows. It's calm and safe at least
Go to Warsaw, its the gem of the country which will bring it out of shit-state status.
All their toilet cleaners are over here
>No wonder you shit houses move to our country
What?! Our houses can move?!
>Going to Poland in winter
When you go here in winter, all you'll see is how cities fuck everything up by dropping sand/salt/shit on every single fucking snowflake which turns into shit after 3 minutes.
Summer shows the real beauty of this country
Every time winter comes i want to kill myself just from how everything looks like someone shat on it
Communism set Poland back. Fuck leftists.
pol land
poo land
>shit tip
lol no. I could understand you if you were talking about Warsaw, Poznań or basically any other city in Poland, but Kraków is Prague tier.
>Polish people are shit
>A country filled with Polish people is amazingly enough also shit
Funny how that works out.
>not a shithole
Because not all countries were able to develop into empires and enjoy democracy for 1000 years straight.
Of course a less developed country is going to come to UK for gibs and entry-level jobs if they can.
That doesn't mean you can blame an entire country or it's nations.
Also, all white people are brothers, no more divide & conquer threads please
Nice try Nigel, don't you have some Paki cock to polish?
typical ignorant american
>anglo nigger doesn't know what communism is XD
>all white people are brothers
I'm so thankful that I'm slav not white
At least they're more white than UK
>Why is Poland such a shit hole?
I've explained this in this thread. Don't be fags and read it!
let me redpill you about Eastern Europe and how are we became poor in the first place.
See pretty much none of the Eastern European countries have a central bank - they have the "currency board".
The role of the central bank is to buy government bonds, and lend money to commercial banks, and to invest the money they earned into the industry and development of thecountry. Central bank should keep a gold standard, and have a value guarantee in gold.So, in case a country finds more gold or other value, the central bank can print more money to match it's value, or simply can print money to stimulate the economy if it's doing badly.
See, central banks in eastern europe do none of that. Their role is simply to buy Euros from commercial banks who borrowed those Euros from Eurpean Ccentral Bank. In other words, your currency value guarantee is not in gold or silver, it's in external debt - so the more debt you have the "healthier" your economy is. So simple goods exchange (for example buying a piece of bread) requires of you to go into debt by buying Euros. So this is how our countries are in a state of perpetual debt, and that's why our living standard is so low. So if you think you are poor because you are a "slav subhuman", think again, you have just been enslaved by the system. You real enemy is your central bank, so if you want to have a better life you'll have to fight for it.
TL DR Eastern Europe is poor because of the bizzare "currency board" central bank model which keeps us in a state of perpetual debt and makes our living standard extremely low.
don't speak nonsense
slavs are white too
What's your excuse, caliphate?
OP is one of those degenerated brits who come to Kraków to get wasted with cheap alcohol
>White people are brothers
We are and that's why you slavic subhumans needs to fuck off.
>But muh gibs! Muh free movement!
Fucking EUniggers
We like it that way, fuck off crupmpet.
>Go to Warsaw, its the gem of the country which will bring it out of shit-state status.
You never been in Poland, I can tell.
i used to have a polish friend.
one day we tore up his dads weed plant and rolled an ounce or two up in A4 printer paper and took two hits before stomping it out in a puddle
probably close to $500 wasted.
It's because it's ex-Soviet.
What's based Korwin doing these days? Is he king of Poland yet?
Poland is pretty shit; the architecture is depressing, there's nothing to do, the people are dumb, backwards and drunk.
The women are also pretty ugly compared to other Slavic women.
Ofc, when you shoot them.
The traditions are quite cool though and the language sounds nice and looks interesting.
My step-mum is Polish and her mum got shot by a German when she was 6.
Yeah we have millions of shitskins who hate us all in Europe but let's just play (((their))) divide and conquer game and argue about who is white and who is not. With the current influx of these savages one can cleary say that eastern Europe is becoming whiter with every gibbers that sets foot on our continent
lol, lived there for 14 years. Warsaw > Krakow simply because of the infrastructure + now banks are moving in, its gonna be great. The city developed greatly in the past years.
To make sure that we don't loot them :^)
Looks like shit tho.
They seem to be big coal burners too. The ones here do anyway.
We were allied with Anglo.
And we'll pay for it again like in 1939.
Lost parliamentary elections becuase shitty system. Trolls EU.
lots of green, shit buildings are being replaced by modern architecture all over the place, and Warsaws biggest plus (thanks to the Germans) - the roads. Nice big roads which can actually support the traffic of a big city. There is only 1 major road that I know of that is constantly blocked during rush-hour.
then why do you keep electing them
the jews will keep winning if the white brothers keep fighting each other, my friend
>inb4 slavs are vodkaniggers
I have seen lots of degenerate anglos too. Especially saw a documentary on heroin addicts in Wales somewhere. Also, the chav culture, and soccer hooligans.
And poland is not a shit-tier country, they have really beautiful women, an amazing white culture, and some really intelligent and outstanding people. Every nation has their share of white trash, but don't blame all of them.
The fact that poles want to go to your country is mostly because you have open borders and give gibs. When jews preach the gospel of "cosmopolitanism", which unrooted, frustrated pole wouldn't move to UK for gibs?
Seriously, though, eastern europeans in UK, if anything, you can count on them for voting conservatives and being racist as fuck
Yeah, my Polish step-sister is a coal burner.
Because of british buffons:
- 1939 you betrayed poland let germans and ruskies invade Poland, you had treaty to defend each other, you and france decided to not help
- 1931 Yalta, you sold poland to Stalin, it is even worse, you did not want Poland to be created after war, it is Stalin who wanted it back
- 1945, you were so grateful to polish pilots from 303 division that you did not invited them to Victory parade. Few years after war they were told to go back home, to communistic country where they would be executed
- you still did not give back any of gold deposit that polsh goverment give you in 1939. You told after war you will keep it as payment for all planes that polish fighter pilots lost during war defending your country.
Now you dare to ask why Poland is shithole? I hope we will be smarter this time and refuse to die in your civil war against muslims.
They have to go back.
The Polish are alright in my eyes, hard workers I just wish we would send all Africans back asap
did you missed muchamed dick in that trip?
>shit buildings are being replaced by modern architecture all over the place,
You Polonia?
>Whole of fucking Ukraine
>not a shithole
Crawl back into the mud hut you emerged from you ugly ukraine fuck
Because slavs are a shit tier people. This retarded, American "all huwites are brothers" meme needs to end. We (anglos, germanics, meds) are superior to them in every way. Our civilizations are incomparably superior to theirs. We have a temporary alliance based on a mutual dislike of muslims and that's it. If all non-whites left western europe, we would soon turn our attention to removing these parasites as well.
I agree, but the point is not that we have to make them realize they have to go back.
The point is that the entire UK is so cucked right now that poles in UK is the absolute least of all the problems, and to solve this, you have to dig deeper
Perhaps I blend out the communist architecture since I grew up there, but that building is already finished.
Fucking ungrateful faggots, Poland saved the West hundreds of years ago, you wouldn't be able to shitpost without them.
They should go back to Poland tho, UK is not their home
But Polish Lwow is still nice, even tho it's rundown by those banderites.
>Ukraine calling anything shit
THE Ukraine can't into self-awerness
Germany start ww2, 17 days later Soviet invasion on Poland. After WW2 England and USA let Russia to control poland - polska get communism and we are poor. Now in 2017 in minds we still have mental communism.
I know. The difference is unbelievable.
>I grew up there,
So yes?
I'm not an anglo, you wannabe-Nord.
But tell me about these Chavs and Welsh heroin addicts. Do they go to Eastern-Europe to steal? Is that a thing they do?
>t. Poolish diaspora.
Into the trash you go, Ivan.
half Pole.
Communism is one hell of a drug.
>More Poolish diaspora
Like pottery.
You have to go back, Sergei.
It's a high tier first world country
Nothing wrong with it
>First-world country
It quite literally isn't.
I know several Poles, all hard working ambitious lads and suitably anti-muslim/terrorist, what's not to like? Poland is based.
You have to go back, Dimitri.
You've only used russian names so far you goddamn lego-nigger
>but Kraków is Prague tier
It's standards of living seem high enough
You should stop to insult their culture, patryk
>valuable answer is ignored
>the rest of the thread is throwing shit at each other
classic Sup Forums
>More Poolish diaspora
It's amazing that every single nationalist vodkanigger don't live in their own countries. Probably a coincidence.
Either way, you have to back Vlad.
...That's probably because you live in Flipland.
Then go live there you fucking cuck. I don't care if they hate niggers and muslims. They still don't belong here. England is for the English. I don't want to be ethnically replaced by a slav anymore than a Jamal or an Abdul.
comment was meant for
They live a lot better than Russia
Did some pole cuck you or something?
>Do they go to Eastern-Europe to steal? Is that a thing they do?
You are a dumbass.
Poor people always go to countries with high gibs. Why would a drug addict from Wales go to anywhere else, if he gets pretty good amount of gibs from his own government in the first place?
Please acknowledge that these poles in western europe are victims of the circumstance engineered by jews and we should start targeting libcuck politicians who enabled this globalist hellhole to emerge that is EU, not the Poles who move to UK for gibs because they can, they are allowed to, and sometimes, it's even encouraged, because "muh cultural experience"
Also, I am pretty sure most poles either work or study in UK, and they don't even actually ask for gibs at all. It's probably the somalis, pakis and other muzzies who abuse your welfare system and ask for gibs the most.
Germans are part Slavic, and look how well they do.
Based Danemark.
is that why you want to stop slavs but want to increase the number of indians and pakis coming in?
If by "cuck" you mean "treat my country like a criminal disneyland", then yeah, I got super cucked.
I wouldn't have anything against you vodkaniggers if you weren't such disgraceful cunts who steal in every single land that opens its borders to you.
It's no coincidence that Poland has always been African-tier.
how don't you get such basic truths at first?
fuck off with this divide & conquer, it makes me sick and tired
nobody in here. including me feels happy that there are lots of poles in UK, it's a bad thing
but they are not to blame when this is exactly what the globalists work for,
to make people want to leave their homes and move somewhere else
Poland is quite okay actually.
Are you actually trying to justify going to a civilized country and steal everything in sight?
Is that what you have been reduced to, Igor? Are you slavs actually *that* pathetic?
I'm speechless.