>mfw Sweden has never had a terrorist attack, meanwhile Germany and France is getting TRUCKED
Mfw Sweden has never had a terrorist attack, meanwhile Germany and France is getting TRUCKED
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>Sweden has never had a terrorist attack
Why would you kill your own people?
we have never had an islamic terrorist attack
Every single time you let Achmed rape your women it's a terrorist attack.
It did actually have at least one terror incident of the guy that worked for the Migration agency and blew himself up in stockholm. And there have been several foiled attempts.
Beyond that, terrorists sem to like it in sweden as terrorism is now one of the main swedish export industries.
>Sweden has never had a reported terrorist attack
>0 casualties aside from the suicide bomber
>He forgot about the guy packed with nails that prematurely bombed in the alley in Stockholm and harmed nobody
I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been more, though then comes the question, why would you bomb your base of operations?
Did Moderaterna fire that ISIS-supporting muzzie from the Riksdag yet?
what about that Lars Vilks incident
you guys can't even draw cartoons without getting shot
Why would terrorists attack a country they already own?
If kek wills it, let there be a truckening in Sweden!
That's Denmark
>bombing yourself
well you can keep getting raped I guess
as long as no one is bombed
Yes I remember that one but the guy only killed himself, total failure. More like a blessing than an attack.
That was a danish guy
That's because Sweden is their breeding ground Sven.
100% true danebro.
Why would terrorists blow stuff up in Sweden if they can just freely rape women as they like?
>>mfw Sweden has never had a terrorist attack
This is objectively false. I'm beginning to believe Swedes live in a form of North Korea.
You literally had a women captured and gangraped. Then you let them off.
Why would they kill you when they already own you?
this is actually a great point
There is a bigger muslim population in France and Germany. Not an argument.
He is swedish and his home has been attacked several times, I believe he now lives in hiding because of the famous Swedish tolerance
Only Sweden would see the mass rape of your people not as a form of terrorism.
we did have some mudskin speeding through a predestrian street in 2003, but he was deemed "crazy".... Most likely an Allahu Akbarian
"The best defense we have against terrorists is hope their bombs go off at the wrong time
...and have them fuck our women so Sweden becomes majority Muslim, they'll never kill their own.
...and im a faggot"
t. sweedcuck
Here's one:
But I guess OP was still 5 years old and living in Somalia at the time.
Why would they attack you? You are like us = You give them everything.
Not when you look at the percentages.
You are already their slaves. They don't kill those they own.
>grenades in the streets
Kys cuck
Keep telling yourself that.
Poland never had one either.
You know what else we don't have?
Oh wow, my sides
Read the link you sent you stuid leaf nigger. Only the terrorist died, 0 casualties. It was a blessing, one less Ahmed in our country, not an attack.
I am just counting down the days until we have one.
Honestly i hope we have a few.
The swedish people need some violence against them.
They need to remember what it is like not to feel safe.
Its all nice and cozy to virtue signal from your safe house.
But when the rapefugees move in beside you, and slowly rams their cocks in to your childrens anuses, suddenly removing kebab seems like a good idea.
>polis :DD
Well if you compare according to per capita, then yes sweden probably has more muzzies/immigrants. But obviously on a whole france and germany has alot more of them.
Yes, you still have a bigger muslim population. Our muslim population is 5%. France is higher
Islam has already subjugated your people and is now satisfied periodically raping your women, they don't need to kill you, they already won
> No terrorist attacks
> In a significant increase of bombings, Swedish police forensics investigated around 150 explosions in 2015.[1][2] There were over 30 grenade attacks reported in the Swedish city of Malmö alone by August 2015 of that year.
Lets get one thing clear. Every country have terrorist attacks. What people ofter refer to are deadly terrorist attacks. Those who does most terror acts are in general leftists that want to scare people to stop in politics. Those in leading terror attacks are radical vegans.
Read this before you talk. Feminists are alse terrorist. Just ask Erin Pizzy.
>Swedes live in a form of North Korea.
The West is the new North Korea. We (well, most of us) believe anything we're told by media and politicians.
That's because you guys arnt even fighting back your basically getting walked on, so what need Is there to even do a terrorist attack when you've already won.
What about that stabbing attack at Ikea?
I feel bad responding to someone who posted based Jimmie. Please never do it again with this shitty bait.
>Every country have terrorist attacks
Holy fuck Sweden, is this level of delusion only possible in countries as cucked as yours?
We NEVER had a terrorist attack, there were only attempts and those were domestic ones.
Why would they bomb you when you are ass up and spreading your cheeks for them? Islam is about getting people to submit and there is no country more submissive to Islam than Sweden.
The (((left))) is even starting to crackdown on "fake news" aka "not following the narrative news".
Terrorist attacks in the name of islam, the one you link are just sandnigger gangs throwing attacks at each other. That's gang violence
Says the country who had POLICE actively covering up 1,500 RAPES because it was too racist. You guys are getting shit on and also BOMBED. Next argument loser, this one wont do
Underterrorized post
>That's gang violence
>Poland has no "gang violence"
Holy fuck Mohammed.
dude looks like hes fucking asian
and you say americans are not white
>be me
>live in a balkan shithole that's on the migrants route to Cuckland
>scroll Sup Forums
>get eventually tired of Germanistan's and Sweden's cuck posts
>"Time to grab some fresh air"
>grab my baseball bat
>get my Zastava M57 just in case
>go to the immigrant routes
>beat the shit out of few shitskins
>rob couple of em
>tfw these shitskins carry more cash than half of my yearly salary
Sweden is like Spain, it's already part of the caliphate.
>mfw a swede stumps the entire Sup Forumscrew and the only argument they can bring to the table is ''b.but.. That's because they already own your country!!1''
>implying the middle east isn't suffering from terrorist attacks and car bombs on the daily and they are an islamic shithole. They bomb each other too
How did you all forget the most Swedish terror attack?
They enjoy raping our women too much to bother bombing it.
I bet they've sent plenty of terrorist cells up here but pulling women into bushes and raping them is much more fun for them.
Now guess, which one is gonne be more on the news, retard?
Warring factions bomb eachother. There are no factions in Sweden except for two: the dominant muslims and the submissive swedes.
Nice try, we're 30% non-Swedes. Muslims are a big part of that 30%
Dude literally looks like a WW2 caricature of a Japanese person
Sweden is my favourite country... but come on man!
totally agree, we need something big for the sheeps to finally wake up. sadly.
Might as well link thedailystormer, fake news. Plus it doesnt count all the poles, finns, germans, scandinavians etc. Nor the sandniggers that are christian. I'd argue our muslim population is like 10% after the refugee shit we imported max
but we're fighting.
Sweden is already ISIS' interracial breeding ground.
Seems to me that these attacks aim at polarizing the population (muslims VS non-muslims). A momentum could be gained through a period of chaos, hence these bombings and crazy truck dives into crowds.
Sweden appears to me as being in a deep state of chaos and incoming political instability already; moreover, the ethnic swedes, already deeply divided (liberals/right), are not living in the same society as the muslim populace. Like some parrallel communities living next to one another but not mixing that much. Thus it would be useless for the IS to initiate a polarization process of the "swedish" polupation as it's already taking place.
Pic somehow related.
This is le ebin trole. Rosengård, Rinkeby and Malmö are arabic shitholes. He will only meet sandniggers girl there. Le epic troll swedes
>only the news site that don't report on immigrant crime are worth paying attention to when it comes to immigrants and crime
You're welcome to give ONE example of friatider lying and making shit up.
Anyway it was from SCB you stupid cunt
Still bro, I've visited my online mate to Stockholm and its a fucking Middle Eastern country
Those are our two biggest middle eastern ambassads
I feel sorry for the whites living there
Your suburbs, your minority quotas, MP, rövén, FI, BMWF commercials every 3min on television, fucking gyppos in front of Ica and every subway station and the brainwashing going on in each and every one of your universities from Umeå to fucking Malmö is arguably worse than a terrorist attack.
I've legit almost got in jail because i said nigger to some guy.
Please sort urself sweden
>30% immigrants
That smells like bullshit
you can't get jailed for calling some one a nigger, i would be in for life at kumla if that was the case
Is it possible that the only crimes/attacks are not from refugies but from sweden men gettin butthurt about the whole cucking ? Kkek
No, Swedes don't like confrontation
I swear to god, I've been on a train station and there was a guard or some shit like that. And me and my mate we're talking about some random stupid shit. And out of nowhere some nigger comes and takes my cigarette out of my mouth. I literally shout in english 'Give it back, Nigger'. And the guard/police officer told me not to be racist and that i need to sort myself, after that he said that i could get in big trouble if i 'promote' hate speech and if i call someone niggers n' shit. I got soo fucking triggered and i just said fuck off to the officer and after that he gave me a warning and i just fucked off.
Yeah I've seen them escorting out a neger out of the subway once because he was drunk and loud. When they tried to handcuff him a group of disgusting nu-males were berating the security dudes saying it was unnecessary to handcuff him.
Blue line = worst line
What about those grenade attacks in Malmöstan?
How do you people manage to live with these monkeys?
If it was in Croatia I guarantee you that they would get killed.
Kek sees that sweden gets its happening january 20th during trumps inagauration
You don't bomb the place where you rape.
Of course you want an islamistic etteror attack, Ahmed Abdullah von Chingchong.
Just a reminder that the leader if the Swedish Democrats enjoys homosexual bars.
Yeah, they just rape all your women and live off tax payers. Nothing to see here, good goy as usual sweden
How are SD polling right now?
You might as well say there was a bigger black population in Rhodesia
That's only gangs attacking other gangs. If a nigger drives by and shoots two other niggers in Detroit as an act of revenge it's not called terrorism, it's gang violence.
Why would Islamists attack their home base?
They are polling gucci. Biggest party in Sweden
>never had a terrorist attack
wow, actually being this bad at history
What about that guy with a sword in a school?
Idk how they do it or why they do it. When I talk to Swedes it seems like a lot of them are not okay with what is happening currently but they'll still bash on SD, trump and the right in general at parties or class or when in group.
It's weird it's taboo.
We have it worse with foreigners here in Brussels though but at least we don't get in trouble for calling a nigger a nigger.
Aside from trouble with the nigs themselves that is.
The Swedes are good people but they absolutely need to change their mindset and behaviour when it comes to foreigners and women.
A terrorist attack should induce fear. If they attacks Sweden they would apologize for being attacked.
too bad SD is controlled opposition like the True Finns