Is IHOP the new International House of Sup Forums?
Is IHOP the new International House of Sup Forums?
American pancakes are fucking horrible. Get on our level faggot.
The left probably says that more than the right, who are more "TRUMP IS SOOOOO SMART"
That's a crepe, dude.
no thats just crap
What's that brown shit? Refugee feces?
Oh boy a vomit tortilla
those look like colon polyps
America has the best everything, faggot. Our unwanted immigrants could beat up your unwanted immigrants, and we can keep ours in check better
IHOP gtfo
>implying the Dutch don't have the superior pancake cuisine
get out
id fugg pooja right in the pooper
if you know what i mean
Looks like a tortilla with orange chicken on it
What did user mean by this?
>id fugg pooja right in the pooper
>if you know what i mean
>diabetes in a plate
Thus creating a blockage and stopping her from pooping in the street?
user, I advise you not do anything to hurt Indian culture, we need the memes to continue.
you don't eat the plate, silly brazilian
someone puked in your french burrito, senpai.
Yeah Paco and his homies are definitely not bringing and drugs or doing any rapes esay
That's a tortilla you fag
those are powdered corn tortillas you nigger
>being this much of a spic
you don't belong on this board, paco
Is that salt or powdered sugar on those burnt tea cookies, wood-cogs nigger?
powdered sugar of course
Yeah I have to say Sweden, most american food is shittier (pancakes included). At least in Australia the yuppies are stuck up cunts and I can eat nice european unamericanized food.
Fucking Russians again