>A migrant ship carrying 110 people has sunk off the Libyan coast and there are said to have only four survivors.
Thank you based Poseidon.
>A migrant ship carrying 110 people has sunk off the Libyan coast and there are said to have only four survivors.
Thank you based Poseidon.
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Are they in heaven with the angels?
They are in the fiery depths of hell for not accepting Jesus.
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you, based Poseidon.
>celebrating the deaths of people who were most likely a majority of harmless individuals
You can be against immigration but there's nothing defensible in laughing at people's misfortune, I don't understand how edgy faggots think it's cool to laugh at these people considering your governments and the people you elected are behind the destabilization of their countries.
Low IQ white racist niggers gonna nig though
Grow up neckbeard trash
A bunch of NEETS shitting on people, some probably children, trying to improve their lives from the comfort of their bedroom.
Here's your (You) Paco
iam not in bedroom pablo
ty, bP.
Jokes on you, I'm in my living room.
>there are said to have only four survivors.
that's 4 too many
Thank you based Poseidon
Oh no! 106 less criminals rapists and future criminals and rapists. Let me cry and pray for them.
Probably a pangender bachelor of dick crying over events it had no control over.
No one stopping you from hiring a boat and facing based Poseidon yourself.
If you can afford such a venture.
>Oh no! 106 less criminals rapists and future criminals and rapists. Let me cry and pray for them.
>everyone I don't like is a criminal and a rapist XD
Like I said you can be against immigration, but don't pretend that experiencing joy about the deaths of mostly innocent people is something a well adjusted human would do. Only edgy white trash would be this subhuman.
Sorry I know criminals and rapists hits a little too close to home.
>invading forces
Well, you see
Ah, carry on.
They aren't innocent of wanting me to pay for their gibs, are they?
Winter ain't no time to sail the Med in an overloaded cargo ship. But some fuckers will try.
Holy shit considering they have volunteers constantly patrolling 4 meters off the shore and smuggling refugees into Europe I'm surprised they didn't see them.
Thank you based Poseidon.
I'm not a migrant nor do I have any migrant friends or relatives. You know I am right, the vast majority of your right wing in the UK would also call you a subhuman for deriving joy in other people's misfortune.
Your views are just edgy shitposting trash of the lowest order, which is why this is being posted on an user imageboard.
Go back to redit then where your virtue signaling will be rewarded with le upboats XD
There is nothing wrong about shipping them back, but if you feel joy about their deaths you're just as lowly as the rapists and criminals you criticize so much.
Thank you based Poseidon
>le Gb2reddit maym XD
Nice one subhuman larper
>implying they're my (((right wing)))
>implying I give a shit what (((right wing))) politicians think
There is nothing low about celebrating the deaths of those who wish to murder us and destroy our countries. What's low is you defending them.
I'm not talking about politicians
The vast majority of people just don't find any joy in seeing people dying because they belong to x race or hold y views
Seek professional help if you aren't shitposting buddy
I wasn't taking joy in their deaths. Read the OP. 4 SURVIVORS! Based Poseidon can only do so much...
>all whites are bigoted racists who just want to oppress women and minorities
>all Muslims are just backwards savages who want to oppress and kill da white man
Bizarro SJWs never looked so cringey
Thank you based poseidon
Zilean ?
If you had a sombrero full of taquitos and only one or two was poisoned would you take a risk and eat one or would you throw them all away?
Thank you based poseidon.
How do we get rid of the other 4?
Thank you Based Posiedon
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you, based Poseidon.
Who's pretending?
The research has been done.
>Hypothesis: No
>Conclusion: No
>lemme just parrot this offtopic m&m's meme while pretending it's relevant to the issue to justify my sociopathy
You are, the rest of the well adjusted world sees you for the subhumans you are.
When the enemy dies, you don´t feel joy, but somehow a feeling of relief.
>INB4 muh peaceful immigrants
Potential terrorists and rapefugees are among them, so they classify as a threat
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
Reminder that on 911, regardless of who was ultimately responsible, large street parties took place across the Arab world.
Most Muslims aren't terrorists nor do they pose an immediate physical threat to people, and while I don't personally support an absolute ban on immigration I don't think it's good to let a big number of them in without proper screening and control.
What you're doing is dehumanizing them and painting them as some hivemind enemy to justify your shitposting ways, I hope you're not doing it unironically for the good of your own mental health.
Most people in this thread are mentally underage larpers and memers on several layers of irony or they are just plain subhuman.
Thank you based Poseidon.
>Where da white women at?
At the bottom of the sea, you fucking mudblood.
How is that analogy off topic? A boat full of "refugees"and a few may be extremists? They should take them anyway? Does the average european outside of government want them? Did they ask them to get on an overcrowded and decrepit boat ? Fuck off with your virtue signalling .
>>be a nigger in africa
>>work my ass off to earn 2000 euros
>>suddenly (((someone))) appears and ask you 2000 euros and will drop you in europe
>>be in the boat, imagine all the money from the euros
>>but poseidon drags the boat into the mediterranean, everyone scared
>>last thoughts
>>with the money i could had a bigger farm, a new and bigger hut, could work in a construction for a chinese, having a family with the negress i loved, somehow improved
>>now i feel the cold embrace of poseidon
>>bodies and sharks all around me
>>one shark is closing me
>>i could stayed and tried
>>now my tears become one with the sea as the shark begins eating my drowning body
>>my rests became food for the fish and crabs
>mexican intellectuals
Oh man.....I would make sweet good-looking white babies with this woman even if I knew she was going to divorce me later in life and leave me penniless. At least I'd die thinking "Muh Genes"....
Nice get. You should pressure the Mexican Navy to send rescue boats paid for by Mexican taxpayers to demonstrate solidarity for Europe in its time of crisis. And resettle them in Mexico. Your virtue signal will be strong then.
Safe boating every one
Not even a convincing boob job desu.
>Libyan Coast
>Falklands not being British
Argentine education everybody
>how is that analogy offtopic
Because I don't support open immigration, you assblasted retard, your child-tier analogy could be solved by screening immigrants before they enter, just as easily as you could analyze muh m&m's for poison
It also has nothing to do with the fact people think it's justifiable to laugh at all their deaths because some of them might be violent people
It's clear you're some right wing retard with all these m&m's and 'virtue signaling' right wing parrot lingo and memes
We got another cookie cutter alt-rite retard in the house, see >meme intellectuals
dont forget to surrender your bin, abdul
I support closed, secured borders and a strict regulation on immigrant policies so that only people from actual warzones can get in.
These people were at least 70% economic refugees, i can guarantee you that. And if they are dumb enough to risk their life to live of welfare then they deserve it.
Thank you based poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
So you aren't going to pressure the Mexican navy to send ships? That's funny because I'm pretty sure my nation DID dispatch a vessel to aid in these waters. So in effect I'm doing more to help these people than you.
asalaikum asalam, brother
too late hans, your genes are destroyed and you're only russian rape-babies.
Thank you BASED Poseidon
Came to post this, Poseidon is a faggot for not finishing the job
thank you based Poseidon
>s-screen them, th-that will show them!
These niggers come here with fake passports saying that they are 15 and from Syria when they are actually 21+. Some do not even have a passport. The police in their home countries is shit-tier, most offenders do not even get registered.
Also, the truck driving terrorist was a recognized M16 and morrocan police terror suspect, but the cucked german authorities still let him in because
>muh prejudice
We have to fear for our lives and our women, and these niggers and mudslimes mostly are just too lazy to work and take the risk of sinking.
Less danger for us, more dead retards. Natural selection at its finest.
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
T. Poseidon
Please also kill niggers who try to come to Straya.
And don't eat me when I am surf.
Thank you based Poseidon.
We will not forget about you
Soon we will awaken all the old gods, just you wait
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon.
Poseidon has witnessed
More niggers will die
Thank you based Poseidon