•Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager, was one of the operatives working in Ukraine to install a pro-Russian government.
•Paul Manafort and Roger stone worked close together for years, and ran a "pro-torture" lobby in DC. They own a mutual lobbying firm - one of the most powerful in Washington.
•Manafort went missing for several weeks in 2010 (as well as 2014) - same year the documents allege that Trump began to be cultivated by Moscow. - Roger Stone openly joked he was kidnapped by the Russians.
•Trump began birthirism in 2011.
•Cory Lewandowski was fired from Trump's campaign and Paul Manafort put in.
•Immediately, Trump's stance on Russia changed - pledged to remove sanctions on Russia full-stop.
•Manafort was found to receive an off-the-books 12-million dollar payment in Ukraine.
•Manafort's ties were discovered and resigned, but CONTINUED TO LIVE IN TRUMP TOWER AND ADVISE DONALD TRUMP.
•Simultaneously - DNC is hacked by Russia.
•Mysteriously, Roger Stone tweets that he knows of Podesta leaks before ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THEM IS RELEASED
•Trump "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing" and he declines to tell Russia not to meddle in the U.S. election, saying: "I'm not going to tell Putin what to do. Why should I tell Putin what to do?"
•Trump hires Steve Bannon - also known well by Roger Stone.
•General Flynn and Carter Page - two men with deep ties to Russia - also join the campaign.
•Russians accused of Podesta and DNC hacks formally in October - Trump denies.
•Trump wins - continues to be soft on Russia - Intel Community formally declares it was Russia.
•TalkingPointsMemo reports that General Michael Flynn is giving Trump daily 'intelligence updates.'
•Russian diplomats and two compounds inside US shut down, people kicked the fuck out.