Has anyone got any SJW stories?

has anyone got any SJW stories?
I hear about them daily but rarely do I see them first hand, and what I see first hand is alien to me

while my first response is simply to avoid them, this is not always an option

Well I had a high school girl get me to fill in a questionnaire about the wage """"gap"""". Safe to say I sperged out and ticket all the neutral responses so I wouldn't have to explain myself

Oh yeah I did a few language electives in uni, one was about global languages or something like that and we did presentations. Had to listen to this koreaboo feminist do a presentation on feminist kpop

Oh yeah now I remember walking past socialist alliance stalls at uni entrance
I remember one guy says "are you interested in left wing ideas" as I walk past
another is in convrsation as Iwalk past. he says to other guy "Actually I have a shirt you might like, it says 'fuck tony abbott'"

>talking to a friend of a friend to be polite
>she says she yelled at her boyfriend while he was at work
>curiosity gets the better of me and I ask why she did it
I'l try to phrase this so someone might make sense of it
>her father left has as a child, so she "dissociates", which means her boyfriend going to work "triggered" her, thus yelling incoherently at him over the phone was an entirely reasonable and moral thing to do

now a lot of liberals would disagree with her I'm sure, but there seems a common thread in liberal thinking here
but I just don't get it
it's like they believe in a infinite cascade of moral culpability, her dad passed he buck to her, so she passes it on
they care more about "individual justice" than they do about "end result" if that makes sense

I knew one that had no problems taking coke considering the unethical way it gets up here, but she threw a fucking tantrum when she saw me wear a Canada Goose jacket because of fur.

if I got a euro for every time someone swore veganism after ten seconds of though and a trendy lecture

I put it to a vegan once that treating animals poorly then eating them was better than wiping them out to have farmland

I was told that overpopulation was the cause, and wiping out people would mean there was more room for farms AND animals

when I pointed out that people were in fact animals, and asked how we equate the value of a human life to that of a monkey or an ant; I was just yelled at hysterically

the nearest to sjw i got was when my sister asked me in a joking manner if Floki will convert ti islam.
I mentioned that it wouldnt surprise me since the jews who run the media are pushing towards things like that.
She got annoyed and said she doesnt want to talk to me.
Before that, also my sister, Trump announced that he will run for president, sister also noticed it, joked about it and i claimed that its no longer a joke that the leftist, communist jew agenda is is reaching its peak and that the people are awaking to it.
She then mentioned the poor refugees, Syria and terrorists.
I redpilled her about the whole matter and told her that Assad will be the first of his kind to survive the onslaught of the west and israel.
She had no idea what to say so she just stopped talking.
The 3rd encounter i had with 'sjw ism' was when my first gf invited me to her birthday party, i met an amerishart grill, she was hot, i was drunk, but she was repulsive because i smelled it on her, the stench i usually smell when watching aljazeera or cnn, at the formal part of small talk.
I just threw the redpills at her and she wanted to get offended and shit, claiming i have no idea what im talking about.
I remember, and admire myself, when i composed a sentence that resonated in her ears.

>I like to see myself as 'old school', it is the only thing respected here, to be like that, to act and live by that, but to people running sheltered lives i know i seem primitive. I wouldnt have it any other way.
>cleans dust off of upper part of adidas tracksuit
I groped her later and had unprotected sex but thats the last i ever hear from her.
Now, lately i see the ugly western hipster trends emerging in the youth here. I cant stand it and avoid people like that. Especially foreigners. They are the carriers of western communist agenda, they dont know it, but they are.
In the mid 00s, my highschool almost got infected with the emo trend, but it was the 'primitive' savages that eradicated it

A guy I know would does social justice work got threatened by an owner of a magazine who was drunk one night and threatened to "expose" the guy I know as a terrible person. This was all very sudden and scary considering the big contacts that person had and just how this was the first time he even knew she had an opinion on him.

A lot of SJW's can be like, they are people that are really sensitive and cowardly who still feel like they want to do something important and improve the world but somehow they think it's ok to have this very toxic attitude to it all where they are so right that they don't need to have a dialogue but instead just call out / threaten people into submission.

It's retarded and also sad how many people who do social justice stuff that just stay out of call-out culture and SJW circles instead of confronting and fix it.

none so blind as those who don't want to see

better focusing your energy on people who arn't close minded
liberals have no interest in challenging their own thinking, they only participate in debate to convert and virtue signal

they love to make fun of us, but the joke is always on them in the end

>talking to a girl at a bar
>I say I'm traveling to america
>girl blurts out how I shouldn't because trump is evil and he hates veterans etc etc
>I say that while I'm sure there are issues, I doubt I would be affected ( effected?)
>she yells at be in the bar because " [you] are white" "a man" "not gay"
I have no idea why she was angry at me, it's like she genuinely held me personally responsible for what other straight white men did because I am a straight white man

as usual, I claimed to be a non-practicing jew and was deeply offended by her ignorance
>mfw she actually apologized profusely

Same thing man, I always claim to be Jewish to get out of certain situations. It always works

i worked with a bunch at my last job. heard one of them say "fuck the patriarchy" out loud once. it was surreal.

>not gay
ive never had someone tell me im not gay. fucking correct her next time. wish i had saved the /k/ image of some dude in class who goes gay to defend 2A.

>he hates veterans
jesus fucking christ, msm must be really good to get that message in.

maybe we should start a fake jewish church where Sup Forumsacks can get pictures taken doing jewish-looking things

that way anyone who critisized us could be called racist and ignorant, and we could justify whatever we did on "our faith" in the same was muslims do

Guess I married one, lol. It's not perfect but I need to be with someone who challenges me, she's really smart and really headstrong, she doesn't take any shit.


the MSM does a great job of covering trump here

your average Australian would know only a few things
1. he's an idiot
2. he's a racist who hates gays, freedom, the rest of the world
3. he only won the election by a loophole (the bi-cameral system) and because poor people don't vote

today I heard gays talk about him like he was hitler
yesterday someone said obamacare was going to save America

if they knew how much our politicians gave to the clinton foundation (about 70 million) they might start to question

Some girl in my universityl tried to inform me that rape isn't just forced sex. I told her "nope, rape is still what it used to be". Answer I got back went something like this

>poor people don't vote
it used to be only land-owning men could vote. We gave everyone the right, it's out of our hands now if they don't fucking vote.

>be private tutor in school in good old germany
>Math and physics
>Have the tuition 2 times a week
>Normally mind my things and only talk about the subject ( math )
>Last tuition i make the mistake talk about the degenerates in our society after one of my students ( he was 16 ) asks me about my gf
>Small discussion maybe 3 minutes long
>I say: "Thank god i found a women that didnt bang 30 dudes to find herself like all the sluts who think its progressiv to jump on every dudes dick"
>All the kids laugh ( 5 studenst, all male and say i'm right )
>"You know it is hard in your age ( people laughed because hard ) to think straight but never hook up with some bitch who slept with more man then letters in her name
>Next day i get a call from the principal ( a women who would have guessed)
>"Mr.user we need to talk"
>Forced to go to the principal ( fat )
>Next to the principal is the headteacher of the class i tutored ( a women, never expected that )
>Mr. user this is mrs. LovesCux ( close your eyes and imagine a german feminist, hint : You can see their armpithair even during winter ) and she reported to me that some students talked about your comments.
>The comments you made about women are disgraceful and its such a backwards mindset in the year 2016
>I'm literally getting the "Its 2016 ""argument served here
>The headteacher needed to adress the topic because your hateful comments disturbed many students
>They both look at me like i'm a fucking freak
>I made the mistake to say that increasing sexual partners increase the divorce rates
>They both get red heads
>All hell breaks lose when Lovescux starts yelling something about the importance of respect for women and their sexual needs
>"But Miss. LovesCux i have a libido as well but i'm not a degenerate who fucks different people like an animal in a short time"
>Lose my job
>Didnt even get a certificate for tutoring kids in my free time

Feels Bad man

Have some stories if you guys want

I once said "I just don't understand why the beggars can't just get jobs instead" which was followed by a wave of "are you serious?", "wow you're a terrible person", "can't you place yourself in their shoes" etc.

I didn't call them gypsies, say they were criminal, that they are in the country illegally (which they are, contrary to popular belief), that they illegally occupy and destroy people's property etc. All I said was that I don't understand why they don't just get a job.

Welcome to Sweden I guess.

american democracy is openly discredited in our schools

mandatory voting is shown as virtuous because of the way it entrenches socialism in the system, goes everyone a fair go etc etc

as with everything else we are taught, holding a different view will see you alienated by the school administration itself

will post a good story

you fucked up pretty bad user

Out of curiosity, which university?

Hans, I really hope that is true. If so continue with more. keks are being had

Please go on. I must learn more of current year Germany

Melbourne uni yeah?

But do you mandate that you show your ID prior to voting? If you do then you are suppressing the vote of People of Colo(u)r shitlord.

>feminist kpop
This is an oxymoron.

Is Australia the capital of SJWs?

I swear almost Australian I've met are super liberal.

Anyway, there's mentally ill cunts here too but some i know are actually chill and don't go full autismo like in the west. They're still a disease though. Except for this fat roastie who is super annoying.

Honestly you were dumb to say that. Discussing politics at the workplace, especially if you're in a teacher position, is a sure way to lose your job. I know leftists usually get away with it, but that doesn't change the reality that mentioning even political statements that are completely true at your workplace is stupid.

University of Oulu, we're fucked

Can't believe he memes are real

socialists are wrong

The odds that this is true are quite high.
This is not the first time a Sup Forums Kraut posted this.

>I told her "nope, rape is still what it used to be".


objectivism is cure for SJW crap
so it pointing out 1800s USA went from rock to no1
hong kong same in 1900s
same with chile, went from poorest to richest per capita in south america
thats right all people got richer!!
sure some inequality but all got much richer
lowest person higher than avg of other south american country
all got richer
poor moved to middle

Are leftists every consistent?

>hates unregulated corporate capitalism, GMOs, and non-organic foods
>does hard drugs.

>Believes in the full dignity of the mentally disabled, animals, and plants. Always advocates for "nature".
>wants abortion on demand and believes in "family planning".

>respects all cultures and religions
>"lmao ben carson has a picture of jesus in his house what a retard xD"

Every time.

This is how how cucked women are in norway

>Watching Mad Max at a friends place
>Fat gf says the girls in the movie are stick thin
>beta bf agrees saying they need more meat on their bones
>I look around the room and nobody seems to notice
>bite my tongue

in america anyone that weighs less than 170lbs is stick thin

Well okay

>Before i get fired i had a class full of fucking retards
>There are 3 things you can get in germany when attending school
>Haupt-, Realchule and Gymnasium
>Gymnasium is needed to study
>Hauptschule is trash and only inbreeds go there
>Have 5 kids who want to have Realschulasbschluss
>barely made Hauptschule
>5 kids
>1 black kid, 3 turks/arabs and 1 german
>he german kid had autism and was as bad as the "normal" sandniggers black kid
>Black kid is muslim
>Cant figure out anything in math
>Jamal what is 3x + 3x
>I stand there waiting
>AHAHAH *negro starts clapping* i have it Mr. user ITS 6!
>Jamal what happened to the x?

This kid is acting like all the cliche niggers i have seen in American Liveleaks footage but he is "german". He was born in Germany, he only speaks german ( or he is atleast trying ) but somehow he has all the fucking stereotypes from a hoodrat in America

God and the parents
>German kid has autism ( thats what his moms says)
>Moms come to me one day
>Yeah my son had a 4,5 in the last exam
>I thought she would congratulate me because he had 2 6 in a row ( 6 is the worst grade you can get here )
>She says he had everything false with Binomi
>Because of your lessons he didnt get a better grade you teached him wrong
>Rants about 5 minutes
>After she is gone i ask the german kid to bring out his notices
>Look at them
>The lazy piece of shit started copying them wrong the moment i didnt controlled him

I swear to god now i'm forced to go to him every 5minutes to check if he writes correctly everything down

I have never encountered them in person desu.

so here is a good one

I was studying law back in school, our teachers had a lot of freedom in how they ran things
we had a unit on "people and society" where we looked at the effects of law changes on the community
my teacher does transgender rights

I listen to what she says, that "bi-gendered bathrooms violate human rights"
that "the laws are written to protect individuals, not society"
decided it no good could come of causing a fuss

she asked me the answer to a question that was more or less "what does the law say about equal opportunity"
I prefaced the literal textbook answer with "according to the text"
straight away she said "not according to the text, it's true"
I didn't say anything, hoping she would be forced to move on
instead she asked the best goy in the class "what do you think about this [good goy]"
good goy gives very passionate speech on inclusiveness including various scientific misrepresentations
this all very much directed at me
teacher look at me "any different views we can discus class"
I say nothing
"what about you user, you gave a good answer before"
apologize and say I wasn't paying attention
get sent out of class for "not participating"

write the essay
get summoned to principals office apparently my reasoning was flawed, my opinions not supported by science (even though it's not a science class), my work offended everyone who read it

silly me, I forgot that:
"human rights" and international treaties superseded our court system
transgenderism has no negative impact on the community
that our study material represented a complete and universally accepted resource
that our school has a charter of behavior that excludes harassing transgender students, which my paper clearly did
"gender" and "sex" are not the same, and the people writing laws 50 years ago knew that too
the right to an opinion does not include "hate speech" or "bullying"

got pulled from the class because the teacher refused to teach me; despite being a public servant

thanks Otto

>School starts for me ( i work only 3 hours and get 45 Euro so its pretty okay ) at 12 and ends at 15
>Come in the classroom
>everything is demolished , chairs are broken, posters are ripped from the wall blood on the floor
>german kid is there alone
>Say : Michael what happened
>Sandnigger 1 and Sandnigger 2 started fighting because of religion
>Find out from a friend that one is Shia the other is Sunni and they started tearing each other apart and their friends joined.
>2 people lost few teeth and one had a broken jaw

>Last week before christmas
>I'm half Polish and we celebrate Christmas like crazy
>Have already great attitude because i'm going to see my grandparants and uncles i didnt see for a year
>When i part with somebody i say : "Frohe Weihnachten" which translates in Merry Christmas
>Say it to Mrs. LovesCux
>She comes closer to me and says i shouldnt say it because not everybody is celebrating Christmas
>"Miss i celebrate Christmas and most of the population celebrate it even if they dont believe in the religous background story and i will not change it"
>She gets upset and complains to the teacher who hired me
>Gets BTFO because she says i work better than everybody else and every student i had made progress

Mrs. LovesCux was annoying and i know for sure nobody liked her.
She was the most annoying person there and went completly apeshit when i told her that most men are better in physics than women

>brother leaves his wife and three kids to shack up with a shovel faced gook tranny
>not even passable, looks a fat man in a black wig
>haven't talked to either of them in years
>parents invite them over to the old house for christmas
>though neither of them celebrate christmas, they come over
>have to get them presents at the last second
>order them digital copies of yurope while sitting on the toilet
>tranny starts to read his copy in a corner while everyone else is eating dinner since he is a vegan and the only meat he swallows is alabama white snake
>gets to pic related and runs out of the house crying
>trips over a dog that someone was walking, screams mother fucker, and punches the dog walker in the face
>gets into my brothers civic, drives it into an oncoming motorcyclist
>guy on the bike lives but his bike is totally, Jackie Chan dies a few days later from internal injuries
>brother is now living with his wife and children again

>mandatory voting is shown as virtuous because of the way it entrenches socialism in the system, goes everyone a fair go etc etc
So propaganda?

Back in late October, wound up discussing why I didn't completely disavow Trump despite the rape accusations, even though I still condemned Hillary after the DoJ/FBI said the case didn't warrant charges. My response was that while she was not charged with a crime, the evidence that she committed one was crystal clear. There was zero evidence that Trump committed a crime beyond a few people making as of yet unsubstantiated claims, and they could be lying to get publicity and push an agenda, and I won't assume someone is guilty without evidence.

She said that was rape culture.

yes, lots and lots of propaganda

liberals are deep in our school system

>shes probably offended i assume
>im offended by this

anti SJW are the true SJW

Unfortunately that is their ace in the hole. What the fuck can you even say to that? My social justice minded girlfriend actually believes in a rape culture. I don't know how to respond to that. She says false rape allegations are such a minuscule part of actual rape allegations so every woman must be taken seriously as if they've truly been raped, and that the burden of proof lies on proving that she wasn't raped instead of proving that she was raped.

Fuck this gay earth.

I grew up in the bay area so I have hours of this kind of shit. My favorite was a burnout dreaded commie sjw who told me that "buying and selling things is ok, but that's not capitalism".

For what it's worth you got it correct. Affected.

>tfw dating an sjw
>tfw secretly redpilling her

> how to respond to that
Rape cultures exist. It's called Sharia law. In the shitskin sandbox of the Middle East, if a woman is raped SHE gets punished for adultry. In those countries, rape literally is allowed and accepted for men and women really are treated like garbage.

In America and the rest of the relatively civilized world, rape is illegal and sexual predators are THE MOST stigmatized group of people, culturally speaking. Even murderers in prison are treated better than rapists. Try saying you're a rapist to your co-workers or friends. See what kind of rape culture you live in.

> Burden of proof lies on proving she wasn't raped
Under what pretex are you bypassing the foundations of our legal system? You can't have justice and legal theory work one way for rape but another way for every other crime.

Also, get a girlfriend who isn't a retard.

> i work better than everybody else

>be me
>skyping with this liberal bisexual jewish girl from Seattle,
>Yes you heard me right
>I wish I was joking, but we're good friends
>topic of the election comes up
>she says the we must think that they're retarded for electing such a "lideral natsi :DDDDD"
>say I'm pro Trump
>You could see something die inside of her eyes
>she giggles nervously and asks me why
>pulls a rant about why he's better for the working class and for continued international peace
>"but user how can you say that?He hates immigrants, muslims, gay people and jews!"
>I say that it's retarded to think that he hates jews when his daugher is converted to judaism, when his top advisor and son-in-law is a jew, that he has several jewish advisors and cabinet candidates and he's been praised by Netanyahu
>also say that Trump hates ILLEGAL immigrants and that he had the highest Latino voter turnout of any Republican candidate in history
>you can really see that her mental gears are going at max right now
>Give her some links that proves he isn't anti-gay
>mentions that Mike Pence is, so that's all the more reason for her to want Trump staying in office
>she gets this smug smirk on her face
>"all right, all right, I'll send you something that will change how you see EVERYTHING!!"
>she sends pic related
>my sides are in shambles at this point
>I'm just barely holding back the hysterical laughter
>she says "uuughh whatever, bye" and ends the call
>finally burst out in the toppest of keks
Sounds fake and gay, I know, and I wish that it was. Best goy aren't I?

You need to look into a REAL rape culture, then explain to her the difference between our culture of female supremacy, and cultures where women are raped, brutalized, and murdered for wanting to wear what they like, sleep with who they want, or for wanting to get an education.

>people of colour
ah! You may be confusing some of our local wildlife for sentient taxpayers.

>mfw my father's family is jewish and Im openly racist, getting out of trouble when I claim being jewish

>at concert before the show
>Guy is taking selfies of himself with the crowd in the background.
>someone flips him off, he sees it in his selfie.
>turns around and starts shouting "This guy is a hater, this is what's wrong with America!"
>everyone just stares.
>In Boston so surrounded by hipsters.
>nothing else happen

That's an SJW, surrounded by SJWs for you.

I always love seeing a Sup Forums tier meme image pop up on normiebook as anti-Trump, fucking nerds