>people, who have never lived in homogeneous society, think homogeneous society is nice
haha. you guys are kidding.... right?
>people, who have never lived in homogeneous society, think homogeneous society is nice
haha. you guys are kidding.... right?
Want to switch places with me?
I can say ah so and nod
people will just say 'wow nippuitsu, you've grown so tall and white'
you can take my place, no one will notice.
What's wrong with it?
I kind of like racial diversity in my town desu tho, you really need something to dilute the whiteness.
so would you like to live in villedge where 80% of people are my relative?
It's like hellhole...
What is wrong with it gozaimasu?
>Person who's lived their whole life in a homogenous society thinks it not great but has never had to deal with niggers.
Yeah, I'll just move sempai desu ga
too bad Japan's international marriage rate is declining AHAHAHAHA!!!!
You faggot's dream is over!!!!!!!AHAHAHAHA!!!
I am looking forwards for watching Japan in 2100.
Oh look it's this faggot again
fuck off Jew York proxy
You guys need to let some more black bulls into your country to increase the size of yo shrimps, if you catch my drift.
I never experienced a homogeneous society. I grew up when Denmark was 93% ethnic danish and now live in a 89% ethnic danish society.
my parents however keep telling me about Denmark when it was 97% ethnic danish and by and large it was a MUCH better society. Safe, politically aligned and trust inspiring.
So FUCK you Jap
So no incest then? No hot submissive mother your elderly dad doesn't touch? Or older sis having boyfriend problems? Or younger sis obsessed with her Onii-chan? Fuck, its like I was painted an unrealistic picture of japanese life by dating sims!
Japanese people don't make baby without marriage.
International marriage is decline=don't make hafus=Japan keep race pure
Except it actually is nice, what are you talking about Sushi?
>it's that autistic racemixing English teacher again
Better than dealing with niggers 24/7
Go to sleep Corporal.
Trying way too hard to type like a gook, American proxy faggot. Probably also a disinfo Jew. Please die.
WHats wrong fatass none of the Jap girls want to fuck you so you're crying?
Yeah I lived in Israel, it REALLY needs diversity.
Shit is so boring in homogenous societies, why don't the refugees go to Israel too?
Obviously it sucks if you are non white.
Jews and niggers fucking with other people societies for no reason
This is so fucked. I hate these assholes so fucking much, just leave Japan alone Jesus Christ.
Nobody said it is "nice." We are saying that it's "good."
Of course, in a homogenous culture there are higher expectations. Instead of having to fight with inferior cultures that ruin whatever they touch, you are able to focus on improving yourself.
It's only bad if you're an inferior member of your tribe. For everyone else it's very good.
homogenous society = racist towards all minorities
I thought the same.
definitely better than D I V E R S I T Y
They have lived in a homogenous society. Most poltards are bumfuck rural hicks or suburbanites.
Honestly that's impressive.
Hi David. It's nice to see you again.
You should try it, Englishteacher-san.
Also, you have to go back whitu piggu.