>Sup Forums WILL defend this
Sup Forums WILL defend this
He should have just said that he can't possibly trust Merkel
Merkel is objectively worse and explicitly more evil.
>trusting an ex-commie officer destroying an entire continent or and ex-commie officer from a country that was the enemy for 50 years
Obama spied on her.
Hes right you know.
They just want him to say that he trusts putin so they can further claim he us a puppet. Nobody who is sane would trust merkel now.
this, im disappointed he didnt say putin
Merkel hasn't gone to war and annexed a foreign country yet .... other than Putin.
This is disgusting he should have said he trusts Merkel less
Why should he trust this evil cunt ? That's the real question
Merkel is an enemy of all whites. As well as a jew.
>annexed a foreign country
Thats what she tries to do with all of Europe.
Smart. Because whoever he says, then when there is disagreement the media will claim "oh but dont you trust ____ more?"
Merkel, aka Kasner is the worst lying, mischievous sack of shit in all of European politics.
literally nothing wrong with this
Anyone who says they trust Merkel should be forced to live in an area of Europe filled with her immigrant children.
Fuck Merkel.
Serious question: why would you not trust Putin?
What promise has he ever broken?
mutti merpig BTFO
>trust the woman who's constantly changing her mind on policy
>multiculturalism has failed
>one million migrants please
>multiculturalism has failed
>we must redouble our efforts
Even if Putin actually hacked the US election he's still more honest than Merkel.
Any rational person who hasn't been living under a rock for the last 6 months would be able to defend this.
Why would he talk about his relationship with Putin at all? With news agencies frothing at the mouth looking to connect Trump and Putin in some sort of super secret master plan evil friendship sort of thing, why would he say publicly that he trusts Putin more than Merkel? - which btw makes total sense, because Merkel is a dink.
Isn't this a crime in germany? Be careful germanbro.
>trusting a german
Paco in 4 days you must go back to Mejico.
He said nothing wrong.
Neither of those people are trustworthy.
Because it's a trap. Anyway, Putin is much more trustworthy than Merkel and Trump knows it.
Merkel is evil bitch
Russians cannot be praised or they get cocky
Good luck, Germanbros. I really do wish the best for you, despite the shitposting I do.
Pretty stupid question, since he hasn't even met either of them.
She let her own country be swarmed by mudslimes
>implying Obama didn't get caught wire tapping Merkel's phone
>implying Putin didn't get more power than ever under Obama and Obama didn't do a damn thing until after the election
it's a ridiculous question which has no good answer
fuck you
Sounds like a good excuse to stop tolerating the US's spying in germany.
This is indefensible. It's obvious Trump is morth trustworth tham Merkel.
> the eternal kraut
>abusing our ally like this
It's not even a hard choice
Trump is a faggot, all talk no action, like all the zionist scum
Who the fuck trusts Merkel?
She did worse. She betrayed her own countries National identity by letting in millions of mudslimes to rape German women.
I think he trusts putin more as long as vlads got HD footage of trump jackin it off to a pee pee enema cuckolding video. Promise of that being kept secret makes man do wondrous things
Why burn bridges before entering office?
>annexed a foreign country
what country would that be?
No, she just facilitated Eastern Partnership program whose aim is to drag former USSR states away from Moscow without giving them EU membership and related benefits and a violent coup in Ukraine (along with US and other EU countries) that led to Crimea's reunification with Russia.
He's not even a president yet, you Mormon.
team up with putin and invade germany
lmao fuck off
Merkel is a traitor to the German people
If you ask him "Who do you like more? Kim Jon Un or Merkel" he would still avoid the question. Because if he answers "Merkel, obviously" he risks pissing off north korea and starting a conflict. Same situation with this question, by answering it by default he makes relations worse with at least 1 nation. That's not worth a stupid lib question.
Why do you libs want the USA to be at war with fucking everyone?
She's imported millions of Muslims into Europe, and has manipulated Southern Europe's economies via euro for further economic and influential gain. The EU needs to have been dismantled, five years ago.
>Merkel hasn't gone to war and annexed a foreign country yet
I'd rather annex foreign countries than get annexed myself, kaffir.
Putin triggers them because of Russia's anti-gay policies, and the fact that he shat on their queen Hillary.
Stop giving me yellow fever, dammit!
Putin was never communist. Putin loves power, and in USSR, KGB was power. He had to be Party member, so what. It was a requirement.
When the coup in 1991 happened he immediately joined Yeltsin against the commie hardliners and opposed his former KGB colleagues.
>Putin triggers them because of Russia's anti-gay policies
Policies like 'don't talk to children about your degenerate lifestyle'
Let them be triggered.
I stopped defending Trump a long time ago.
He's an obvious con man and Putin puppet.
Merkel is a traitor
merkel annexed germany / EU for somalia and syria
Saying you trust merkel is same as openly admitting being clinically retarded.
>Putin loves power
who doesn't?
i believe his main motivation is patriotism, really
Merkel was part of the East German AgitProp division.
Seems she actually took Frankfurt shit to heart, unlike Putin.
Because he trusts neither and doesn't want them to know it yet. NEVER TELL THE ENEMY YOUR PLANS. Or, in the case, the competition. Putin works for Russia, you can't trust him unless working with you is in Russia's best interest. Merkel works for jihad, same deal. The only reason Trump sides with Putin is that the USA and Russia have compatible goals in some respects.
This. /thread
Putin bombs ISIS.
Merkel imports ISIS.
>what is EU
>what are rapefugees
Well done ahmed
Hans is 100% correct. It was a loaded question to begin with.
>Do you support blending babies or smashing them with a hammer
merkel is a disgusting piece of shit race traitor and should be run over by a truck
I'd rather trust a Jew than Merkel
good friends always wants to know what they think about each other :)
Checked and /thread
you'd better microwave those hdds
>implyng he can trust either of them
at least with putin you know his motives , putin loves russia and does everything for russia.
with merkel you cant know what she's planning.does she wanna destroy germany out of some repressed WW2 antigerman sentiment or does she wanna become the next caliph.
>Putin, for better or worse, puts Russian interests first
>Merkel, for worse or even worse, puts """""Syrian""""" """"""""refugee"""""""" interests first
>both are leaders in their respective national governments
gee whizz jimbo doesn't that just tickle your pickle
Both served to the same agency.
What s the problem?
>for better or worse
that's literally his job.he always puts russia first , he should always put russia first and it would be a bad thing if he didnt.
obviously any leader will put his country first and fuck over others if needed because that's their job as leader.however the world stage is not a zero-sum game and there enormous benefits to be gained b international cooperation.
that being said actively going against the interests of your country and not being immediate thrown out of office is absurd.what the fuck is wrong with germans man.
>When the coup in 1991 happened he immediately joined
Sobchak in St.-Petersburg. Because, as you said, he likes power. And money.
STAZI and KGB are different things. STAZI was pretty much independent and responded only to GDR leader.
"For worse" was speaking WRT American/international interests, m8. Nothing against Putin for that. That actually is his job, and all.
Point I was making is that by that metric Putin is more trustworthy
Holocaust guilt has cucked an entire country to a level unseen in human history. I honestly don't know if I think there's less hope for Sweden or Germany at this point. Also, you can thank rich globalist Jews in large part for this cucking, through non-stop "muh holocaust" media and reducto ad Hitlerum.