and the MSM wonder why people worldwide are so pissed? Rothchilds, Bogdanav bros and Rockefellers weren't even listed...
and the MSM wonder why people worldwide are so pissed? Rothchilds, Bogdanav bros and Rockefellers weren't even listed...
Other urls found in this thread:
>russia has more area than any other country
>we must redistribute it to small nations
So when do you think it will be time to do something about it? When they acquire 99% of the worlds wealth?
Might be a little late then...
fuck, it might be a little late now...
Their families have been playing the game for a thousand years. Deal with it. Still plenty of room for you to start your own business, make money, reinvest it, and maybe in a thousand years your descendants will be that rich.
I think Capitalism should be within certain limits. There has to be financial incentive to motivate greatness, sure. So, f*ck all that commie sh*t floating around. However, I can't think of any good reason anyone should need to accumulate more than say, $2billion? That's enough to support every relative's every whim for multiple generations. More than that brings too much power over others for any individual to justly control.
this is why we need space travel homies.. the world is like a big monopoly game and these fukers won a long time ago.. only way to reset the game is move to new planet or destroy this one and rebuild it
If anybody should be paying for nigger's healthcare, it's those people.
When "half of world" means african, indonesian and indo-paki subhumans, it doesn't mean much to own as much money as them.
Problem is not in wealth distribution, but lack of breeding control for pests.
> That's enough to support every relative's every whim for multiple generations.
You think you can't spent $2billion quickly if you have the imagination?
>build your own skscraper in every major city for each of your family
>invest in public space shuttle trip programs
>buy your own cruise ship
>buy Manchester United
You could spend it all yourself easily enough without even considering relatives. People's dreams get bigger as they get richer with more or less no ceiling.
(((8 people)))
The world is full of poor chinks, niggers and pooinloos
I give zero fucks
Or just be George Soros and lose it because Trump
Should be enough capacity for the billion coming new-europeans
Let's say I come from a bloodline of elitists and aristocrats who have amassed a great deal of wealth. Why should I give you, a worthless bush baby destitute, a byproduct of hedonism and laziness a cut of my ancestral capital?
How are you suppose to do that when those that will build the rocket and do the space distribution will be owned by the guys with money. Only chance is if they rebel after they are gone, but I bet the guys that will be leaving first after the test bunnies will be the elites anyways.
Guess what, 2 people own these 8 people.
Nigger, even these people are starting to see the problem:
Our shitty neo-con/neo-lib governments have been engineering this. This is part of the problem, just because unwashed leftist faggots protest against this doesn't make it right.
There are about 3-4 billion people who only exist because the first world gives them free food.
Eventually there will be a crash.
>The figures do not mean that the rich are taking food out of your mouth and keeping you from buying a new TV, which is what most people care about. The wealth of the rich is in assets, and those assets hardly change the material quality of life for the rich at all. Yes, they have 300 times the wealth that the average American does, on paper. Assuming you're employed, you drive an air-conditioned car to work where you do things that are a pain in the ass, you eat three meals a day, sleep on a mattress, use a functional computer on the same internet everyone else uses, and your TV is maybe 42". These figures do not mean that the rich are arriving at work in cars over 300 times nicer than yours, that they eat 900 meals per day, that they sleep on a bed of nude supermodels, play on a secret model of Cray supercomputer connected to the SuperNet, and that they watch TV on a surface the size of a city block.
Land, which is taken from every neighbouring country
And lefties think taxing the upper middle 50% will solve everything
Zerg rush those ppl's rooms or something
Give me ONE reason why anyone deserves a penny of the "Wealth" without slaving away working for it.
Because without productive citizens it is all for naught. The world supply lines come to a standstill and everyone suddenly will have nothing.