beside fucking racist meme, Should Japan accept 200.000 immigrants per year?
Should we accept immigrants?
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Absolutely not.
Just stop it.
You always create threads like this.
>200.000 Chinese immigrants per year
Oh yes, why not?
just immigrants? or merkel-esque """"migrants""""? the first is ok but the second is a no.
pic unrelated
maybe if they're ethnically white europeans
Y-Yes goy, all the smart, tolerant and progressive people accept mass immigration from all the shitho... I mean all the culture-rich countries in the world.
My mother's home town is being over run by pakis and my closest city is being over run by poles. If you want to watch you culture go down the drain and feel unsafe in your own country go ahead.
Except me desu
Yes Sup Forums is a white board and we don't give a shit about what happens to your country
Only white people
we are not racist.
I don't give a fuck about your "muh" white policy
Diversity is good regardless skin color
wew. I just saved that from the video too
Why would you do that shit?
Just reproduce more, it's easier and more balanced. Idiot.
Can you accept me? I learning Japanese right now.
because I am patriot and for country?
Economic growth make country stronger
Never accept any immigrant under any condition, unless they are from neighbouring countries. Speaking from experience.
Doesn't Japan have a law against mudslimes owning property?
Take non-islamic refugees... I'd be happy if I, as a white man, could come live in Japan when life becomes unbearable over here.
>Diversity is good regardless skin color
obvious cuck is cuck, this is why your country has such low birth rates.
>Diversity is good
100000 yen have been deposited into your bank account.
what if they are skilled?
i mean look at USA, everyone goes there
Fuck off American expat. Sage
At least I am EDUCATED. you red-neck racist
Depends on how good you are at assimilating them, plenty of local trash can be improved upon by giving them an incentive to compete.
But never exceed 1% of your populace per 5 years.
pls stop drinking the tap water
Accept me and I'll make 199,999 babys for you guys.
fucking hell no, overpopulated as it is and we dont need any of those useless sand niggers blowing themselves up in tokyo
I refuse to believe that you have EVER met a muslim.
Go see one. Talk to him.
>Should Japan accept 200.000 immigrants per year?
yes, but only if they get resettled from Europe
even if the government would accept immigrants they would never get integrated or even accepted in the society
No. Your economic power peaked in the 90s, but that's okay. Here in 10 years or so we in the west are gonna learn the hard way that economies can't grow forever, and artificially pumping your economy with a surplus of outsiders with no vested interests in the welfare of their host country is downright suicidal.
That said, massive societal reforms in regards to your corporate culture seem to be in order. Japan seems pretty soul crushing desu
what the fuck do you need them for? You've already replaced all the jobs they could do with robits
I know muslim pakistani exchange students in my college and They are so smart and good people.
Stop talking as if Islam is not religion of peace.
Yes. Honestly, Sup Forums is full of retards. We have to push leftist policies so hard that center-right people will be forced to go full 1488. Only then, will the JQ be answered. We must support the pedophile movement emerging in the LGBT. We must promote racemixing. We must promote mass immigration. We must use the Jew's tactics against him.
We have people on here that think being based is calling a black person nigger to their face. Right, because the media won't be pouncing all over that.
The only way we get off of this Leftist train is if we get it off the rails, and we need to go faster to do that.
>tl;rd Japan YES!
No, just look at Germany or Sweden and the constant attacks, rapes and crimes.
Just look the demographic changes in U.S cities and how uppity and entitled their spics or nigger act, like if the whites owed them something, not even indians (feathers) act like them, and at least they have somewhat a reason to act so pissy, and they don't as often as niggers and spics, but mostly niggers, never accept them, NEVER.
Don't do it, and if you so desperately need immigrants accept the ones who can positively integrate into japanese society, like Koreans or whites.
But i'll just recommend to boost your birth rate.
If you are not a racist, you are on par with a creationist.
Hell no. Keep doing what you're doing so we have a talking point to BTFO multikulti with.
>Diversity is good
A rape fetishist, I see
>it's another english teacher posing as jap thread
So Ken-Sama the English teacher can satisfy his white guilt
How strong will you be, when you have a ethnic conflict in the next 10 or 20 years, and you lose control of your nation?
If you are any patriotic, you will try to make your fellow japs fuck more, and not invite foreign culture into your clay.
Lol, this thread is amazing.
Then their children grow up indoctrinated by white leftists into thinking the US is against them because of their skin color.
It ain't like the old days, they get shittier / regress to the mean in subsequent generations instead of bettering themselves
>Diversity is good
I live in a very diverse country, trust me when i say it ain't good.
big difference between an exchange student looking to be a part of society rather than a lazy migrant that would sooner commit crimes than assimilate to your culture.
Why would you?
Was it 2015 you accepted like 27 refugees in total and in the same year had to arrest 2 of them for rape already?
I think it was 2015 but ehh who cares.
You guys should just build a wall around your whole country and then surround it with fire just to be sure
What the hell are you talking about? Japanese have one of the most xenophobic, racist cultures in the world.
>Should Japan accept 200.000 immigrants per year?
I wouldn't.
Some you have to let in. Some that are qualified and serve the exchange of ideas, concepts, science etc. But I would hand pick them and only accept those that have a basic knowledge of Japanese and no criminal record.
Japan is the last pure country on Earth. if you guys give up, then all is lost.
But even if they do, it must be done like in the US: permanent residency lottery for countries with historically low migration.
Yes, pls. From Russia pls.
>mass immigration is okay when it's about importing Europeans
Fuck off. The white race will never have a home if we export ourselves. Japan must remain pure.
200000 is too much for Japan, 10000 is more than enough.
I'm coming next year , for high studies .
prepare the Japanese pussy for me.
Japan belongs to the Japanese people, and by Japanese people I mean people born in Japan from Japanese mothers and fathers.
Don't take the genocide pill
No. Immigrants = cancer
Easern Europeans maybe or South Africans or Christian people living in middle east
>First world countries stop reproducing as much because they're fucking full so life is expensive for everyone.
>Liberal Solution: Add millions of foreigners and make the struggling citizens pay for them.
We're run by traitors or retards. Don't repeat our mistakes.
go to roppongi.
There are many japaanese pussies.
The only warning I'm going to give you. I've been to Japan before and this is my perspective from a Singaporean.
DO NOT accept huge influx of immigration.
You talk about how 'immigration' is good for stimulating the economy. Do you really think that the Japanese economy is or was successful just because? No, it experienced growth because of the quality and work ethics of the Japanese people. The Japanese people contributed to the quality, ingenuity and reputation of their products.
If you're going to let foreigners in, like Indians or Pakistanis, what makes the Japanese company Japanese? Nothing. They will carry their work-style and ethics over and tarnish the only thing that is holding up your economy. If these immigrants are as capable as you say, why aren't they capable of managing their own country?
Since young, I have ALWAYS bought Japanese products because of your dedication to perfection.
Don't be a fool and reflect.
>Take in 27 migrants
>2 of them already started raping
if you want to survival from economic break down
fucking hell mate 200's featherweight.
Arigatto Senpai
only north and east asians
Pls no, we don't need another muslim shithole on our border.
Also checked
you already have a muslim shithole in your Capital
>we don't need another muslim shithole on our border.
>Chinese immigrants
Shut up shitlord! Japan belongs to everyone! And when I say everyone I mean the people from the southern hemosphere!
Fuck No
I hope your boat capsizes and you and your entire family drown, you filthy mongrel.
Dumb idea, really dumb idea. You can train a bear to perform in a circus, but it's still a bear. It's still dangerous if provoked. The Japanese may act nice, but look at their history.
you shouldn't even be letting english teachers in
>should we irreversibly ruin our country because old people want to keep their unsustainable pensions
Why yes
But only those who make it at Takeshi's Castle get citizenship
Don't you get tired of making the same shit threads?
Less immigration
There's nothing else to do at Okinawa.
It's also the safest county in the world to travel to.
> We can't export muh people
> American
we accepted your lunatics that did not belive japan has lost the second world war (they did not, there was a major conflict between the police and the japanese comunity in São paulo, they did not belive hirohito was not a god too. and they say japanese are smart). Pic related, the guys after being released by a BLACK LAWYER. It wellcome japan, you go to brazil, fuck with the law, get arrested and are released by our finest black lawyer. Fucking immigrants.
don't. you're one of the few places that refuses to get cucked by shitskins and sandniggers.
>63% white means the 63% actually are not white at all
No pls. Gajin are fucking trash.
For every skilled immigrant you get, you'll get 10 that are useless. It's simply not worth it. Sure we all have a black/muslim friend and then we tell ourselves, "hey, maybe they aren't so bad after all"? But for every good immigrant then there will be a bad one. If 1 out of 20 swedes are stupid then 1/2 immigrants are stupid.
Gdp per capita is unrelated with populational growth
Please accept me instead of 200,000 yellow jungle monkeys, sandniggers or niggers.
If I recall there were an international episode with foreign people in the game.
I am not Canadian, I just live here.
Go away English teacher stop making the same threads sage.
what could go wrong importing more hard working resources...
can't tell if bait or if japanese education system is abhorrently failing