Trump is a fucking faggot

He's provoking and international crisis and he's not even sworn in yet. Impeachment when?

OP is a faggot.

Obama is responsible for it all.

This Jewish/Russian puppet needs to get thrown out of the white house right now.


He's not in the White House yet's that.

Digits confirm, OP is a massive gaping vagina

Trips of truth!


KEK really likes this thread.

Digits don't lie

>Impeachment when?


You leftists are still fucking here? Give it up you lost the election. There is nothing you can do to stop the death of cultural marxism. You little shits should have left our freedoms, guns and race alone. Instead you chose to fuck with it and push for political correctness. You made this bed so sleep in it.



hahahahahahaha fuck you OP

What did he mean by this

what the fuck nigger

I have bad news for you: You're a fucking idiot. This may have escaped your notice, but looking back on past events... how you got poor SAT scores, how your classmates did better than you didi with less effort, how teachers never told you you were smart except every once in a while with a pitied expression.

Your call for me to read one specific book that you've read and calling it a "good start" is almost cute; it implies that you're widely-read, which you of course are not, and are laying out a curriculum for me. Granted, it stops there because that's pretty much all you've got.

For the record, I don't "watch Buzzfeed crap." Also, all they did was dump some information and say "it's unverified." They didn't make it up.

No, I haven't heard of those people. I could list off a half-dozen people you haven't heard of either; it proves very little (read: nothing), and is a bit of a silly endeavor.

The fact that you're accusing me of going off emotion rather than "intelligence" (I guess you meant logic and reason) is actually hysterical.

"Among recent books on U.S. policy in Nicaragua, this one stands out for its combination of fact, historical analysis and open disgust over American arrogance. Sklar ( Trilateralism ) maintains that fear of "another Cuba" is an illusion fostered by the Reagan administration's propaganda-lobbying effort."

I wonder precisely how Trump is the solution to American arrogance? He's the fucking pinnacle and epitome of arrogance.

Also, how does a book that criticizes Reagan help bolster your positions in general? Don't get me wrong, I don't care for Reagan, but Republicans worship him like he's a god (albeit a senile one whose wife did most of the work towards the end).

Or did you only jump into this thread to bemoan the state of the world in general... you're neither conservative or liberal nor republican nor democrat, just someone who wants to tell everyone that everything is fucking terrible all around?

>He's provoking and international crisis
But we need it.

How do you post in the wrong thread on Sup Forums?

I'm a-okay with his international maneuverings so far. Bully China, excellent. Schmooze Putin to get him in to negotiation talks, good. Bully Mexico, good. Bully any country using outsourced production for goods intended for sale in US, good.

By being American.

Should've voted for Hillary then I guess. I mean, we could already be fighting Ruskies in our attempt to install ISIS in the Islamic caliphate of syria. Boy did we sure miss out.

you will be spared the day of the rake

I can't
I can't be seen like this

so edgy bro