New to Sup Forums

Newfag (to Sup Forums)
Have some questions for you
Opinions on:
Premarital sex
Gay marriage
Trans rights
That would be all
I would appreciate it if no one told me to kms


absolutely haram

Germany's got it bad right now, but with krauts like this I'm confident things will work out in the long run.


there is a rule that
>redpill me on XYZ
are not allowed
fuck off to reddit

>Newfags of Sup Forums
So like 80% of Sup Forums. Fucking faggots can't go one minute without spamming, "really makes me thinking," Or, "Mic Dropped" threads.

>Mic Dropped

Do people do that in here?
Not that active on Sup Forums but, haven't seen that shit in here.

new fag here, idc about any of those as long as they're no doing any harm to me


Sup Forums is a board of peace


You idiot can't just come over and say
> hello, i am new, explain everything to me, because i need you to spoonfeed me
You need to lurk more, faggot.
Lurk at least 2 month before posting anything.
Stupid Sup Forums kids.
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>Trans rights
This I don't fucking get. Trans people already have the EXACT same rights as anybody else in all of the western world. There's no legislature that takes some retards dysphoria into account. How are "trans rights" different from normal rights? An autist or a psycopath has regular rights as well.

They're disgusting people, but should, and do, have the same rights as everybody else.

If you're new you lurk. I'm tired of you faggots coming in here keyboards blazing. You can learn all this stuff about Sup Forums just by reading different threads for a week or 2.

>Premarital sex
Not good, but sort of hard to avoid.
Same as above. I'm rather critical of most forms of pornography, and wouldn't mind having it completely banned. It's 'good' for the individual (in the same way as cigarettes and alcohol), but bad for the collective.
Oppose it in most cases. I can understand in cases of rape and danger to the mother, and if the parents are very young, but am generally against it.
>Gay marriage
I'm a bit conflicted on the issue. I personally oppose it, but it depends on the relation between the church and the state, which I'm torn on. If there is a separation of the church and state, churches should preserve their right to marry whomever they wish, although I would oppose my own church doing such things. On the other hand, if there is a stronger relation between the church and state, I believe the state should not allow same-sex marriage.
>Trans rights
It's a mental disorder, and should be treated as such.

You messed up.

You impressed me up until that point, Sven

>Premarital sex
Degenerate for women to have more than one or maybe two partners

Shouldn't get in the way of you living a healthy and productive life

Is killing a human, so only kill the babies that you would be okay with killing as adults

>Gay Marriage
Degenerate but not really a big deal

>Trans rights
They should be institutionalized.

But that's kind of the point
I wanted to see what it was about before wasting 2 weeks

>>Premarital sex
>Not good, but sort of hard to avoid.

"We're not doing that"

That sure was difficult

fine with premarital sex, not fine with sluts
you shouldnt masturbate more than once a month and do it only to thoughts nothing else
abortion should be illegal, unless mothers life is in danger, or its rape/incest
marriage is a religious thing, i dont see the point of gay marriage unless it gives you social benefits
i am fine with trans people, but not with liberal lunatics, i have a few very redpilled trans friends

Keep in mind Sup Forums is not one person

>Premarital sex
Better than paying for single nigger mothers and their thousands of niglings
>Gay marriage
>Trans rights
>That would be all


Death to all gays and people with these mental disorders. There's 2 genders.

>Premarital sex
Foolish for yourself and rude to the one you're in a relationship with.
Disordered and addictive.
Terrible and should be illegal.
>Gay marriage
A stupid interpretation of marriage.
>Trans rights

>Premarital sex
Generally opposed to premarital sex, I think it's one of the leading causes of degeneracy in our society.
Completely fine, but belongs in the fucking bedroom and no where else.
Opposed always except in rape, incest, life of the mother. This would get rid of nearly 99% of abortions.
>Gay marriage
I'm opposed to it, but if two consenting adults want to get married who's to stop them? Just don't force any churches to preform samesex marriages.
>Trans rights
Transgenderism is a bloody mental disorder, gas them all.

OP, consider necking yourself

Correction: Premarital sex is not degenerate.

Gays are not different genders

>Opposing abortion
>Not stopping gays from marrying
Found the mudslime faggot

Kill yourself Muhammed

We're talking about killing children here and two fags marrying. One is obviously worse. protip: it's abortion

Am not german am just in germany

Not in that way either

lurk moar newfag

No, of course you can't triforce.


fuck you Fritz, lurk more

This place is cancer. Avoid whilst you still can.

kek, that pic. Needs a fucking leaf in it too.

Am no fritz
Am Tommy in fritzland

>Making men pay child support, wasting state money on little niglets and not giving women the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies when the protection fails
>not realizing that a normalization of faggotry would create more of that mental illness
Absolute degeneracy.

>their bodies

As long as its connected to their body it is part of their body. Of course, the abortion should be done within the first week if possible. The embry is not even conscious, has not even a brain in the first week and makes no memories, why would it care.