The same way you perfer your own friends over Jeff's friends. It is natural to like people that are more similar to yourself.
Is there any comeback to this?
The same way you perfer your own friends over Jeff's friends. It is natural to like people that are more similar to yourself.
Is there any comeback to this?
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Humans are biologically proven to prefer those genetically more similar to them. Hence why mixed race couples are infrequent, especially in marrage.
Racism doesn't exist! It's a myth.
Racism is a Jewish invention.
the problem is when the state starts preferring jeff's friends over yours......
Kind of like they are now?
this is why the power of government should be limited
Who cares if it is natural? Why should I follow whatever biological impulse happens to rise up in me at any given moment? Human beings aren't mere animals; I can take notice of these drives I find within myself and choose whether or not to act on them, unlike, say, your dog. So even if there is this implanted natural drive within ourselves to prefer whites over blacks or whatever, the mere fact that there is such a drive doesn't by itself give us a reason to be racist, since I can perfectly well choose either to act or not act in accordance with the drive.
Your friends are actually more likely to be genetically similar to you.
True. In the same way you can ignore your desire for sex, you can ignore your racial preferences. But why would you want to?
This is my biggest issue with national socialist
>the state should dictate everything
>the state's power should be limited
I can't pick both.
Not only is it natural but it is correct.
Niggers are inferior, kikes are assholes and shitskins worship a pedo camelfucker.
in what way are blacks inferior? seriously. do you have in mind something like the black population, taken as a whole, has a lower IQ than the white population? or something else?
What a pile of horse shit
Animals DO suppress impulses, for example when they are facing off against a rival. They will have the same "fight or flight" response that we do and they have to weigh up whether they are going to fight or flee, based on how good they estimate their chances of victory to be.
Humans, just like other animals (since we are of course animals ourselves) only suppress impulses when we have a good reason to do so. So a moose suppresses his desire to attack another moose when he thinks his chances of winning are not good. And you suppress your racism impulses because you are such a beta BITCH that you think you'll get attacked / demonised if you air them. You're too much of a FAGGOT to say what you think and deal with the consequences.
Blacks do have a lower IQ on average so yes that it is a reason to consider them inferior, you fucking basic bitch
Please do us all a fucking favour and fuck off back to leftypol you fucking faggot
They are inherently more violent. They are less intelligent. They are lazy. They don't even love their own children.
Niggers are the worst animals on this planet righto after abos.
socialism is for people who don't believe anyone can be trusted with too much freedom
Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Bigotry: The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.
Prejudice: An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
Bias: A leaning of the mind; propensity or prepossession toward an object or view, not leaving the mind indifferent; bent; inclination.
>britbong OP doesn't use English correctly
>"Racism is natural."
>"Oh thank God. I can finally call you a nigger."
It's more like your parents taking jeff's friends over your interests
Words change. Racism now means having racial preferences. You can't always go by the dictionary. You have to pay attention to how the words are actually used.
Capitalism is natural.
Socialism isn't.
>how will nazis ever recover
Friedman was the ultimate kike though
>free market.. but keep the central bank goy
>anarchy is natural
>a state isn't
hurr durr how will statists ever recover!?
The point is the state isn't just going to bend over and do what you tell it to, anarchist.
Just because I like being around people that are like me doesn't mean I have to make the leap that an entire race of people is inferior and thus less deserving of the same rights as me. That's just inhumane and I think it shows signs of mental illness personally.
Yes you retard
For one its based around a naturalistic fallacy but even to ignore that the comparison isn't sound. The reason why you prefer your friends to Jeff's is due to your established relationship. There is no such link between people of the same race
My name is Jeff...where do I stand?
So all people with an IQ below a certain level are all inferior persons? Also why IQ? Could I take other standards by which whites fare worse and then declare whites to be inferior?
Also what is flynn effect
Yes you can, What you are saying is that I have to listen to leftist when they frame their arguments by changing the meaning of words to fit into what they are saying. No you are wrong, the definition of the word is what it means.
But you could make the leap that possible social programs and ideas could be more effective if they were changed so that they took these things into account?
are you implying that groups of genetically related individuals do not have statistical trends related to those genes?
uses "just" twice in sentence.
The biggest buzzword ever.
Racism is natural, it's very obvious.
Deep in their hearts, the leftists know this.
gotta start small.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
So having a cultural root that gives you a similar view on how the world works isn't an important connection? Then I expect every brown person that comes to a white nation to give up their culture completely.
funny thing about racism is that niggers are just as racist as whites.. but get away with it coz they dindu nuffin and are victims.
>So having a cultural root that gives you a similar view on how the world works isn't an important connection?
Its a genetic root. Culturally I have far greater connection to many Australian Asians, blacks and aborigines than I do many white Russians or Estonians
I fucking HATE Jeff's friend.
If you know what I mean.
Who the fuck is Jeff?
>naturalistic argument
Go find the daily homo thread and you will find your counter arguments.
I've actually found the fucking nigger, guys
>Is there any comeback to this?
there's no comeback to the truth
You agree then that sharing a cultural root is important. They share in your Australian values because they have been raised in Australia. But if you would have very little in common with a native Chinese (if you are White), an Arab, or an African because you were raised in a white nation that has very different values that evolved with your set of people over thousands of years.
We need a bestiality containment board tbqh.
Wow look Jews trying to make something ugly into something socially acceptable.
Ideally, the only "similarity" you'll have with white people over blacks (assuming you're white) would be skin color. If society were truly integrated, most of the cultural and behavioral differences that continue to divide the races would fade away.
What is a sentence?
What are full stops (.)?
>American Education