Lets see /pols mental gymnastics
Lets see /pols mental gymnastics
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Sup Forums doesn't believe Trump is a white nationalist.
However, Trump's civic nationalism is better to white nationalist interests than Hillary.
What's so difficult to understand about this??
I disagree with Trump, MLK was a communist nigger. But that's ok.
>(((civic nationalism)))
Trump is not a civic nationalist. He's a nationalist. Period, full stop, do not pass go. Stop trying to make him something he's not.
what this nigger actually do?
can somebody please greentext it?
Sup Forums isn't the alt right, he is also a jew.
He isn't what we stand for, but he is the best we could get.
He knew where to get the good whores for cheap.
This. Trump is a tool not the real deal. He's not a White nationalist.
Molyneux just released a gret vid about MLK btw.
notice he didn't say "honor him for being a great man" he said "honor the great man that he was"
In other words, give him the amount of honor he deserves.
hint hint
What he meant was hes only great because of a white invention.
wtf I LOVE Trump now
But that's what a civic nationalist is: a regular nationalist.
He didn't even need to add the /s
jokes on you - he doesn't mean anything he says.
It'll make left-wingers look petty when they sperg out over it.
if only current 'african' americans followed mlk's example...
Unlike the niggers today, blacks during the Civil Rights period (especially those who supported MLK) were actually relatively well-behaved.
Pic related. Note how they are carrying out peaceful demonstrations and dressed nicely.
First thing I did this morning was watch it ;)
dude MLK was based
He also was a domestic abuser and sex addict. Niggers are all garbage. Even the "good" ones. Disgusting
I like this
>honor someone who stole his thesis
He is probably just trying to get more black people to like him.
Have any redpills on that?
Not a good idea, he was for reparations :/
Nigger tried to unnigger niggers. I don't see what the issue is. Actually wanted equality, not gibs or superiority. This is a good thing, others should follow. Best case, niggers less niggery, worst case, dead niggers.
I'm not seeing the issue.
MLK stands for the opposite of BLM
.@realDonalTrump Oh honey, if MLK was alive today, he'd make it his life's goal to impeach you sweety.
MLK has done more for conservatism than anyone on Sup Forums
He was in favor of reparations man.
Because compromise is a concept for people above the age of 13, so a lot of people here don't understand.
>(((civic nationalism))) is traditional nationalism
Richard go back to Twitter
Sup Forums is a constitutional patriotic board.
Apparently it's possible to be nationalist without being a violent extremist.
I suppose leftists will never understand that
He could speak english properly. Black people honor him by skipping work lol.
What about all those niggers that raped white women back then and now too?
They do it at staggering numbers today as well, they literally just target white women, yet the amount of black women raped by white men is literally nothing, 0 more or less.
MLK was a civic nationalist. Contemporary niggers neither understand nor appreciate him these days, to them he's just another tool/weapon to extract gibs and feelings of guilt from whitey (Yall killed Martin Loofer Kang! Sheeit man, why I gotta go to school today? It'd be racist to not shut everything down for a day to placate us feral mobs of angry niggaz)
I appreciate good negros like MLK and Booker T Washington who tried in vain to bring niggers into the cultural fabric of the US rather than willfully remaining free loading outsiders, even if history has show them to be overly naive and idealistic.
MLK would be a Republican today.
MLK would be called an Uncle Tom today.
is MLK /ourguy/?
we just cant have a functioning republic with niggers
hey huehue, do you have room for a couple million niggers? can we just dumb them in the favelas?
MLK seemed reasonable other than wanting to end segregation. He would probably have been against media more than anti-trump. Perhaps even pro-trump if it didn't mean political suicide. But again, that is the media's fault.
Well done
But MLK was for reparations wasn't he?
Breaks your argument a bit there.
god who the fuck is this and why do I keep seeing them on here, I must've missed something.
>trump is literally hitler
Only brain dead libshits believe this.
do they have work to skip even
when MLK died there were thousands of chimpouts in cities across the united states. It made LBJ, the president who used JFK as a martyr to push through the Civil Rights Act, really depressed.
I wasn't aware of that, don't know if it's true or not
As usual, DJT is playing a trick. He wants us to celebrate ALL the things he stood for, including pic related. Niggers would chimp out if anybody said that today.
They are already getting shot
Trump is the appetizer for america to the real WN Donald Trump Jr.
what happens here
>is it worth going here
>what good comes from it
Just a literal who twitter whore that has an obscene amount of followers for literally no reason.
>I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
But if you try this with Obama or BLM it means you're a horrible racist
We don't judge blacks on the colour of their skin, we judge them on the content of their characters, it just so happens that the majority of blacks are lacking in that department.
MLK would be a poltard today.
He skirted the topic, saying we must institute democratic socialism to give billions of dollarrs to the black community.... yeah, he said that
Yeah but he is not wrong. MLK did great work in negotiating better conditions for African Americans. Shame that the Black panthers etc fucked it all up during the 60's/70's/80's/90's/00's
Ill pay reparations in the form of plane tickets to and houses in africa
is Martin Luther King Day a real thing?
What the fuck? I just looked at a few Trump tweets and there she is. I checked her profile out and literally 95% of her tweets are just "@realDonaldTrump OH HONEY, DEAR, SWEETIE, etc."
How does anyone think this is okay?
>no reason
Its because she shit-talks Trump stupidly quick every time he tweets something, and Liberals are jumping on her vagina
>deliver some bantz to MLKs pal
>get called for fighting a 'civil rights legend'
>MLK Day
>say some usual dime-a-dozen stuff about how MLK is great so that there's no "Trumps silence on MLK is deafening mere hours after viciously attacking John Lewis" headlines
>somehow its surprising
wow its fucking nothing
Lol, billions of dollars have been given to the black community though, yet they are still retarded as ever, it's almost as if ; genetics never change.
Kind of interesting thinking about what he'd be like today if he were still alive.
I'm guessing he'd be in jail for some kind of trumped up charges of sexual deviance, as happens to every outspokenly red pilled black guy.
Or he'd have regressed into a sellout faggot like Al and Jesse, race hustling to make himself phat stacks uh dat papah
Yeah i would chip in to help you.
Fuck off do you idiots not understand that MLK was
1 a committed marxist
2 a serial woman beater
3 a plagiarizer
4 a racist who believed in racial reparations and racial quotas that would be extended to blacks indefinitely.
The Civil Rights act and Immigration Act of 1965 are easily the two biggest pieces of legislation that led to our country's current fall
Yep no school or work today
Also this. Trump was NEVER a white nationalist, he's ALWAYS been an American nationalist.
fuck off retard
>MLKs pal
He wasn't even that, he was just a black guy who took part in the civil rights walks and now only exists to be the left's biggest race card
Trump fucking showed that the left has no power against him and is called racist because they have no weapons left
libtard version of twitter troll. You need to be patronizing and always on a moral high horse, you trigger Sup Forums 100% of the times.
She should be treated as a meme and responded to with bogdaposting.
Neither can stromniggers.
Literally the same people screeching as you describe are the people who celebrate TRS's destruction.
I've completely given up on white nationalism desu, it's dead. The white race will go extinct and the only thing to hope for us that some trace of it will survive in spite of 8gag's efforts.
Oh no, what's happened to me?! Why can't I upload the images I want?? Help!!!
>hitler was a KKK tier white nationalist
She's obsessed with the guy. She obviously wants his dick though she'd never admit it.
I know, how old he was 50 years ago anyway? He couldn't have been a big part of that. I didn't research him in any capacity since I'm too lazy, but I saw somewhere that he marched with MLK.
Anyway, I stand with my take on the situation. Whether MLK was good or not or shitting on him is just a contrarian meme (I don't care one way or the other) you just expect PEOTUS/POTUS to just say something nice on a MLK day and had this shit crossed out of your checklist
I dunno, wanting "democratic socialism" seems like a pretty normalfag ideal for a liberal. I'm sure my parents would support that even though they're white blue collar culturally conservative people who are only Democrats because they support unions and didn't get the memo that the Democrats abandoned them
Wtf, I hate Trump now.
he's not a white nationalist but he's the only decent president since Nixon
...who is he?
>be black
>be pro black without being antiwhite
MLK wasn't too horrible. If ever you felt black culture needed a good ol inspiration, mlk wouldn't have fell short imo. His ties to Islam were more concerning than ties to black america. I do believe the Cia infiltrated him and his company.
It's also more condusive to a fundamental change in America, which is needed. Soft changes weren't helping, now sit back and let the white man fix it again.
All women are hot for Trump
mlk day
mlk was Christian preacher
the Sup Forums meme for 2017
next to the oats pigs the other early big contender for the meme championship for the current year.
There is nothing wrong with black people respectfully marching to the capital and demanding respect.
Molymeme's Truth About MLK video
While that may be true, most Americans still believe the idealist fantasies about MLK being a saint. It's better for Trump, perceived as an "evil racist" by a significant portion of the country, to put out a statement like this rather than risk even more inaguration protesters and assassination attempts.
There are people here who unironically supported a 70-yo twitterista with emotionnal management issues
ok, but who are they?
MLK killed by democrats and the fbi. R.I.P
some french pseudo-celebrities with shady PhDs. Dumbfucks with too much money that got addicted to cosmetic surgery
the meme is to pretend that they're pulling all the world's strings, like illuminati to the power of n
MLK was just another nigger, he just wasn't as feral as most of the niggers.
muh free shit
muh reparations
muh KKK
muh white supremacy
dumb fucking nigs will never learn.
Happy nigger day!
ok, i get that, but WHO are they?
I'm not a nazi larper, I think MLK was pretty good for the black community. Wish he was still around so he could tell them to stop being niggers and squandering what he fought for.