WTF is wrong with White people??
WTF is wrong with White people??
Working class, look a bit rough around the edges, but two kids and another on the way. Good luck to them, and fuck you, OP.
These the type of dudes to put ketchup on spaghetti noodles
fuck, kill, kill, kill
It's called 'Italian night' at the dinner table
yeah man, what's the deal
I'd hang out with them. Probably fun as shit and have good personalities. White trash are usually good people
t. Alabama resident
literally nothing wrong with this picture
White privilege mainly. They think because they are white they are just "better" than other colors. Most are white trash, especially in the small towns and rural parts of the US.
>John Cena vs Kurt Angle
All I see typical American family
American whites are completely different than intelligent, stylish European whites.
The intelligentsia who promote the class struggle and constantly demean the working class for no reason other than to create a reason to go full communist.
WTF is wrong with Black people??
They're a mixed bag but they're the most likely to be grounded in reality at least though but if they're crazy they're more likely to be scary crazy.
Just be sure to be on their good side.
must of felt good impregnating her
They look like several cousins and aunts and uncles of mine, Lemminkainen.
I said whites, not muslim rape babies, Mohammed los Rodriguez
He looks more like mexican.
John Cena vs Kurt Angle sounds like a good match.
>liberals with their pet niggers shame white people from redneck culture
>though go to Uni, become (((enlightened))), elitist and "feminist"
>white birth rates plummet and whites become dependent on the goverment
gg faggots. 40 years of brainwashing, and most of you instinctively hate anything remotely resembling white, Christian, cowboy culture... Which happened to be the only life affirming one you had left.
they were systematically destroyed with nationalism
What is wrong with these people?
>Probably never break the law
>Man is probably a carpenter or some shit
>They do not care what you do
>They just mind their own business
Stop liking what i dont like.
>I said whites
>Finland reporting in
Now, now achmed, let's not talk.
Are they stupid ? Probably
Do they contribute to society by working while giving back some wealth in USA made/US companies products, making the economy go better ? Probably
The "classy" liberals who are on welfare and only buy foreign product, making the money go away can't say the same
Why is class discrimination suddenly open ground for liberals once they're white and poor? Seriously
>white working-class family
This is what Germany used to be
Nothing wrong with them. Both parents look hardened and their kids are just the usual teenagers.
At least they have their father around
let's see a mom and a dad spending time with the children yeah that's so fucking bad
i'd 420blaze it with the father guy, he looks like proper family man
The mom looks like she was a major qt back in her day. These cute, super loyal girls always get snatched up by deadbeats in High School. I can't understand how it happens. I had a huge crush on a girl, beautiful 9/10, loyal to a fault, smart. Still with the same dude from High School, unemployed with two kids living in a trailer park and she followed him into some religious cult.
Meanwhile I am banging vapid mid 20 college grads with degrees in womens studies who probably fuck black guys will never be worth marrying and I'm going to die alone.
>2 children, father present with baby on the way
>spending time together as a family
>father clearly has bond with his son, (by the shirts) which is healthy for emotional development, especially for a young teen.
>despite obvious lack of wealth, there are no drugs or alcohol present and the dad appears proud and in control of his life
I really dont see anything
I'm English. You know, the pinkish-coloured world-conquering people all you pale types strive to measure yourself against when using our term 'white' to self-identify.
Look like good-hearted simple people who have most likely never commited a crime.
>hate on lower social status whites
>lick on all the poor brown people like a cat its asshole
oh the hypocrisy
t. progressive neoliberal leftist faggot
sketti 'n butter?
Well said. Salt of the Earth, so they seem. One might hope that they self-improve to some degree over the generations, while retaining their feet on the ground and not falling for whatever the latest bullshit intellectual or political fads are. This is precisely my own background. Only thing I regret is marrying a woman a little above me in the social hierarchy, though I hope to be able to counteract the risks present to our children in this...
cheese sandwich?
Just anglo scum
Ironically enough, this is what globalism looks like.
You'll notice they have tattoos, probably tramp stamps, which is nigger culture.
They have fast food and some sort of cups probably filled with a drink like Pepsi, intended to keep Americans fat, unhealthy and addicted to sugar.
This poor family is actually a victim of a political class that despises them for consuming the food that the government, that is there to ensure that they thrive, approved for them and is in fact killing them slowly.
What's wrong with this picture is the culprit which conveniently, is not in the picture: fast food, large global corporations and a corupt political class.
Red circle is what's wrong with these white people. Jugalos and jugalettes should be exterminated
What's wrong with some North African Muslims, Arab muslims, Whats wrong with blacks, spicks, chinks , abos in general.
No really it's a serious question .
Why is it that the darker races except asian's have really low IQ's tend to rape and steal more, who are they so incapable of actually building anything worthwhile and when white European gave it too them the moment the Europeans left them to look after themselves they shit all over the cities , towns , factories and farms set up for them, blacks especially cannot manage their own affairs with some white statist involvement unless they are livng out in the middle of buttfuck of nowhere in mud huts, they either need to be lead by white Authority , controlled by some form of hardline religion to make them conform to civilized norms or they chimp out, why do Arabs rape at such high rates, why are jews trying to kill of the white race, why are jews in control of 90 % of the worlds wealth and only make up 2% of the global population, why do jews mostly control the mass mainstream media.
i have so many questions.
At least these people won't kill you for 20 euros like niggers do
Oh leaf, you gave me hope for Leafland...I will be praying for leafs.
Which is worse?
WTF is wrong with niggers????
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Pic related, sometimes the leaves aren't true leaves. I think Canada is less cucked than those European countries.
The one on the right can be fixed with braces and a suit and he would look almost like a male model. That dude can probably hunt and survive in the wild as well as shoot a gun, should he need to defend his family from the government/foreign invaders.
What the fuck is that. What the fuck is going on !
B-but muh white privilege
they seem like friendly people to hangout with
also that's a full nuclear family, huge plus regarding minorities
Look, at least they're still together after all those years. No fags either. Basically it's a nice little traditional family. Maybe a little bit on the redneck side, but hey...