Bikers to form S.A. long shield around Trump during inauguration
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*love* shield, rather
that makes me happy
Bikers lel
What a faggit. No wonder everyone else thinks bike gangs are a bunch of neet Fleming homos
Awesome stuff.
Do you think Alex Jones and his gang will join?
I have to believe the MSM is making this sound gay on purpose, or OP is lying. either way OP is a faggot.
>Road Niggers
>accomplishing anything
Faggots sucking on each others meat.
I'll put my money on the thousands of 6'5", feral niggers they're busing in.
The administration and law enforcement officers aren't going to allow riots to get anywhere near the president elect. And they certainly won't allow a bunch of idiots to form a meat-wall to instigate the would be rioters.
Do they seriously believe that the leader of the free world, the man with the nations nuclear codes, the man who leads the greatest military on earth...do they really think the president needs a bunch of greasy bikers to act as a shield?
It sounds so ridiculous. Please tell me this is clickbait.
I hear Putins biker gang also wants to get in on it
Those guys were at a few of his rallies, like the one in Cleveland. They're bretty cool dudes. Not a problem. Trump probably asked them to be there to improve his street cred. 4D chess, friendo.
Is this photoshopped?
These men should be given shields and spears also.
>fatties form cholesterol shield
Biker groups have been doing things like this for over a decade.
They rallied to help keep WBC and other protesters away from military funerals. They form a wall of bikers, or in the case of loud protesters with megaphones they would rev their engines to drown out their voices.
They also provided security against BLM and violent leftist protestors at Trump Rallies last year.
Lots of shills here
All we need is tit for tat murders and the US will finally fall.
It will take more than that to collapse us, you Irish bug.
The white american empire has already collapsed. I just want your infrastructure gone too.
Considering one of the first people Trump called after his win was Alex Jones, anything is possible in this timeline
>implying that we're not all just warboys for Immortan Don
>implying that the fact that we all are just that is supposed to be a bad thing
Get fucked, m8, watching Trump's SA putting boots on liberal throats will be fucking glorious.
God, I'm going to be fucking erect on Friday and Saturday if the gangs start shit while Trump urges them on.
worked at woodstock
That same biker group created a "meat wall" barrier between police and protesters at the RNC this year.
The RNC had pretty much every high ranking republican in the country attending plus trump. It had 1000 more VIPs than the inauguration will.
The only difference was that hte bikers could carry guns at the RNC while they are prohibited from doing so in DC.
>tfw australian outlaw MCs are 'multicultural' and hate trump
how would american bikers react if they knew the australian chapter of their club features prayer rooms in the clubhouse.
*islamic prayer room*
How is stacking a bunch of steaks going to stop a riot and where the fuck are they going to get enough money for that amount of meat