> Read article about how the top 8 wealthiest men in the world have as much money as the bottom 50%
> Not even rich, but I laugh to myself as I enjoy liberal/socialist butthurt
> Read article about how the top 8 wealthiest men in the world have as much money as the bottom 50%
> Not even rich, but I laugh to myself as I enjoy liberal/socialist butthurt
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Why can't the left simply be honest, they don't want "change" they simply want wealth redistribution.
what is their solution? to have money forcibly taken by armed men?
You have to buy the votes of the poor masses somehow. Rich people have enough plunderable capital to pay for those votes.
It's truly amazing to me how when the income tax was created, the top bracket was 7 fucking percent and only applied to incomes over $11 million (today's dollars). Most people paid less than 5%. Now I get my paychecks back and fucking 30% of it is missing.
lets talk about inequality
help us end discrimination
>We're in the top 1% of the entire world and have things that people even 50 years ago could never even dream of, and even the wealthiest emperors and kings of history could never have, yet some people have it better than me we should redistribute it!
>What do you mean you want to sell my TV and iPhone to help starving Pajeets, no way!
wait.. so if i think this is wrong im a lefty?
It is only "wrong" because you are being told it is wrong.
better start confiscating jewish assets. its for equality.
nigga no1 told me it was wrong or right
So does the right. They just want wealth redistribution from the bottom to the top as we have had.
so what do those 8 people actually do
What a bunch of commie crap!
There is no wealth at the bottom to redistribute kid.
>Read article about how the top 8 wealthiest men in the world have as much money as the bottom 50%
more than half of the world are penniless africans with aids
Really makes you think.
Whats wrong with this picture? He give them what they want
The article is bullshit. It doesn't account for nobility and other dictators.
The 8 actual richest people own more than 99% of the world put together.
Those people all happen to be (((Rotschilds)))
They know that you are willing to work for x take home pay though so they will just cut your pay by 30% and pocket the difference if the tax is cut.
And the wealth will never trickle down. They extend their lives with babies blood, marry into incest and would in a pinch find loopholes to keep it in the family. While my great grandparents property is auctioned off and redistributed.
The system needs to simply collapse at this point. No amount of reform will save us.
This user gets it.
I'm certain it'll happen in our lifetime. Nothing will bring me more pleasure than watching those rats get outsed and lose everything.
everyone is communist until they start to have lots of money
everyone is atheist until the plane starts to have engine failures
everyone wants refugees until its night time and they have to lock their doors because robbers
liberals are the worse kind of parasite this world has
Everytime that guy in that cartoon throws more money, the money loses value and everything around him inflates because theres all of a sudden more money in circulation.
Its a catch 22. The top 5 richest people in America could give money to every single American and make them feel wealthier but in reality they would only be slightly better off when now milk is $20 a gallon.
Can the be taken care of?
China recently killed one of their milloners. I think he was in top 10.
Need to go French Revolution style, and simply start executing the elites, their families, and their friends.
No they don't. You create delusions to deal with the fact that there are in fact, hard working rich people. The hard truth is they are just rich and you are not.
I am richer than the bottom 30% of the population. That's right, I am. And so are you. Because the bottom 20% have negative wealth.
When will people stop with this "wealth inequality" bullshit?
I would like to add on to this that working hard doesn't mean almost anything under capitalism. I could be coal miner and spend my day drilling down into the bowels of the earth at tremendous risk to my health, but that doesn't mean I should be a billionaire.
Wealth requires demand and scarcity.
>20 "wealth inequality" thread started in the last 5 minutes
looks like leftypol is back
Wow why haven't they been assassinated?
>Create tons of fiat currency
>Makes money less valuable, prices higher
>People have to spend more, save less
>Surprised that the money goes to the people controlling the goods and finances