Disgusting corporate america strikes again!

Bernie Sanders recently proposed a bill that allows people to import live-saving drugs from canada. the bill did not pass - almost all republicans rejected the bill, as well as few shitty corporate democrats.

Have fun dying because of not being able to buy medicine, US.

Other urls found in this thread:


People with allergens should die, they are untermensch.

this tbqhfam

Try not being a fat fuck and you'll find life's expenses a lot easier to deal with.

as long as i'm not a filthy kike.

>Buying med from what is basically a Chinese colony

Bill probably had a bunch of secret communist mumbo jumbo in it that made unpassable by any Republican. Bernie Sanders is just a typical politician like the rest of them who proposes bills that look good on paper, but deep down their full of garbage riders.

prozac is $4 a month w/ no insurance. Generic drugs are cheap and those that are on the WHO list of essential medicines.

Fuck off.

Difference is that in Canada the difference is sent to the taxpayer.

The bill was literally just: "allow americans to important live saving drugs from canada".

Actually 13 republicans voted for it, including Ted Cruz

That is correct. however, still, the vast majority of republicans voted against it because they are corporate shills.

There were also few democrats who voted against it because they are shills, but most democrats approved this bill

After not having a TV for years I now watch a bit in the evening and 75% of all commercials seem to be drug commercials, and most of those seem like they could be fixed with proper nutrition and physical training. It's pathetic really

Without the high prices there would be less incentive to develop drugs tqhwy

Sanders is the biggest virtue signaler ever, he can't do anything in the senate, no one listens to this senile fuck, but he can pretend to be the good progressive guy, for american tax dollars. Sad!

Not to mention half the ad is taken up by side effects you'll want to take some other pill to get rid of

>unironically paying to get lobotomized

Bernie Sanders is the only politician who was consistently on the right side of issues for 40 years.

Just watch him voting AGAINST the iraq war as a senator, and correctly predicting the iraq war will cause a rise in islamic terrorism at the region:


trump was also agains iraq, what else?


Trump said he supoprts the iraq war before it started, and then he changed his mind only AFTER it already started

better than the alternative, my roach friend.

Aniway, 1:40 in this video. Trump says he supports invading iraq.


have a nice read you cuck, he never realy said he was for the war also he had a financial interest against it. Only time he was for it was a Stern interview and it seemed he didn't give a fuck about it. So there you go schlomo

i went to psychotherapist and he suggested me prozac. i went to gym instead and learnt coding to keep myself busy. it worked pretty well.

you just need to convince yourself to gym or some shit without thinking too much

Yeah all of Bernie's support of the military industrial complex really makes him a great guy


The very factcheck side you linked admits that the first record of trump talking about the iraq war is when trump says "Yha i guess so, i wish it was done correctly" in the howard stern interview i just gave you.

It's in the very same site you just linked, you could just read it and see he actually supported the iraq war but for some reason they decided to write: "It's unknown if he supported it XD" at the title.

He started opposing it only AFTER it already started

thats what you get for trusting kikes

child, please.

trump was not and barely continues to be a politician.

>For depression
That's an anti psychotic drug.

Better than trump supporting the iraq war and being an advocate for military intervention in libya

Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:

have fun with your taxes, LOL!

bruh, I work out 5 days a week a keep busy with work. I don't take it for depression. It is an effective treatment for severe obsessive compulsive disorder. After being hospitalized, I can assure you, you can't out think a thinking problem m80.

>t. Fatfuck

for curiosity, what kinda OCD you have?

That's a misleading chart. Nearly every single one of those medications have an available generic that is MUCH less expensive. Only the rich and assholes insist on taking brand only

>mfw when a box of crestor here cost 60 bucks

>Actually 13 republicans voted for it, including Ted Cruz

My opinion has instantly changed on this bill then. Cruz may be slimy, but he is a true conservative™ . Glad Trump will slaughter these corporate shills.

The bill would have passed if not for those dems. A few Republicans is like 15?

not an argument since we arent talking about libya but iraq, where are you arguemnts now, scholom?

I was also talking about iraq. the iraq war was the single worst US policy in this millennium.

Hillary voted for it
Trump said he supports it and then flip flopped after it already started
Bernie voted against it and talked in the senate against the war

Ted Cruz, John McCain and Rand Paul liked the Bernie Bill. They voted yes

Good one Sheriff; excpet you forgot one thing:

Trump didn't have access to the same intelligence briefings as politicians did.

All he had was the same bogus TV propaganda as everyone else.

You don't have access to intelligence briefings yet you are still smart enough to oppose military intervention in libya.

So you basically, you set to yourself higher standards then the standards you give to the president elect of the US. that's just shows you how shitty he is

dirty pollacks make me sick

no the link shows he was against it and I'm sure bernies halfassed kike opposition didn't matter

The kind where - in untreated - I wash my hands everytime I touch something outside of my office at my house. When I wash my hands, it usually takes around 20 minutes each time. Considering I have to leave my house for work and other obligations, this can be about 15 or so hand washing ritual a day. Gets embarrassing when I'm washing my hands in a public washroom and scrapping off blood from my hands.

Showers take upwards of an hour and follow a VERY strict ritual of washing. Normally start bleeding after 20 minutes. If i touch anything besides soap in the shower i have to start the whole ritual over.

Takes me about 30 minutes to leave my house every time because I have to make sure eveything is unplugged/off and normally have to take pictures of all appliances to assure they are off. Checking shit isn't just looking at it, there is a ritual involved.

Facial tics, breathing tics, blinking tics, outburts of anger and tourettes like symptons when i realize i'll have to shower because a part of my foot touched something I've deemed unclean.

Nigga, it's terrible. When medicated it is SUBSTANTIALLY better. Thoughts still come in, but i can decide not to engage in the behavior. Take it from me kiddos, take your mental health seriously.

i knew a guy with OCD that used to wash his hands with fucking sodium hypochlorite.

good luck m8, hope you overcome it.

Nexium is OTC for 30 bucks.

Wtf is this? Leave it to the commie jew to need to lie to complain about shit.

From the very link you gave me:
"Sept. 11, 2002: Howard Stern asks Trump if he supports invading Iraq. Trump answers hesitantly. “Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish it was, I wish the first time it was done correctly.”"

Then, the war was declated in march 2013, after the war started, trump still supported it:
"March 21, 2003: Neil Cavuto of Fox Business interviews Trump about the impact of the Iraq war on the stock market. Trump says the war “looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint,” and he predicts the market will “go up like a rocket” after the war. But Cavuto does not ask Trump whether the U.S. should have gone to war with Iraq and Trump doesn’t offer an opinion."

only in March 25, 2003 he suddenly flip flopped and said the war is a mess. this is all from the fact checking site YOU gave me

Fuck off, edge lord. Under the model of the you ascribe to, you would fall under the same category as well.

Like most people I oppose it in hindsight but wasn't initially opposed to a no-fly zone.

But when the no-fly zone morphed into "Indiscriminately bombing the entire country" I came to realize that the official narrative was full of shit.

Libya was a tipping point for a lot of people's support for western interventionist policy in the middle east.

The full scale of the funny business in Libya wasn't officially revealed until last September in the UK Parliamentary investigation into Libya.

But little snippets of wikileaks over the years suggested something was amok.

The point being Donald Trump was no more informed than anybody else. He hadn't even announced an intention to run for POTUS at the time.

He was a fucking game-show host. Who had heard about alleged atrocities being committed and wanted US troops to block the atrocities from continuing.

Either way. Take your ill-conceived kikevetching and go back to the oven.

This. I fucking hate US pharmaceutical lobbies, but I'd rather buy at a higher price or fecal covered pills from India, before buying Chinese or a proxy China made pill

I will make it clearer:

The very fact check site you gave me shows trump supporting the war in Sept. 11, 2002 and in March 21, 2003. he only started opposing the war in March 25 2003. (though he did say the war is depressing in March 22, he did not oppose it yet)

The war started in March 20, meaning that trump supported it up until after it started

True. Why the fuck do we allow people who can't even eat fucking nuts or bread to live?

user, if you are smart enough to oppose sending troops into Libya, but the president of the US isn't, even though you were presented with the same information, maybe, just maybe, you are smarter than the president elect of the US.

America pays higher prices because we're forced to subsidize the R&D costs for drugs. Other countries, especially Canada, essentially holds their own population that need the drugs hostage in order to negotiate deals where the drugs are practically sold at cost, further raising America's prices.

Guess what? I supported the Iraq war in 2003 also. Because the US intelligence community had assured us based on evidence that we don't need to see because it's classified and stuff, that Saddam Hussein was trying to build nukes, and had financial ties to 9/11.

But that was a fucking lie. So I no longer support it and now take everything US Intelligence says as a fucking lie.

No user, the real reason is because you were not as smart as Bernie Sanders was. Bernie correctly predicted everything about the war.

You see user, you are just trying to find too many excuses for trump. let's face it - trump is just a stupid hypocrite who flip flops about every single issue

Sending troops and imposing a cease-fire in the civil conflict probably would have in the end been a better option for Libya.

Because Gaddafi would have been able to communicate with news agencies, and possibly show that he had tried to contact Hillary Clinton to peacefully resolve the conflict.

But that's probably why they decided to just keep bombing the shit out of Libya.

>Starting a full scale war in libya should have been a good idea XD

It's almost as if you don't learn from the iraq war

>Oy vey goyim that's different because I said so and jewish mental gymnastics are legally binding.

Fuck you, you piece of shit jew. Get back in the chamber you ugly nosed little shit. I'm going to curb stomp your people

now post the image for what people with insurance pay you fucking shill

Fun fact: people will die because republicans blocked this bill

Jesus christ $736 USD for Nexium the most common drug used for reflux which is quite a common condition, it's less than $100AUD for a pack of 24 here in Aus. Secondly, Celebrex which is an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed by surgeons after surgery on injured joints is less than $50 AUD. I've been prescribed both of these drugs at one time or another, how the fark do you guys even make it past the age of 50 without going bankrupt???

Get a job and health insurance


Seriously fix the image OP you fucking retard.

Many democrats blocked it too.
ACA was just a multi-trillion dollar pork barrel that sucked the dick of big money health care interests and didn't do anything for cost control.

Obama never did shit about it in 8 years, not even for the 2 years where he also had the house.

So implying it's a Republican thing, or has fuck all to do with Donald Trump, who isn't even president for another 4 days, and the president doesn't get to vote in the house anyway, just shows how fucking retarded and full of shit you are.

You don't even seem to know what an allergen is so maybe you should gas yourself first and get your

You mean few Democrats blocked it.
The majority of Democrats wanted to pass this bill

ALL new drug development comes from the US. Companies make stupid money like this and then can reinvest in R&D. You don't see that anywhere else around the world. Once again, America leads the way in taking care of everyone, while they point and mock, how little they know.

Freedom doesn't mean freedom from only the bad parts of life. It means the freedom to fail and let Jews decide who lives or died because socialism is bad, yo.

>t. Is allergic to six trillion things.

So legislation passes.
Americans begin importing prescriptions.
Pharma companies cut off supply to Canada.
Americans can't import now.
Canada suffers.

The last point is tempting, but overall it's a non-starter. Drug prices in US should be dealt with in US.

yeh, nah.

>ALL new drug development comes from the US. Companies make stupid money like this and then can reinvest in R&D. You don't see that anywhere else around the world. Once again, America leads the way in taking care of everyone, while they point and mock, how little they know.

This is called being a cuck. It's the epitome of being cucked. Basically, you're that meme about having your girl fucked and nutted on but she's cuddling with you so you win.

Daily reminder that it's extremely common for Canadians to come here for healthcare because it's common knowledge that our "disgusting corporate" healthcare is worth the cost.

>drug prices

Only to burger shitposts, nauseating as fuck

Actually the real difference is that Canada(and India) do not respect patents on medicine and instead make cheap knockoffs that don't need millions of dollars worth of research done. The more you know

I'm allergic to mites only, I don't need medication I only need to clean my house regularly as anyone would.

Daily reminder that the Canadian government forces drug companies to sell to Canada at reduced price and The US drug prices are raised to off set the difference.

Canada is literally a parasite country

They voted for it out of optics knowing full well the republican vote was going to block it but if their vote had mattered some jew from Phizer would have called them up and reminded them who was boss the day before the vote.

So shut the fuck up

You're merely memeing for (you)s turbo kike

Not arguments.
New drugs are developed here. Then less important countries make generic knock offs for a fraction of the price and pat themselves on the back.

>the drug companies are not earning money in Canada too
The only reason why it's so expensive in the US is because people keep on buying them (they have to), no regulations. If you were a greedy Jew with no empathy, you would also do the same.

>americans take persciption drugs every day

In my 30 years on this earth I have only taken penecilin and antbioicts when I have an infection, and rarely some paracetamol when I have a heavy headache( which is rarely)

Is it the kikes who fool clappers into taking drugs they dont need?

>almost all Republicans

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and many other Republicans were for the bill. It was sunk by 12 corporate dems from pharmacy heavy states, like Corey Booker.

>Drugs for trannies, fat fucks, and those who would have died naturally as a result of age or bad draw of the genetic stick
>Have fun dying because of not being able to buy medicine, US.

I can't remember the last time I took prescription, or even off the counter, drugs. So fuck off leaf.

Nope that's a 1 month supply of probably 30 pills at 1 pill a day.

The $620 one is a one time use autoinjector.

I am on a medication that costs over $4000 a month, it's 2 autoinjectors, 1 every 2 weeks, it's the only form you get the drug in actually

most other countries in the world have government provided healthcare, and governments have a lot more negotiating power with the drug companies.

In the US, the VA and Medicare and even Medicaid negotiate with the drug companies and get lower prices, but private insurance does not negotiate, they just pay full price and raise premiums.

If we had a single payer healthcare system, the government would negotiate a lower price and NOBODY would be paying the outrageous prices we do now.

user, only 13 republicans voted for the bill. literally the rest of the party voted against it.

At the democratic site, 12 democrats voted against it and the rest of the democratic party voted to pass the bill.

so yes, it was mostly republicans who blocked the bill

Read more about it here:

>Tfw not dependent on any pharmaceuticals

I love my genes.

democrats and regulation are why the meds cost so much

Canada is more liberal than the US and drugs cost there much less.

Nice try

Its okay to rip Americans off, we have jobs.

Wow, I'd say that's a legitimate need for drugs.

Speaking of drugs, I'm on a lifetime prescription of lanzoprazol, since the flap in my stomach opening/esophagus has been dissolved in acid.

Without those pills I can't sleep at night because stomach acid runs up my throne and causes me a massive amount of pain.

100 pills set me back 10 dollars, and I need 1 a day.

Thank you free healthcare.

Sanders tells the truth.