Sup Forums, I heard that the mormons have pretty good family values and are anti modern degeneracy. Should I visit the local mormon church and see what they have to offer?
Are there any of you who have experience with them?
Sup Forums, I heard that the mormons have pretty good family values and are anti modern degeneracy. Should I visit the local mormon church and see what they have to offer?
Are there any of you who have experience with them?
Fuck off, we're full.
the magic underwear thing is a bit of an issue
You don't sound like a mormon, I wonder who could be behind your post?
mormons will probably be the last bastion of white people. join them and have lots of children with some mormon cutie
>magic underwear
is it disappearing or something?
>religion of morons
literally a sect to dodge taxes
I'd love to, but the problem is to find a mormon wife to do so. Also, why don't you join them then? this isn't some kind of trick is it?
you have to pay them at LEAST 10% of your income but on the upside you can have sex with kids
im in the process of joining and will try to move to utah some day to raise my children in white conservative enviroment
They do require 10% plus a bit more from "fasting"
The flip side is a pretty robust social safety net and a lot of old school values that Sup Forums likes.
The downside is that they put they pussy way way way up on a pedestal. To the plain that they actcually teach thet women are somehow more righteous than men, even when thier own data shows otherwise.
Oh and they are becoming more globalist by the day, a third to half thier membership is Latin American and they have thier eyes on china.
If you are an emotionally damaged person, yes the Mormons might be good for you. If not, you'll probably never fit in and feel comfortable with them. Depends on the area though. Congregations can greatly vary in how uptight they are.
There are lots of beautiful Mormon girls from Scandinavian heritage, but they can be batshit insane in how literally they take their beliefs and will divorce you if you voice disbelief. If you can deconvert one or at least make one less literal believing that may be worthwhile. You'll need to be very rich, very attractive, smart, charming, interesting etc to have a good chance at braking a Mormon girls conditioning.
bump because im waiting on belgian bro to answer
Some experience with them. Yes, they have good family values and are anti degeneracy. On the down side, their theology is largely made up, rather than by revelation from God. They are also more on the experiential side rather than the rational side. Perhaps a better one for you to check out is Jehovah's Witnesses. (I'm not part of either group but I have a ton of experience with JWs, and they're better in my opinion.)
>Are there any of you who have experience with them?
Yeah, they're pretty good but basically all LDS girls get fucked by their dad (might be different in Belgium since you probably don't have any proper LDS over there).
t. Guy who married an FLDS girl
> I don't want to wear pieces of cloth with symbols on them
yet you probably wear graphic T-shirts with corporate logos on them.
It's too bad that that guy is probably part of a splinter sect. He would be ex'ed in a heartbeat from the Salt Lake City church.
Yeah, he's a polygamist fundamentalist. Which is the only way to LDS, the main church is compromising and corrupt.
Mormons are degenerate inbreeders with a laughable true world outlook. All things considered, the average Sup Forumsack is quite lacking in the mental department so you'll fit right in.
Mormonism is a cult, not a Christian practice. Joseph Smith is the L Ron Hubbard of Christianity. If you want to follow a blatantly false prophet and spread blasphemy the Mormonism is for you.
Utah fag reporting in
Isnt FLDS Warren Jeffs branch if the church?
I'll check out the local church here next weekend I think ; __ ;
I'm thinking about converting. I've been attending church with them and hanging out with missionaries. I had a bunch of dreams about Mormonism first and then when I started investigating everything was ringing true. Plus, they are very red pilled. I haven't found a single deal breaker yet but I'm not quite willing to go all in for a little while longer.
Ever been to Utah? Shittiest drivers in the world.
Why religion at all. Think for yourself. Stay away religion, political parties and fraternities.
Because the world is a lonely place without fellowship and brotherhood. Plus, I happen to have come to agree with them theologically, through a series of religious experiences I had. So, why not? They seem like good people, and I want to find a decent wife who wants to raise lots of blonde children with me and teach them to reject degeneracy.
youre making the right decision user
>Joseph Smith is the L Ron Hubbard of Christianity.
Absolutely this. In fact, Joseph Smith's bullshit story is even more ridiculous than Hubbard's drivel. I didn't even think that was possible.
Does sound interesting, is it an American thing only?
Do Mormons celebrate James Earl Ray day?
I agree. You really have to respect their community values. Still strong and sturdy and they really do help each other. Often thought of joining just to get the gravy.
no there is a mormon church here 12km away from my house. Find your closest at ""
You're right, there is a Will have to look into it, looks a civilised, wholesome way of life.
Mormons have excellent values and low degeneracy. Flaw to watch out for; Dads can be extremely abusive to the kids leading to issssues.
The theological aspects are extreme. If you agree with them they will be your best friend. Disagree with them and you will be shunned for life. No middle ground.
I'll take Mormons over Muslims any day of the week.