This is so darn true

This is so darn true.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are mormons trying to bring back the cuckservatism to the mainstream?


McMuffin is a CIA shill
>in the trash

Is this why cucks get so angry over "racist" memes?


But SNL was making fun of the pee thing which was fake

It is true.
But it requires the comedian to be funny.
I have yet to hear a funny comedian talk about Donald Trump.

Shouldn't Book of Mormon be a prequel of the Gospel?

you´re already posting a racist frog which is hate symbol so pretty sure you´re neo nazying yourself into being against any non-homogenous societies no matter what people say. fkin reichfags

that makes it sound kinda like Dune, i'm in

Hillary and Johnson fucked off after the election, hell even Jill Stein quieted down after the recount. Why won't Eggan McMuffin go away?

>he doesn't watch snl

I suppose the mormos mafia is trying to start a new conservative movement, full of PC cuckservatives that would try to appeal to liberals.

>making jokes about Trump makes the automatically true
>making jokes about Hillary makes me automatically an asshole
Fuck this gay earth when is North America getting nuked?

this is really bad, also this forced face expression, this is some shit tier satire. I mean, if this is what you burger call comedy, then you are a really sad nation.

>constantly attacking Trump
Really activates the neural almonds so to speak.

No true Pole would ever shill for a Putin puppet like Trumpler. Turn off your proxy, Igor.

>Sup Forums is the funniest website on the internet
>Sup Forums is always right
Checks out




>dude comedians are modern philosophers lmao

fuck you

thas right david, go stuff your face with mcdonalds and please laugh at the failing SNL just like the rest of mindless liberal drones

If they threatened "authoritarians", Donald Trump wouldn't have won this election.

It's clear that celebrities and "comedians" had a negative impact in this election. And they still don't learn.


>This is so darn true.


>Comedians are always right.
>When comedians make fun of Christians, it reveals the truth that there is no God.

No, it's what the Jews feed to people as (((comedy)).

>Mormons are based and traditional defenders of True Conservatism

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Which explains why leftists hate us so much.

Coincedentally this tweet got more attention than his entire campaign run, gg Mcmuffin

Since TV opinion pieces got destroyed by the internet, comedians took charge to spread propaganda.

They hide behind the "le I'm just a comedian lmao" excuse to spread disinfo without being accountable for it.

I'm pretty sure there could be a pedophile comedian that gets away with fiddling kids because "It's a prank bro." Fuck you burgers.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh"
Oscar Wilde

Comedy can be a great tool. It was a great tool against communism, and I'm sure it will be used to hurt leftist authoritarians in the future too.
The problem is that most modern comedians are unfunny shills when
it comes to the realm of politics.

Fuck you.

haha i cat wait until everything burns down

Saturday Kikes Live is not humor it's just thinly veiled propaganda for normies.

It gets even better when you realize that Trump's not a politician, and Oliver's not funny.

The reason that some people don't like political comedy is because when people hear something funny mixed with a political opinion, their critical thinking goes out the window. If say to you "jews are cheap" you may say "I disagree and here's why", or "here's why I doubt that statement". But if I tell you a joke about a jew being cheap, you laugh, and you continue on with the inkling of the idea of jews being cheap planted in your head, ripe for reinforcing.


Funny how only SJWs use this word nowadays.

This. John Stuart Leibowitz did this shit on the Daily Show all the time. He would throw out a few "zingers" at someone and then if anyone ever called him out on his bullshit he would say "what? I'm just a comedian, it was all a (((joke)))"


Damn skippy.

An email received from Mr Cagle a political cartoonist.

"I suggest you look at it differently. It is also difficult to find any cartoons that supported Hillary. Cartoons that support anything are lousy cartoons. Cartooning is a negative art form.

Conservative cartoonists focused their pens on Hillary while ignoring Trump; liberal cartoonists focused on Trump while ignoring Hillary. There are more liberal than conservative cartoonists, reflecting the general breakdown in the media where the larger papers are in urban, liberal areas and the more numerous, small rural and suburban papers that have conservative editors are too cheap to hire cartoonists. Even with that, we find that the vast majority of our unsolicited submissions are from liberal aspiring and student cartoonists.

Very little money finds its way to cartoonists these days. It would be an interesting experiment to see if cartoonists would change their stripes if they were paid to do so, but I expect that they wouldn’t. We do this only because we love inflicting our opinions on others, not for the lousy money.

It would be comforting to think that the people I disagree with are spewing their views only because they are paid to be wrong.


Eggan Mcmuffin is a light bulb headed cocksucker.

I agree, I watched the bit last night with my normies gf.

By the end we had to ask where the joke was, I really didn't find it funny.

There's a reason I never watched snl I guess

lets joke about chozen (people) on tv, shall we? lets just see how that goes.

I real comedian wouldn't just cocksuck his favourite politician though. Say what you will about Hicks, he turned on Bill Clinton for the Gulf War. Has Fatton Oswalt or Amy Schumer ever commented on Obama's drone killings or military intervention or Hillary's close ties with Saudi and Qatar?

McMuffin is a comedian now?

Checks out. He always makes me laugh.

hey im not getting the full tweet
what did he say, Sup Forums?

Daily reminder that he's a cuckservative Zionist (((pro immigration))) Neocon shill preaching about conservative values. Fuck this guy.


mormons are the ultimate cucks. they dont remember the ((( media ))) shit talking about mitt romney every day in the 2012 election cycle?

We had that hilarious political puppet show like... 17 years ago? man time fly!

This is what this funny man thinks of women. His daughter no less.

Only comedian this actually applies to is Patrice O'Neal.

>dispute something le epig satirical comedian says
>its just comedy its not meant to be taken seriously lighten up!
if they are such truth fiends why cant they defend anything they say

Humor is subjective. A comedian must hone his craft to the consumer. If a joke fails then it is his duty to either tinker with it to make it work or abandon it and find new material. A successful comedian only blames himself, not the audience if a joke falls flat.

Man, why did King of the Hill have to go away?

"Two Mommies" McMuffin speaks, and the world snickers. It's a good thing he has a sense of humor!
