Daily reminder that the south will rise again
>as if one wasn't a racist traitor who attempted to shatter the republic
Which one is he talking about?
yeeee we gonna do it again boi
probably not this fine gent
so fucking stupid
the south broke away because the federal government decided to overrule states rights
tell me again which side attempted to shatter the republic?
The communist one, I suppose.
>It's a "liberals become patriotic only when the civil war is mentioned" episode
in Arkansas our governor is actually trying to remove the celebration of Robert E. Lee's birthday
anybody see that movie 'The free men of jones county' with mathew mcconajew?
Why would you comb a corpse?
There is a shit ton of rednecks around here that fly the rebel flag etc. I honestly don't see why they shouldn't be able to. Many of our ancestors fought and died for what they believed in just like the north. Yet, we shouldn't be able to celebrate that. 90% of them didn't even own slaves.
The states rights to have slaves? Not a right they should have in our country. If you're really upset at that notion, let's have another war about it. You'd lose this one too, with the added bonus of my participation meaning I get a free ride to college to kill some dumb racists.
So please. Start another civil war.
Slavery was already coming to an end fag.
You really believe that we would of continued slavery after war? The Confederacy put much more emphasis on States rights closer to what the founding fathers envisioned. Lincoln himself expanded executive power a shit ton.
I don't fucking care what you think or say. The civil war was about slavery, and you will not be allowed to bring it back, and I would fight and die to prevent it from coming back.
If you guys don't know, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday on MLK Day.
Please be bait, read a fucking book and stop romanticizing a treasonous bastard.
Who MLK?
I dunno
I'm distantly related to Robert E Lee, today is also my birthday
Feels god man
anybody else find it weird how Davis and Lincoln look strikingly similar?
happy birthday
getcha some southern hospitality Sup Forums
This dumbass, Robert E. Lee was most known for the fact that he was mostly against slavery and only fought for the South because his state was in the confederacy. He then became one of the figures that ended up trying to help heal the union
>read a fucking book
Why do libshits say this so often? I could tell them the same thing on a lot of subjects, but it just comes off as cunt-y.
Slavery was already ending. The war wasn't over just slavery. It was more about states rights. The Confederacy put more emphasis on states rights the way the founding fathers envisioned it. Lincoln expanded executive powers far beyond originally planned.
>be well respected officer in US army
>south secedes
>you're still a union general but you're a southron and can't bear to fight against your own place of birth
>honorably relinquish duties to join your southern brethren
>be thought of as paragon of decency and the true model of a gentlemen even by your enemies
>150 years later some malnourished numale calls you a racist traitor of the republic
being a historical white figure is suffering
>I don't care about facts
we know, nigger, we know
thank you leaf... someone understands
He really bottled it at Gettysburg though. Decimated swaths of the entire Confederate Army and shouldn't have even been fighting there in the first place.
>Lee tried to shatter the union
>not the lawmakers who forced their hand
remember when the next civil war starts they'll say the same shit and wash their hands behind the fighting
The south was always at a disadvantage. If only a few more things went in the right direction for them. They could of won. Came close a few times.
>He said from the safety of his keyboard.
Why are you virtue signaling on Sup Forums of all places?
This sums things up perfectly
South lacked resources but had superior generals. The original plan was to cut off the Union route to DC which they could have probably done, but the Armies just kind of ran into each other at Gettysburg. It was relatively close but Union had slight victory until day 3 when Lee and confeds completely lost the plot.
There is a decent channel documentary that places historic battles up against Sun Tzu's principles and I think does a good job breaking down Lee's mistakes at Gburg.
Mistakes were made. I still don't understand why Lee is shit on by so many nu-males. He overall was a good man. I can understand why he is respected in the south.
Absolutely. His overall record is outstanding.
The Gettysburg address outlines Lincoln's thoughts on the whole thing. He basically says "Listen, Americans are dying because we decided to try out this new thing called 'Liberty' and we haven't figured out how far the needle should move yet."
The Confederacy was fighting for States' Rights
But the Union was fighting for Individual Rights (And the continued existence of the union, of course)
Lincoln never demonized the South the way that numale historians do today. He recognized that they had good intentions with defining liberties -- the liberties for two men to enter into a contract where one is a slave and the other a master. The liberty for a state to secede when the federation no-longer meets their needs.
Same one who understood how rude and unbecoming it is to spray one's cerebellum across the stoop.
I'm actually surprised SJW's haven't attacked Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama yet for celebrating Lee's birthday on MLK day.
Maybe they aren't really aware of it? They flipped over the confederate flag.
Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell libcucks that. They don't know that many of the confederate generals actually opposed slavery
Well, you'd die, alright.
I don't think Lincoln was a bad guy necessarily. You sum things up pretty good though.
I just think its laughable that the south and Lee are constantly shit on for "muh slavery" when there is so much more behind the Civil War then just that. It was a very complicated war to understand.
Arkansas's governor is trying to remove Lee's birthday as a holiday.
If the North lost, there wouldn't be a fucked Detroit.
Bill Whittle please go.
Sounds more like Arkansas's governor is trying to get removed to me.
you guys seceeded before lincoln even sat down AND you shot first.
He thinks it will "bridge divides" everyone opposes it though
Like getting rid of it would change the way the country looks at us. We will always be viewed as hillbilly country.
Although our state is removing the Clinton's name off LIttle Rock airport. They are not liked here. Its why Hillary rarely mentioned us when campaigning.
Sounds about right. We need to burn everything north of the Mason-Dixon.
You are clearly a fag.
>Ever betraying the Union
Fuck outta here
>runs a platform purely on an anti-South rhethoric
>famously wins without a single southern ballot cast in his name
>declaration of independence itself proclaims that when such a situation arises and the people are not being represented by their government, they are required to institute one that does
>Lincoln confirms the fear of the forefathers in abandoning the Articles of Confederation and assumes powers for the federal government that they shouldn't have
>declares an illegal war on the south
>becomes responsible for the greatest loss of American life in history
Literally the worst president this country has ever had.
The founding fathers literally instructed us to revolt when the government becomes tyrannical. We are instructed explicitly to not blindly obey the Union you bootlicking faggot.
We had every reason to leave the Union. We were not being properly represented.
That's right. This MLK bullshit needs to end.
Secession isn't betrayal.
lee didn't give a shit about slavery, he fought for the CSA cause he was a virginia man. this was back when people were proud to say yeah im a massachusetts woman or whatever and yes division was high. he probably didnt like slavery but shattering the republic was not his intention- the usa actually asked him to be their general.
LMAO typical insecure little racist with a tiny penis everybody: too stupid to have a command over basic english, yet brazen enough to pout and complain like a bitchy whiner on the internet.
This. Most liberals don't realize that slavery was already ending and most of generals didn't even support it.
The whole war was mainly about states rights and federal power.
ITT: Traitors who think not being able to own slaves makes the government tyrannical
Slavery was already coming to an end. It would of ended soon after even if we won.
>Coke instead of Pepsi
>tfw going to Washington and Lee University where he was dean
Feels great man
MLK was racist, but was he a traitor?
That's new to me.
Get the fuck out of here, you far-left federalist cuck.
>drinking the worst carbonated jew
>form nation through act of succession
>now it's magically illegal to succeed
Lee was a good man and his outfit was pretty badass.
Didn't Lee have his home stolen from him by the government and used as a cemetery?
Most of them were good guys. Except Sherman, that guy can eat a dick.
Lee was probably one of the least racist members of the CSA army, don't know what the hell he's on about. Saying him being a traitor is much more understandable, but Lee was never really loyal to the Feds to begin with. Hard to be a traitor to something you never had loyalty to.
>implying that the south cared about states' rights
That's why they were forcing northern States to catch their slaves for them right?
>Robert E Lee
>not the most Patriotic American ever
i love how niggers and liberals conveniently forget he was Lincoln's first choice for Union commander and the only Confederate general to have a federal monument with full citizenship.
Yep. They are also desperately trying to erase him from history.
> "You're not allowed to like a controversial figure in history like Robert E. Lee"
> "What about my Che Guevara/Malcom X shirt?"
Malcolm X was redpilled as fuck.
>The states rights to have slaves?
which they had up until the 13th amendment
what is your point
which is extremely surprisingly because he got redpilled after joing the Nation of Islam and then realized something was up
I have my hang ups with him. He was a full on separatist and in my opinion, the reason we have idiots like Black Liberation organizations believing they can secede states from the Union. If a second Civil War does happen, it will absolutely be because that miserable idea, along with reparations, continues to perpetuate in black communities because of how cool and how grand it sounds.
>picture is nigger
who do you think he is talking about
reparations are the some of the most stupid shit I have heard
>Not a right they should have in our country
The CSA wasn't your country :^)
so whiteys when are you giving us our reperations?
bravest thing I've ever read
All niggers should hang.
The U.S will just be another notch on the nigger hall of fame for being yet another great place on earth they fucking destroyed.
Mark my words. The U.S will never be great again. The U.S is doomed. We cannot spend the rest of our lives babysitting niggers who hate us, abuse our systems, our people, and they do nothing but lay in weight openly admitting they intend to 'take over'.