Why are Northern """""Europeans""""" so inferior to Southern Europeans, Sup Forums?

Why are Northern """""Europeans""""" so inferior to Southern Europeans, Sup Forums?

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nice digits lad

You too


if digits Russia and U.S. will sign defense agreement this year

unhhh thicc quadras and big black bulls giving head to whiteys while cucked shitty fat white male is watching. totally my fetish i can fap to this, i mean i could but white males dont have dicks coz we trannies now so



What the fuck is this snow nigger rambling on about?

just being consciously ironic about all the forced cuck shit on Sup Forums motherfucker

Jealously: The post

hah nice shenanigan, jew!


its kinda not fair to compare everyone to fucking supermodels. he doesnt even have to wear fashion to look good

>wanting everyone to assume you´re the guy who delivers their döner kebab
>baka senpai


> s m f f am gets cencored
what the hell i didnt wanna type in weebshit


Praise kek
Southern Europeans rejoice

> claims superiority over northerners

> lives in a nation that is also under complete control of the kike

This is total top zozzle

If digits cancels your no

Quints confirms kek is with you

If Northern Europeans are "inferior", how come they are stronger, more beautiful, richer, whiter, and smarter than Southern """""""""""Europeans""""""""""?

>tfw my ex-gf cheated on me while on vacation in Madrid


truth has been spoken

>romanian not being brown as the french

Southern europeans are also whiter than northern euros. Just look at fabio Lanzoni

because they are literally snow niggers

greek man here

salty ass danes mad that i steal their ladies with my godlike aesthetics

The only thing that brought the snow niggers out of their caves and mud huts was Christianity, without it, they will go back to their primitive ways.

White Italians are way way way more white than Northern mudpeople.

Even Hitler knew the superiority of the Southern Europeans.

Kek agrees, no need to even hear any reasons

Really scared I have some Italian in me bc I'm from a smal town in southern Germany called Maierhof.... right near the alps

Yes but does Kek agree that the U.S. will collapse in the next ten years?


may as well be from the dark heart of the belgian congo

this βροτηερ is correct

Lets see my digits, if dub usa will be crippled if tribs shattered if quads nigger uthopia
Kek tell us

Are we tho?

I think it's suppose to be a yellow gypsy who've stolen a wallet

Until they had to deliver. Nächstes mal ohne Italien.
The only thing superior to northern and middle european is their food.

Who gives a shit we'll all be named Ahmet by 2080 anyways.

Every southern European I've met looks like Super Mario and speaks with a lisp. Not to mention they've all been retarded. I guess there's a reason education in those countries is ranked below third world countries.

The women are even worse. It seems like Spanish people are more relaxed and funny - but Italians and Greeks. Nearly as bad as Arabs. Incredibly obnoxious and argumentative. Sad!

When I was a child i was in Greece, I thought they were all arabs

Turns out they were just Greeks

Because Northern Europeans are the result of a unique set of selective pressures resulting in a population that is universalist and naive, which will ultimately be their downfall.


Sorry, Nigel, we don't send exactly our best people to leech on your welfare system.

I was 14 when I found out Greeks were not middle eastern

>Northern European
Choose one

We're not inferior nor superior. We are brothers. Together we must defend Mother Europa.

But after Europe is saved we can start bullying each other again, right?

Yes, but we only bully each other because we care.


southern europeans = we wuz romans and shit

Divide and conquer tactic. Bait thread.

fug u

we r broders


>brown nipples

not White.

KEK most of the people here are manlets. I'm 1,80 and I'm considered tall.

>Those digits

That guy is Japanese you moron.

>Why are Northern """""Europeans""""" so inferior to Southern Europeans, Sup Forums?

BTW We're neither of you faggots.

Explain this image to me, what does a "system" entail?

>Still no answer

Did Medshits really get blown out that hard?

What's funny is the state of your country.

>more beautiful
good joke
nobody cares

>beta males arguing over which of their countries' chads are superior

This fucking website.

Technological connections, in the West we obviously were more connected due to trade by the coast.

For instance, in the 4th Century BC Apes from North Africa ended up in Northern Ireland.

>For instance, in the 4th Century BC Apes from North Africa ended up in Northern Ireland.


190cm southern here.
Nordcucks BTFO

Mediterranean countries are normie countries, especially Spain. If you don't act like a "chad" you're basically an outlier/autist.

Shiiiet, we wuz Celts

>some fucking latino claims to be 190
Stop trying to get internet points buddy

Dude, there are North Africa relics all over the Isles.

Phoenicians and Celts were best buddies.

.t inferior 180cm tall beta nordcuck

>>more beautiful
>good joke
more beautiful
good joke


Notice how there are 7 Germanic countries with 100+ IQ but only one Southern Euro country, the one who was ruled by Germanics most of the time after the fall of Rome

>the one who was ruled by Germanics most of the time after the fall of Rome
lmao nice excuse dumbo, Italy is as southern as it gets

How do you know I'm not taller than 190? Haha fucking self loathing larping latino cunt

Check these sites out.

> caitlingreen.org/

> phoenicia.org/celts.html

>Ariche's mitochondrial genetic make-up most closely matches that of the sequence of a particular modern day individual from Portugal

I can smell manlets from thousands of km away

Did you know that Iceland does very bad on PISA?

Yes, SAD!
We are not Kraut untermensch

>Italy is as southern as it gets

Only the south it seems, since it fits right in with the rest of the southern states


he mad lol


You sound pretty angry

>not understanding how IQ works

>You sound pretty angry
yup, he mad

t. Sicilian

t. Iceland



Sure, nigger.

Thank you

Those digits


Not and argument

Why are Southern """"""Europeans""""""" so admixtured?

Rhetorical question of course.



Next you gonna call slav.


stop projecting Pajeet Al Londoni