Daily Reminder: Drumpf will be defeated by an empowered black female.
What will the alt-right fascist bourgeois scum do now?
Daily Reminder: Drumpf will be defeated by an empowered black female.
What will the alt-right fascist bourgeois scum do now?
Why do idiots think she wants anything to do with politics in the future? She hated being first lady.
>Drumpf will be defeated by an empowered black female.
>posts picture of a male in a dress
Europe getting wrecked by terrorists alone will get him reelected in 2020
I could see her winning if she did run, but I'm not sure that she would want to.
mechanic is alright mechanic. I don't think that automatically qualifies his wife to work on my car. But they keep trying it.
The implication of your statement was that said female had to gain her power from another source. Very lame. Why would I convey such a person political power through my vote?
Kek wills it
>w-we'll win next time, guys!
You do also know that the working class voted for Trump, right?
Not that you're reply, as this is shitty pasta bait.
Reminder that the United States has shown we have no interest in the wives of politicians running for office.
She'll lose even worse than Hillary, especially with Gen Z voting who had to put up with her shitty school lunches.
>implying she won't be in jail soon
Do you have a larger resolution version?
She has no chance. She's never held elected office.
Neither did Trump.
Yeah, i agree. Hopefully the Dems are just as clueless as they were last time around.
I don't think that's a fair thing to conclude based on this recent election.
People just fucking hated Hillary, regardless of her being a former first lady.
Also to imply that Hillary's only political credentials are that she is a former first lady is absurd.
Dems won't "waste" her for 2020. 2024 is more likely.
It's OK we have our own nigga. Kayne will fix this.
>call Trump unqualified
>field a woman for the presidency whose only qualification is fucking the president
Why not Lewinsky?
Why not some of Barry''s college girlfriends?
Hillary Clinton was a hero to children around the world who had the twinkle in their eye of becoming president until Drump robbed them of that dream because hes a sexist bigot.
Exactly. She wants money to go the fuck away and stay on permanent vacation all her life. She doesn't want to work, let alone live in a house she called a jail.
>not very high rated post
they're not "black"
Daily reminder that her legacy is "DEM 'TRITION FAKS BE TO HARD TO READ"
I know this is a Shill, but may I take this opportunity to say that I really want the first woman president to be someone who gets the nomination off her own merits, not some first lady riding in on her husband's coat tails.
This also would increase the odds, said canditate isn't corrupt as all fuck like pic related.
And now that i've said my piece. Sage.
>Someone attacks Michelle
>replies with generic defense of Hillary.
What are bots?
Trump was an exception, he rode on the votes of Americans angry at the establishment. All she has going for her is my husband was president and I'm black.
Remember to sage shill/bot threads numb nuts.
You just brought this cancer from page 9 to page 1.
you should look up the words you use in the dictionary before posting
uhhh Michelle Obama was first lady, she knows more about international political affairs in her pinky finger than Drumpf does in his big fat meat eating body.
Nope. Not happening.
The power of the mainstream media will be destroyed within 3 years. Without the MSM, Democrats can't win national elections.
So they are already giving the 2020 elections to Trump?
The one thing she'll defeat him in is a piss drinking competition.
2018. The year of voter ID you subspecies.
She spent a lot of time on the trail stumping for Hillary. How did that turn out?
I hate niggers.
I wish Trump would deport all niggers back to africa.
Violent third world sub-humans only consume and destroy! They are not equals to anyone! What a joke it is, whites are expected to care for these animals like a child all while being insulted, stolen from, assaulted raped or killed.
FUCK NIGGERS. I hate all niggers. The only good nigger is a dead nigger. America can never be great again because the U.S is full of violent apes! We're fucking DOOMED.