Am I the only one who gets a wave of irrational anger when I hear about Calexit?
Am I the only one who gets a wave of irrational anger when I hear about Calexit?
I get a rational wave of laughter. Those faggots actually think they could secede AND take my state with them
The northern section will become part of Cascadia once the balkanization occurs.
How could you not want california to leave?
California may be an annoying liberal state, yes, but it's OURS. Imagine the blow to the American economy and international prestige their leaving would cause.
They can't though, it's illegal to leave the US as a state.
Cali pls go. No war, pls go cali
>oh no! We will lose a bunch of Jews leeching on the rest of the country as well as a million pretentious liberal vegan celebrities. How can we ever recover?!
At this point I wouldn't even mind losing Copenhagen, if it wasn't for the fact that the Royal family is also living there.
>Cali leaves
>Civil War 2.0
>US Military vs Califags and Spics
>California gets taken over as a red state because every liberal is killed
It will never happen because they're pussies who just talk but a man can dream about shooting faggots and chicANOS
what about california is yours? what californian land do you own?
Minimal at best. We get cheap avacados from Mexico anyways. Once Cali becomes part of Mexico your export prices will drop.
Cali wouldn't stay independant for long, they don't have the resources too. Silicon valley would also break down once they no longer have the rest of the us to support it. First world service economies can't exist in third world nations.
no, im native to california and it pisses me off to see so many factions that are against everything that is american. 100% of hiring managers hire not with any acknowledgements to the bill of rights or the constitution but some whatever corporate bullshit that's designed to keep employees stupid, submissive, and without dignity or forethought.
I for one think it would be hilarious.
Adjust the border a little so that "rural and suburban retards" from northeastern California get to stay in the US, then allow whatever's left to secede... then watch how they fare without food and water.
>Am I the only one who gets a wave of irrational anger when I hear about Calexit?
Yes. The majority of us would love it if California left the Union.
remember right after 2008 crisis when people were predicting USA will be split in 5 parts?
yeah, fun times.
>The wealthiest state with the highest GDP is also one of the most left-wing.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Calexit is a meme being pushed by an insanely small minority of Californians.
t. Californian
They're on the wrong side of the Colorado during a drought to pull this shit. Not to mention all of the power generated for cali by hoover dam
Calexit is a pretext for mexican unification.
The Jefferson movement is about rejoining the US.
Oh yes, California provides us with so much.
I live in the heart of the Silicon Valley, and I can guarantee everyone in this thread that absolutely none of these twink faggots would pick up a gun for their cause.
Don't any of you guys understand that this is just a ruse? They're just trying to get reactions out of you. Keep this up, and you'll actually meme them into trying to secede.
so obsessed with my beautiful republic
If Brits were so "smart" for Brexit, why not Calexit?
America needs to become an empire under Trump, with the annexation of Canada and South America. California leaving won't be optimal for this happening.
Also, for all the things that are never going to happen, this will never happen the most.
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.
Get e-beefed on you NERD
>Keep this up, and you'll actually meme them into trying to secede.
California leaving the Union would be a good thing.
Let all of the degenerates immigrate to California after Calexit. It would be a purge without having to actually genocide anyone.
Then the rest of us can just sit back and watch California collapse from the weight of it's own socialism.
Because it's against the law to leave the union. The US Civil War decided that.
I'll go ahead and expand on this.
California would never.. NEVER leave the USA:
1) The land is a strategic area. The Navy, Army, and Air Force will never yield their bases.
2) Many Californians do not want to leave the USA. The inner-city cucks and minorities say otherwise, but keep in mind they have complete control of the media while others have NO voice
3) Californians do not have the will, or the fortitude, to see through a civil war. As I mentioned in my college history class (we were discussing the same thing), the last secession didn't end to well! Many people died! The cucks here would not be able to actually win a war against the US military/PRO-US Californian rebels.
a lot of the blue there are illegals and their families, it's more like a mexican takeover than a secession.
little bit.
1. Guantanamo Bay
>Ignores Silicon Valley
>Ignores Hollywood
If all you think you get from CA is avocados, you're in for a bad time.
Hurr durr yes brexit muh freedom its good haha
No calexit its bad huehue
It's got 1 of the best economies on the planet that was apperently built by conservative white people, it's also a beautiful place. Now it's literally getting conquered by Mexicans (and to a lesser degree Asians) and the remaining whites there are nihilistic leftists. Your anger is understandable but you should come to peace with the reality that the US is gona balkanize anyway in the long run. Do the Mexicans in California even speak English?
most big companies residing in SV would defs migrate into the U.S, to somewhere like NYC or Seattle bc they know it would fuck their business up
>Do the Mexicans in California even speak English?
Lol no. It's so scary when you're calling a number in California and it's speaking in taconigger and you hear a heavy accent robot voice saying "Press 2 for English"
We love to talk hypotheticals here, but it'll stay just that.
California is too strategic to just let go like that. The state alone has higher GDP than the entire country of France. How the hell are we going to rebound from losing that much?
I wish Sup Forums could organize a group to help the state of Jefferson split. Fuck SoCal.
>He doesn't know what the Civil War is
>He doesn't know that the states can't secede
>How the hell are we going to rebound from losing that much?
Are you implying that the other states would be incapable of producing whatever it is that California produces?
Just put high tariffs on any imported California products. That will incentivize the creation of businesses within the US to replace said businesses from California.
>the most degenerate state of the U.S., which is also full of spics secedes
>this is a bad thing
They'll beg to rejoin when they realize the mistake of joining Mexico.
Yes, there are economic concerns. International prestige? Can it get lower then what it is now when Obama leaves?
>He doesn't know what a contract is
>He doesn't know that a party cannot be coerced into a contract
They would literally be begging America for fresh water in less than a week. All I can do for "calexit" is laugh.
I have bad news for you: You're a fucking idiot. This may have escaped your notice, but looking back on past events... how you got poor SAT scores, how your classmates did better than you didi with less effort, how teachers never told you you were smart except every once in a while with a pitied expression.
Your call for me to read one specific book that you've read and calling it a "good start" is almost cute; it implies that you're widely-read, which you of course are not, and are laying out a curriculum for me. Granted, it stops there because that's pretty much all you've got.
For the record, I don't "watch Buzzfeed crap." Also, all they did was dump some information and say "it's unverified." They didn't make it up.
No, I haven't heard of those people. I could list off a half-dozen people you haven't heard of either; it proves very little (read: nothing), and is a bit of a silly endeavor.
The fact that you're accusing me of going off emotion rather than "intelligence" (I guess you meant logic and reason) is actually hysterical.
"Among recent books on U.S. policy in Nicaragua, this one stands out for its combination of fact, historical analysis and open disgust over American arrogance. Sklar ( Trilateralism ) maintains that fear of "another Cuba" is an illusion fostered by the Reagan administration's propaganda-lobbying effort."
I wonder precisely how Trump is the solution to American arrogance? He's the fucking pinnacle and epitome of arrogance.
Also, how does a book that criticizes Reagan help bolster your positions in general? Don't get me wrong, I don't care for Reagan, but Republicans worship him like he's a god (albeit a senile one whose wife did most of the work towards the end).
Or did you only jump into this thread to bemoan the state of the world in general... you're neither conservative or liberal nor republican nor democrat, just someone who wants to tell everyone that everything is fucking terrible all around?
>US mainland stops selling them water
ez pz
The Supreme Court says otherwise, pal. Statehood is not a "contract," it's an irrevocable bond.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>Statehood is not a "contract," it's an irrevocable bond.
>My contract is irrevocable
t. Schlomo
I think its hillarious
Half of their budget is composed of FEDERAL money.
looks like the pacos would be headed back to mexico without their free gibs me dats
i wish it would happen.
You 'mericans have a massive Achilles heel in that you have no official language, the tacos could exploit this and officially make USA a hispanic country when they become the majority.
No, I get a glimmer of hope.
Why get mad about it?
CA is a shithole filled with human scum that dumbs down the world population through the media.
Nothing of value would be lost if thei'd starve to death, when their infrastructure breaks down and all businesses beg to move to the USA out of CA. Rich fucks would be the first to leave as soon as there would be supply shortages.
Not an argument
If it Califonia leaves the Union there would be no legal restrictions on invading and genociding the entire population
As a Californian I would welcome this
Sherman's march on San Fran when
It's so stupid that we never established an official language. It was meant to be "inclusive" to support white European immigrants to come over EVEN though up until very recently the government only conducted all forms of business in English.
Hell names on Ellis island were anglicized because the guys working the counter didn't want to bother with weird German or Swedish names so they just called everybody Johnson or Smith.
Even Drumpf was too foreign for them and they made up the name "Trump" on the spot and said "Here's your name now, welcome to America"
I'm Asian, and at times, we're just as bad as the Mexicans in terms of integration. The pamphlets they gave out that detailed election information were in four different languages. It's like English isn't even required anymore. I'm sorry your language is being slaughtered like this.
You can either blame it on California being in close proximity to neighboring countries with high emigration rates, or the stubbornness of the immigrants themselves. I personally find it sickening when people who were in the same boat as me, have no such regard to at least be able to be understood by the nationals.
>Implying Trump won't establish English as official within 2 years
No really though we need to make sure this happens
>hurr what does "per capita" mean?
Would you really like to lose all that farmland?
No, it's a worthless den of inbreds, commies, 25 $an hr staring pay for basic factory jobs and (only) 600,000$ for a two bedroom small house. Even candy bars are 2-4 $s there! It's a living failure.
I honestly hope they try.
>Shortest Civil War ever
>Trump gets to impose Reconstruction policies and doesn't let them vote or have representatives in 2020
adjust for cost of living and its one of the poorest states in the union
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
>Are you implying that the other states would be incapable of producing whatever it is that California produces?
Well the entire technological industry has centralized in CA, so they've been doing a bad job at it. Also, CA could easily partner up with ideological similarity "Canada". So, being a dick towards CA, might not work. This is double bad if other blue states like New York follow suit.
A literal in-door cuckshed
Montezuma's Revenge
Silicon Valley programs drones to bomb American cities when?
That is some hot green text right there.
You're forgetting that in order for a state to attempt to succeed they declare an act of war on the US government.
>Ignores that CoL is a reflection of high incomes and taxation.
Without a doubt, standard of living in CA is far superior to the red south.
Over 45% of the land in California is owned by the Federal government.
The Federal government justified starting the Civil war because the South took one of their forts when they seceded. Imagine what they'd do if a state stole millions of acres from them.
So yeah, California is here to stay
It pisses me off that they shat on any other state talking abo it seceding and then turn around and do it themselves. Im against secession in general but its the hypocrosy that really rustles my jimmies
If they want to fuck off and let themselves implode into a mexican vassal state I'm all for it
Why does a state with no military think it can secede and take on the federal government?
I live in this state
its shit
because if they did nobody would stop them
Trump could just keep the valuable parts of the state
No, because I realize that even if they secede, my cuck ass state will let them stay.
California needs us more than we need them. Especially when it comes to power, water and a shared consumer market.
We don't want your shitty state, stop making bullshit. We already have enough with our calicucks
The fuck did you just say to me you little faggot?
>Silicon Valley programs drones to bomb American cities when?
This is reality, not a shitty episode of Sherlock.
>DC ridiculous outlier
It'll be biotech that takes us to the foot of the Tower of Babel anyway. That's, believe it or not, located in the Midwest large public universities........
>29 in Idaho
>Making 70k about
Uh...well, that kinda puts things in perspective I guess...
They lack material resource but they are at the core of your economy, research and development. If California seceded, you'll instantly lose your #1 status to the Chinese.
Texas still can.
>Sup Forums talking about Texas independence
muh texah muhfucka, secede secede, fuck fedaral guburmunt / washington literally devil
>Sup Forums talking about Californian independence
how dare they want to secede from the precious murrica
>inb4 you get triggered:
Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.
Show me the statute.
it is 11th in gdp per capita
you should feel overjoyed. so long as your on the right side of the wall
>Sup Forums is one person
>reddit frog
Also the majority of the people on Sup Forums shat all over Texans in the Texit threads until they shut up
>Sup Forums is one person
no shit, generalizations exist for a reason, you don't slime your way out of this.
>reddit frog
>thinks pepe comes from le rabbit
back to donald with you
>Because it's against the law to leave the union. The US Civil War decided that.
Great. Show me the law.
Freakin' look it up brothers.....biotech emanates from the public ivy schools, aka the B1G. Once them and the ai silicon valley fuckers team up, we're fucked.
>I'm not reddit you're reddit!
Fuck both of you