Is Poland rightful Russian clay?
Is Poland rightful Russian clay?
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Not a country. It needs to be broken down into its ethnic substates.
this desu
literally who?
rightful *Prussian clay
there is no such thing as rightful clay
Moscow is rightfully Polish.
Nice digits, but you wrote "Prussian" wrong, fkn idiot.
>"us Prussians ... are the Poles equal brothers or their servants"
-- Karin Friedrich, The Other Prussia: Royal Prussia, Poland and Liberty, 1569–1772
>Karin Friedrich
Yeah just shows to never listen to a woman... and of course this comes from a Swede.
No such thing as Prussia, just germanized slavs. Not a coincidence that the greatest German leaders like Bismarck or Adolf were implicitly Slavic.
>poles unironically believe the baltic coast belongs to them
The whole world is rightful Russian clay anyone who opposes is leftist and most likely CTR shill.
Prussian yes, topkek @ Slavic
>Hitler was Prussian
God dammit Poland, at least put some effort into your bait.
He just wants the fish to bite, so his bait is good enough
Every great person in history has been of Slavish decent. You can't prove me wrong and if try you are leftist scum.
Poland's a non-country like Belgium or Denmark, so of course their clay is Russian or German.
>Isaac Newton
>Emperors of Rome
>George Washington
The only great "slav" I can think of would be Tesla right now. Even the Tsars were mostly German.
Is Germany rightful Polish and French clay?
>german flag
When did you forgive Charlemagne? Was it at the last battle of Berlin?
>Pulaski & Kosciuszko - Merica
And many many moar. You should try to think harder, Hans
>Prussian yes, topkek @ Slavic
Let's start with
In Germany he is known as "Karl der Große" with is main city being the German city Aachen. What is there to forgive?
Prussian (inb4 NO SLAV)
Well now that's a rather small contribution compared to the others now is it?
The others are literally "who?'s" nobody gives a shit about.
More like Poland is Ukrainian clay or Russia is Ukrainian clay. Russia is relatively young country and nation
Never thought I would say anything like this, but no, it's not rightful Russian clay. Although would separate again.
They lost, but it was close
>It needs to be broken down into its ethnic substates.
Of which the main one would still dwarf most over world countries and simultaneously have a good claim to Belostok and the Kresy lands up to the River San... ;) Not to mention the fact that most of the other states you propose would be entire landlocked and surrounded by 'Ethnic Russia'.
Hitler was Austrian.
Austrians are gemanized Slavs.
>They lost, but it was close
The PLC took Moscow in 1610 and occupied it for 2 years, until the Muscovites rebelled because of king Sigismund's stupid idea of enthroning himself as the tsar of Russia instead of his son.
>Austrians are gemanized Slavs.
Drug moi, a very large proportion of BRD Germans are germanicised Slavs! In Lausitz the germanicisation hasn't even FINISHED yet.
We (not so)literally birthed Prussia out of our collective ass so it wouldn't bother us.
Let's not talk about what happened next.
I'm aware of that, thank you. But to occupy a capital for two years and to subjugate a nation are very different things.
And they were thrown out not by Muscovites, but by militia from various places (except for Moscow because it was pillaged and starving atm) under the leadership of two chaps from Nizhni Novgorod who are forever remembered as national heroes.
Let's not forget that you had the advantage of being conquered and civilized by the Romans first, we had to work hard for everything we got. Not to mention you constantly bothering us, and Jewing us into Christianity.
Dansk Folkeparti?
yfw 99% of Poles have no idea about the whole Moscow event
>Prussian (inb4 NO SLAV)
Stop being retarded kraut. Königsberg aka Królewiec had a 35% Polish population in the 17th century. And the first universities *with their philosophical school of thought) in the city were founded by magnate Poles. 2/3's of PLC's written in Polish were printed in Królewiec. Not to mention that East Prussia in the 19th century was 1/3 Polish, Baltic, German majority each.
Really? It's a big deal in our history classes. I suppose nobody wants to remember lost wars
They captured it and then they were abandoned because the king's son didn't want to convert so it's like everything was a bit pointless. At least we got to enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet shame about those guys who stayed. But an epic victory nonetheless.
If only Sigmund was smarter everybody would be be better off. Fucking everybody.
nah. during XVII century we had like a gorillion of wars. 2 years means nothing especially so far away. we dont even learn about won wars during that century. anyway they just conquered the capitol which means nothing.
It would be true like 10 years ago but now everyone cares all of a sudden. Just like cursed soldiers are everywhere nowadays like some sort of real life superheroes.
>We (not so)literally birthed Prussia out of our collective ass
It's the bastard which Poland should have aborted before the year 1525, or scraped its fetus in 1410 when it had the chance, or not actually getting pregnant with it at all in 1226.
Prussia was Poland's greatest creation and mistake.
>Let's not forget that you had the advantage of being conquered and civilized by the Romans first,
>The Romans conquered all Germans
You rewrite history now? Look at the map where the Roman empire was, they barely scratched German clay, most of it was still out of their influence. They cucked France though.
>we had to work hard for everything we got.
Not in recent times... Partitioned by Prussia and Russia and then you got everything from them. Got your freedom back in 1920 (not thanks to yourself) and had barely any development until you got your shit pushed in by the fascists and the commies, then got more techonlogy from the Nazis along the way. Russia before WW1 was a barely industrialized shithole and then thanks to Stalin the country got industrialized... all of which had to be bought from Germany and the US. Well ok the slavs payed for industrialization with millions of lives in the end, I'll give you that.
>cares all of a sudden
maybe on Sup Forums. No one gives a single shit. It was yet another episode during XVIII century among dozens of wars and uprisings
I wonder how many people noticed cheeky Stanczyk on the steps knowing what's up. Everyone thinks he's only on pic related.
>abandoned because the king's son didn't want to convert
No... I think it was the other way around. His father didn't let him get crowned - because he wanted it himself - while the Muscovites supported him.
I'm curious whats the veiw on the formation of Prussia and Teutonic aggression in Poland?
>it need to be broken down
ye surr why dont we start with your """"country"""" which is actually 50 DIFFERENT STATES WITH DIFFERENT LAWS
American logic everyone
Let's be real most people living there wouldn't even notice the change but I guess they wanted peace and quiet.
Quit posting you autistic tripfag scum.
Prussia was literally a cancer and got what is deserved - a liquidation. It was just a fake state
The massacre of Verden
It felt nice to demolish the order and I heard arguments from both sides about whether or not Prussia should be incorporated (or if it was even possible).
It's true that Prussia was the only country who needed the partitions in order to survive but they wouldn't do anything if Poland wasn't already so weak in the 18th century. I blame degenerated elites. Lousy location doesn't help.
But he didn't... Sigismund turned the old Teutonic Knights into nobility and let them have autonomy under their old Grand Master. How could that have worked out? He should have killed them to the last man like the Templars.
I don't know why Prussia took the name of a pagan Baltic people that used to live there before them though
Is wester Russia rightful Polish clay?
No such thing as Poland. There's East Germany and West Russia. Nice thread, Ivan.
>Partitioned by Prussia and Russia and then you got everything from them.
Yeah, got their country taken and subjected to harsh treatment and cultural warfare.
>Got your freedom back in 1920 (not thanks to yourself)
You got to be fucking kidding me you idiotic ignorant. In 1918 with blood and sacrifice of Polish soldiers deserting the occupant armies and uniting into legions.
You will get your ass handed to you again soon enough!
>ethnic substates
Most of the republics that are present within Russian Federation were memed into existence by the Bolsheviks and didn't exist prior to that. They're not renamed back simply not to upset anyone.
The highest hope for this view is that Tatarstan should be independent. Let's see on the map where Tatarstan is - iIt's in the middle of Russia.
"Karelia", for example, is 85% Russian, and Karelians within "Karelia" compose 8%.
If we start to return lands and give them indepence, which is overall possible, we'll demand that similar measures take place in Kazakstan, Ukraine, the Baltic states and other places.
Ethnic nationalism is not really an enemy for the Russians. The Russians would do live with it just fine. It's the other ethnicities outside Russia who'll be surprised.
>But he didn't...
There were only like 200 of these warrior monks, around 150 after they got crushed by Polish-Lithuanian forces in the largest medieval battle at Grunwald. I read somewhere that he was apparently somehow related to one of them and spared their little state.
The Teutons have backstabbed the Polish Masovian prince who invited them to help fight in a cruse against the pagan Baltic Prussians. The lands taken by the Teutons were supposed to be given to him and incorporated into Duchy of Masovia (Poland) after the pagans were defeated, but the Teutons jewed him by forging a document of the contract. The Pope of Rome and even the Swedish Queen intervened, saying they would be punished by God for what they are doing.
Germany is French clay
>french in denial
>had their language replaced with Allemani language of some minor helvetic tribes (not a language of their own)
>France has had longer history, haven't tried to ruin the entire continent at such scale as Germany does
>non-nation: can't wave German flag in Germany
oh come on you gave 0 arguments to defend your "country" because you cant admit that its a federation
also nice /ad hominem/, I can smell you damage control from over here in the caliphate germanistan
No you're purposely being retarded and I won't be baited
or like Den-
>Poland's a non-country like Belgium or Denmark
Welp, guess it's better to be a non-country than a non-nation. We had been the former for like 123 years straight. Yet here we are.
but, but they do belong to us...
I knew the Teutonics would lose two thirds of their Knights ever war they lost but I'm suprised they had such few numbers at that time. I guess they'd lost most if their land they needed Knights to oversee.
I think the last 200 years should be enough of an argument for not trying to conquer Poland. It's just not worth it. You get some extra farmland in exchange for constant uprisings, guerilla warfare and workers sabotaging your shit.
Russia knows that very well, so I'm not afraid of any imminent invasion some retards keep fearmongering of.
>better to be a non-country than a non-nation. We had been the former for like 123 years straight.
>123 years
Do I really have to explain how deep rooted Polish national identity is? Already in 1410 at Grunwald there was a deep sense of being part of nation, especially in the nobility forming out of the knighthoods.
Nope. Poland should be our ally against European Chalifate.
>Already in 1410 at Grunwald there was a deep sense
Even before that. Canute was allied with the Poles in the 11th century. So by that time they were a nation enough for the Danish
poland is rightful german clay, you cuck
That was my point.
Even when not being on the map (being a non-country), we had some will, a sense of nationality, to form our state.
Then, there are SOME actual countries, that have territory, gov't, army and everything that a country needs to be one, but have no sense of nationality (non-nations).
How can Poland be russian clay when Poland is around 600 years older country than Muscovy?
I'm okay with that. Also sorry for not preventing the soviet union from happening, Piłsudski had a real means to help the whites defeat the reds, but helping russia wasn't exactly the best thing to do if we wanted to keep that freshly attained independence...
>great person in history
>George Washington
Exactly, even our legends (shame not many known written records) speak of our nation being older than the 10th century.
Yeah they unironically think whole world considers their presidents and founding fathers as worlds greatest people
>but helping russia wasn't exactly the best thing to do if we wanted to keep that freshly attained independence...
>East Germany
No such thing as Germany
There's German Caliphate
Well, after WW2 all sane people should 1st of all focus on stoping conflicts amongst whites. We are dying breed right now.
Personally i don't care which ethnic will be leader amongst whites and slavs in particular, if this ethnic promotes some positive values for all white nations.
What the fuck have any polish done? Be a non nation before clasping due to weak elite?
What the fuck have any Czechs done in the past two thousand years? Be heretics?
Poland is too big to be swallowed by anyone. Conquering Poland is a waste of time
The whole world belongs to us Jews you subhuman goyim
Yeah funny considering your opposition was one of factors in that decisions, aswell as you giving us to soviets after ww2 (I know it was mostly murricans and churchill really tried, but if chamberlain wasnt such sorry piece of shit in the first place, the war would have ended in like 1941 at most)
Do you understand there is no such thing?
You're just a bunch of brainwashed Europeans living inside a fantasy created by the freemasons and religious fanatics. There's a literal example of how it works - look at the state of Utah. You're no different.
>What the fuck have any polish done? Be a non nation before clasping due to weak elite?
>invent oil industry
>tell USA about it
>invent vodka industry
>tell Russia about it
Russia got dealt plenty of shitty hands this past century and it was all due to their performance in WW1.
>Fall of USSR
I wonder how much different they would have been if they didn't suck so much ass in WW1. Communism would never have arisen. The royal family would probably have maintained power for another 20-30 years before reforming to a less absolute monarchy form of government with parliament sorta like the UK. They probably would have retained most of their land and not get pushed back into a corner.
>What the fuck have any polish done?
A LOT under our 1000+ year period, also for your country you ungrateful bastard.
>Be a non nation before clasping due to weak elite?
The ignorant is strong in this one.
>What the fuck have any Czechs done in the past two thousand years? Be heretics?
- antiretroviral drugs against HIV and hepatitis B
- contact lenses
- polarography
- discovered blood types
- invented a propeller
- laws of inheritance
- Semtex
- sugar cube
- nanofibres