I just want to be a japanese high school student

I just want to be a Japanese high school student

>Wake up in the morning in hustles and bustles of the city and sunrises wonderful blend
>Consumed for breakfast rice cakes and tea, pet cat nekoa, wash your teeth and go to school by subway
>on the way to school buy fresh iced tea from the many vending machines along the way
>Arrive to school, the first lesson is math
>After the equations solutions is the time for recess,talk about last night's exciting baseball game in which the Tigers faced the Tokyo and Kyoto cannon
>the recess ends, now it is for English
>after talking it's time for a lunch break, eat sushi and spring water
>After the lunch break it is history, you go through oda nogungan the Japanese conquest of the 1500s
>School has ended, but you have to stay in school because you belong to the voluntary biology research group. study the frogs and their habitat, and the effects of the change in frogs
>You're finally free, you decide to go witg your friends Daisuke, Kenji and with Ryon to library to do homework
>When you're doing your homework, Daisuke says he has a crush on kasumi who is in the same class. Giggle and murmur so that the librarian will have to ask you to be quiet
>together the homework is done easily, and now you are going to see a movie, the new super! Go! Monster! -anime
>You enter into a metro that takes you close to the movie theatre
>notice that there is a really cute girl in the metro
>She looks at you and you look at her
>you both redden during the trip
>The girl leaves the and Daisuke teases me because I did not dare to talk with her


Other urls found in this thread:


>You go the movie theater, you take the popcorn and Coke
>Bash! wam! Bumbum! evil monsters get their ass beaten by 16 year-old teen heroes. you rate the movie 4/5
>you are getting hungry and you decide to go to McDonald 's to pick up burgers
>You go to eat the burgers to a sluggish park
>Talking about career plans, Kenji wants to be a doctor like his father, Daisuke wants to become a psychologist and Ryota is interested in a career in robotics. I myself I would like to Tokyo investment banker
>time seems to be already half nine, you go home each independently
>Go to wait for the metro
>Find out something, do not believe your eyes
>It is the girl from the previous metro trip
>You feel that between us is a small spark, you choose to be as brave as they those teenage fighters in the movie, you decide to offer your number to the girl
you both redden
>Ayane left, but you are happy. 58 arrives exactly 5 minutes after the ayane's train
>walk home from the metro station and buy fresh orange juice from fending machine on the way home
>Come home, your mother has made tasty okonomoyakes
>you change sand for Neko and play with him
>watch funny Mega Fun Games TV program with your family
>After a long day you feel tired, brush your teeth and put on a pajama
>study for tomorrow's English word test
>Roll up futons on the floor, you put your head on pillow, and you cannot wait for tomorrow before you fall asleep

How cool would it be a Japanese high school student? So fucking cool. If I reborn ever again, being japanese teen would be my wish number uno.

>After the lunch break it is history, you go through oda nogungan the Japanese conquest of the 1500s

>you will never be a visiting exchange student from America and play Uno with your bubbly qt japanese waifu-gf and her giggling friends

wish to be something you can be and then become that.

I wonder what it's like to be surrounded by nothing but your own race.

Wake up in morning in cramped crowded apartment
>Mother too busy or lazy to make you breakfast
>Get it yourself, bakka
>Arrive at school
>Get beaten up by bully
>Go to math class, memorize shit
>Recess, attacked by gang of bullies
>Lunch, pack of ramen you found at the back of the cupboard at home
>Eat alone, don't look anybody in the eye.
>Inside, you are lonely and abused wreck. But don't cry, show no emotion. This is Japan.
>Back to class, daydream about looking at girls' pussies.
>School ends, go to bicycle, bullies kicked in the spokes. Walk home.
>Enter apartment block, one of thousands in Saitama.
>Parents working overtime/avoiding you.
>No one home.
>Find another pack of ramen for dinner.
>Go to bedroom. Play video games. Shitpost.
>Another day in Japan.

Hey, that's nothing like those Chinese cartoons I hear so much about!



Same, Suomi. Same. Replace their 8 hour school days with your 5 hour though.

>mother too busy or lazy to make you breakfast
Nigga Japanese mothers on average wake up at 5 fucking am to make their children breakfast and lunch.

Stop projecting your mediocre life onto hard working nips.

sounds boring as fuck, get real you anime autist and start lifting and become alpha

You forgot commit sudoku

Fuck off weebo with your romanticised view

be productive and go write a novel or something
instead of shitting up the board

Don't you mean:
>Spend hours alone every day because you failed to get in the cliques when school started.
>Get addicted to masturbating to anime after seeing an animated tit on the TV.
>Be morbidly obese by your final year but it's OK because that NTR hentai you are so fond of makes you the main character.
>You wanted to live in your mother's basement but like every other Japanese family you lived in a 2LDK so you move out into an even smaller 'house' so that your mother doesn't have to pretend to be asleep while you are having a 4 hour masturbation session.
>You never got a job but that's OK because when you sold your anime figurine collection you found out you had a rare panties-removable Sakura which sold to a guy who was even fatter than you are for 1million yen which is significantly less than you thought it was.

Idk probably sucks
white people are kinda trash

Almost sounds like you're speaking from experience there.

I don't know how true it is but the comfiest thing about anime and the one thing I really envy is how everyone is just able to hang around even late into the evening without any risk of getting mugged or harassed by some disgusting shitskin degenerate.

As someone that grew up in a big city, that's one thing I would love to experience.


>Not knowing generic fat Jap's backstory:the tale.

>Giggle and murmur so that the librarian will have to ask you to be quiet

This is why there is a birth rate problem in Japan. No real men.

Mfw people talk about Asians

The only worthwhile thing Japan has ever produced is mecha anime.

I wish, finbrah, I wish....

I wasted all my life in a shit 2nd world country where emotions are non existing and the governments top priority is how to steal more money.

This is the worst feeling ever, you live in a country which is not poor but its not rich as well, so you live in between 2 worlds where you can't have the best life experience.


>get bullied by your classmates

Deluded childish weaboo

>muh asian super IQ

fucking kek.

>stupid fucks think that the life of a Japanese student is different than the life of an European student, except for forced discipline and culturally accepted social anxiety
I mean, I don't blame the Finn - Mongol blood running through the veins does that to you.
But anyone else? Damn, you are a pathetic bunch, you fucking weebs.


Someone explain me why this doesn't get old.

Speaking of japshit that doesn't get old.


Im only hyped about japanese history and math, but the japs are still semi human, so you could just find some asbergers kids in Finland if you want that experience, like its 70% of your population anyways.
Op im sorry this is you now get you fingolian ass back to bed.

You haters dont know ANTHING about japan!

jeez, they really aint much to look at, are they?
















>having to go back to pleb tier math

No way





That WebM is what happens when you watch too many cartoons and the line between them and reality starts to blur

This weeb shitpost is also what happens.






i love canadian posts.

The darkest parts of the population are ugly as shit.

>tfw you're a 50 year old degenerate who stops to buy little girls panties from a vending machine in the subway station on your way to a cubicle job

>Abe Shinzo beheads the weak losers to Make Japan Great Again

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/107389955#bottom

>you will never fight sasuke and become the greatest hokage

You forgot

>Be short ugly Jap
>Have tiny penis
>Never have sex for your whole life because no Japanese women want sex
>Kill yourself because it is the honorable way to go after your favorite anime character dies

2 panels in and I'm starting to like it.

this made me giggle

weeaboos should learn their lessons the hard way

>Graduate from Japanese High School and kill yourself before you wage slave

they make games people like you, yah know

I fucking cringed, seriously Finland stop

But seriously isn't it a lot? That's like half the price of starbucks, even the most expensive coffee at Paris barely costs that much (it's hyper small though)

This projection though.

Hahahaha, great pasta


This comic gets posted, people argue over the value of a cup of coffee

>Study the frogs

user we do that here daily. You don't need to go to Japan to study the frogs.

Top weeb



>Two hours for lunch, one spend hunting whale

I lost the korean pasta. Does someone has it?

>I wish I lived in a slice of life anime.

Don't we fucking all Finland.

math learn 1 plus 1 bomb equal end war

>9:00 a.m.: how to deny war crimes.


Life in Japan is like Getsuyoubi no Tawawa except without the cute girls.


Not that one, but have this.

dude that's way too much for coffee

What level of autism is this?


Fucking kek, I knew a kid just like this in college. He didn't mean anything by Indians just have no concept of personal space. Poor guy, they are usually good sports.

Got (You)s familia

your whole country is pleb tier

This is cringy and sort of endearing. I feel pretty bad for the dude.

This. Despite cultural differences, teenagers are teenagers and high schools are very similar in first world countries despite different policies. You'll get the shit kicked out of you and girls won't even look in your direction if you're a weirdo wherever you go

why are indian men so creepy though


Jesus christ you're both retarded
I grew up over there, and came here because of shit work culture.
It's not like what you think, it's not that shitty and its not "lol sushi erryday"