>tfw you're the most hated nation on Sup Forums
why even live
>tfw you're the most hated nation on Sup Forums
why even live
cling to the hope that one day you can be a nazi
>tfw you're the most hated nation on Sup Forums
pretty sure USA is still #1, everyone hates them, even themself (shillary/d(r)umb)
Nothing to compared Leafs and Australian posters.
Before i thinked that they are pretty based nations but Sup Forums made me hate both to my guts
Pretty sure that title belongs to the poo shitters, the leafs and the strayans, in that order.
please don't bump this fag, he's responsible for the destruction of the world
i actually unironically like burgerland
besides the blacked.com shit, australians make acutally funny thread and have always top bantz
leaf on the other side are the niggers of pol
after seeing the amerilets pics? kek
>poo shitters
No one hates poos, they are just made fun of, but no one perceives them as a threat
Same as above
They aren't hated, they are feared because they use every chance they get to remind us of our mortality
No one hates Americans. They are superior to us in every way, and what we masquerade as hate is actually nothing but social envy and bitterness
Germans...Germans are universally hated. We are too big to be ignored, too small to deserve respect, and too autistic to be liked.
why even live
Fuck you. Just look at that disgusting Sup Forums banner. fuck you.
Cheer up Bernd, I hate everyone equally
Except Finland, they're alright
>tfw not a based Finn
why even live
still like them, they're our truly greatest allies
t. cuck
>tfw you aren't Poland's greatest ally
why even live
ich hoffe du stirbst einsam und alleine du cuck
you were never even our greatest enemy
that is Russia
Despite all the memes I still love Germany, its culture and its people.
Your government is AIDS though, even worse than ours.
Sweden? You're on the wrong proxy.
russia is you best friend
wtf I hate poland now
wew almost tricked myself, CLEAN TOILET KURVA
Stop trying to steal my spotlight.
See, Germans can't even into bantz
This is why the world hates us
yeah, poor leaves
Pretty sure Sweden has you beat, also sounds to me like you want to be hated the most. Sounds about right for a lot of you Germans.
but you have very funny autism, it would even be bearable if you do not turn full retard every 50 years
But everybody needs a hobby
I actually hate Canada a lot more than you cucks.
>no one hates americans
Ok if you want to bait, you need to make it better. There are countries where virtually everyone hates america.
Look at Iran.
America staged a coup and got a dictator in power, who was later removed by radical muslims.
They then supported a guy who attacked Iran with gas and killed >5% of the iranian population in the war. (hint: 5% deaths is a lot)
The US also shot down a passenger plane killing >300 people including 60 children.
And we don't even want to talk about the economic sanctions.
So of course you have people that hate americans.
Why do Americans call us schnitzelniggers?
Schnitzel is literally Austrian
No India is the most hated county on Sup Forums and any board with flags. An Indian literally can't post in any thread wthout getting bombarded with poo in loo
Hi there.
>The US also shot down a passenger plane killing >300 people including 60 children.
Excuse me, but everyone makes mistakes
Let bygones be bygones
Oh pls we where hated before and we will be hated afterwords. Not giving a singel fuck as always and doing what we always do.
be Superior and dont give a singel fuck.
you are definitely not superior in english language, thats for sure
also we are whiter than you
Not enough Leaf in here
>tfw when Germans can't even speak English
why even live
You are probably the most loved nation desu we are hard on you cause we love you
Hail Victory
Someone said White?
I hate Germany's government and how cucked their people are. I also do not like Germany's history of messing up Europe.
That being said, we are your cousins and fellow beer drinkers.
t.Bong abroad
*PERU *-*/
just move away germany is done for, move to hungary or poland as long as the eu still exists it shouldn't be to hard.
>tfw slav-mongolian kike (genetically)
>tfw immigrant in this country
>tfw don't get along with parents because they're soviet commies
>tfw don't get along with libtards
>tfw come to Sup Forums to be with people like myself
>tfw they see my flag and call me a spic
now I know you're talking bullshit when you say americans hate themselves. we are some arrogant motherfuckers
Nah that's definately Canada.
Hate us cause they anus. Honestly who cares? Most of the people hating on germany (or any other white nation) don't have it better themselves
>USA almost non white
>UK, France, Skandivia less whiter or as white as us
or are dividing shills. Who cares about this dumb nu-Sup Forums "banter" aka "you are cucked and not white".
Sweden and Canada are promising challengers though
You're not Canada.
They're all jelly