NederBelg <3


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degenerate weeb kys

You're just upset nobody finds your fat burger ass attractive, not even England.

Incest? Degenerate sea jew. Not relevant to Sup Forums either.


if you only only saw the MILFs I pull you would sit back down and not speak again.

I am just glad I don't fap to 2d loli drawings. Such degeneracy.

It's not incest, we're seperate countries, it's relevant to me.

>Titcow MILFs
You have no taste burger


That's way too old my man, the one on the right is wearing a Christmas sweater.

I am not going to argue with a virgin

I'm not a virgin, my girlfriend is going to pop out some kids soon.

>american overaged roasties
great taste lmao. how many tyrones did she fucked my greasy friend?

Keep dumping m8, also idk what that burgers problem.
>posts on an anime inspired image board
>gets mad when people post anime
I sorta think he's a plebbit fag that got lost

Thanks brah

Pol takes care of it's own


/cm/ is that a way.

Also stop giving me Hetalia feels, I thought I left that part of my life behind me in 2013.

M8 is this from a manga or is this just straight up fan art like of Tay and pol ?


Dont be ashamed friendoo

It's from Hetalia aka Sup Forums the Japanese anime webcomic. For once I'd actually recommend the dub over the sub because the dub crosses the normie line twice.

The Nordic 5 are best boys.

Nah I had a feeling it was from there. I want to leave that part of my life behind but for some reason seeing this gives me nostalgia feels

Yeah same. Fuck.

Tulip Siblings > Nordic 5



yo i remember seventh grade too

fuck i had a gf once who was into this

>i had a gf once

Norway and Denmark incest >>>>>>>>>>>> Waffletulip incest

Usuk is best ship desu

kys weeb

>Watching Niconico Douga with my ex-girlfriend
>Laughing at all the weeaboos
>Ex-girlfriend drew Hetalia fanart and I wore a Berserk shirt


The times are a-changing

Belgium should be partitioned between France and Germany desu

Give me one good reason

This nigga



Please post Russo-American alliance pictures.

Fuck off commie

Don't spread lies.

U-uh.. n-nederkun... :3

what the fuck is this thread

Where the fuck are those characters from

I am as confused as you are.
