Should females be allowed into special forces? Should females be allowed to take any combat positions at all?
Females in special forces
>wow we serve a vital role in talking to women in burkhas
>wow we're an elite fighting force on the front lines of the war on terror
>wow every time we're reviewed we have worse performance than a normal infantry unit
>wow none of the intel we gathered actually matters because women in this society have no decision making authority
Keep a dozen on hand in case they're absolutely necessary for a job, otherwise don't fucking bother. Juice isn't worth the squeeze.
If they can keep up with the standards that men do why not?
Of course this will be a very small amount because a lot of men fail this anyways
No. All you need to do is torture a female and use a loudspeaker to broadcast it to the enemy and all the cucks would be running to try and save her.
Special forces is a brotherhood. It should stay that way.
What will hapen when shes on her period in the middle of a raid in the middle of the desert
>Sorry sarge, gotta take the week off. I'm on my period!
They're a liability to the team.
There are several reasons why having women in a combat unit degrades unit cohesion and effectiveness, and only some of them have to do directly with upper body strength and injury rates.
Wear diapers like the female pilots
No, and no.
My buddy is in marine recon in California and does these same beach insertions where they come out of the surf and all that shit. He said it might look cool but in reality they are so fucking cold and borderline hypothermic that it's hardly practical. And they'd never emerge from the water in a tight group like that with their rebreathers still on. More likely one guy would come out first to get a look around.
No. Never. Can you imagine the bad optics if one of them gets captured, and gangraped by Kebabs?
i do believe that some can perform well in that environment physically, emotionally and mentally. but
is right in that we tend to fight in places where a captured/killed and unrecovered serviceman would be subjected to some tier 1 bullshittery for the camera.
Why are you using Polish GROM picture ? You have plenty of your own SF units :P
Cunts shouldn't be allowed to have any jobs, especially military.
There is literally zero chance they would pass the test
You can substitute these questions with "do you want to sabotage the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the special forces unit from the inside?" The answer and the reasons for the answer are the same.
No. Women can never be truly @parity with men in the armed forces for now.
I am not specifically talking about the ability to kill, but strength.
Women can't even take care of themselves on the battlefield for the most part. Most fronline service involve alot of heavy work, and especially combat.
A very small subset can at best match average males, but no more than that. And from an economic pov it is pure stupidity. Take a body that have more fat, weaker bones and joints and make it work at 110%. It won't take long before they are hurt from training alone. Which means all those tax dollares is going to waste watching Dress that say yes on TLC.
Perhaps with exoskeletons it could change, but women in frontline duty is stupid as fuck for now. They just don't have the endurance, robustness and strength to do it.
We used to welcome females to apply, but none of the few who applied passed the physical tests. T. Ex special forces
>Dress that say yes
this. Unless the standards are lowered, females simply cannot pass special forces selection. The ruckmarches/Pullup requirements alone are enough to keep out all females.
>I am not specifically talking about the ability to kill, but strength.
Ok explain all the female body builders posted on here that are stronger than most men.
Women can be as strong as men if not stronger. Because they have better focus and dedication.
hahahahahahahahaha. no.
Imagine your sister or daughter (I would mention girlfriend but none of you will ever have one) is in the Special Forces and is captured by the enemy. She is then impregnated and has babies with the enemy. Now what do? Would be a pretty fucked up situation right? Meet your new half-brother Mohammed faggots.
Not to mention ferocity
I know this is a shitpost but even women who look like that are not as strong as skeletor guys.
Steroids aren't allowed in the Army, and even if they were allowed, it wouldn't make sense to bring them on deployments.
>Ok explain all the female body builders posted on here that are stronger than most men.
This is actually not true. Most men are stronger than almost all women.
Chum the waters more
Bodybuilding is not what soldiers train for you moron. They have to be able to march/run long distances with minimal calories and sleep.
Females should be allowed but they should also meet the same requirements as men.
From the report of the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces (report date November 15, 1992, published in book form by Brassey’s in 1993):
The average female Army recruit is 4.8 inches shorter, 31.7 pounds lighter, has 37.4 fewer pounds of muscle, and 5.7 more pounds of fat than the average male recruit. She has only 55 percent of the upper-body strength and 72 percent of the lower-body strength... An Army study of 124 men and 186 women done in 1988 found that women are more than twice as likely to suffer leg injuries and nearly five times as likely to suffer fractures as men.
The Commission heard an abundance of expert testimony about the physical differences between men and women that can be summarized as follows:
Women’s aerobic capacity is significantly lower, meaning they cannot carry as much as far as fast as men, and they are more susceptible to fatigue.
In terms of physical capability, the upper five percent of women are at the level of the male median. The average 20-to-30 year-old woman has the same aerobic capacity as a 50 year-old man.
Ok show me a man that can do this
From the same report:
Lt Col. William Gregor, United States Army, testified before the Commission regarding a survey he conducted at an Army ROTC Advanced Summer Camp on 623 women and 3540 men.... Evidence Gregor presented to the Commission includes:
(a) Using the standard Army Physical Fitness Test, he found that the upper quintile of women at West point achieved scores on the test equivalent to the bottom quintile of men.
(c) Only 21 women out of the initial 623 (3.4%) achieved a score equal to the male mean score of 260.
(d) On the push-up test, only seven percent of women can meet a score of 60, while 78 percent of men exceed it.
(e) Adopting a male standard of fitness at West Point would mean 70 percent of the women he studied would be separated as failures at the end of their junior year, only three percent would be eligible for the Recondo badge, and not one would receive the Army Physical Fitness badge.
No and no.
Also from the Commission’s report:
Non-deployability briefings before the Commission showed that women were three times more non-deployable than men, primarily due to pregnancy, during Operations Desert Shield and Storm. According to Navy Captain Martha Whitehead’s testimony before the Commission, ‘the primary reason for the women being unable to deploy was pregnancy, that representing 47 percent of the women who could not deploy.’
Maybe we need armored strollers.
My friend Catherine Aspy graduated from Harvard in 1992 and (no, I’m not on drugs) enlisted in the Army in 1995. Her account was published in Reader’s Digest, February, 1999. She told me the following about her experiences:
I was stunned. The Army was a vast day-care center, full of unmarried teen-age mothers using it as a welfare home. I took training seriously and really tried to keep up with the men. I found I couldn’t. It wasn’t even close. I had no idea the difference in physical ability was so huge. There were always crowds of women sitting out exercises or on crutches from training injuries.
They [the Army] were so scared of sexual harassment that women weren’t allowed to go anywhere without another woman along. They called them ‘Battle Buddies.’ It was crazy. I was twenty-six years old but I couldn’t go to the bathroom by myself.
Women are going to take on the North Korean infantry, but need protection in the ladies’ room. Military policy is endlessly fascinating.
>stronger than most men
Irrelevant, since they need to be more athletic than the subset of men trying for special forces, not men as a whole, numbskull
And then there's this guy
>Women can be as strong as men if not stronger. Because they have better focus and dedication.
Sorry but even female bodybuilders (essentially like the one pictured) still only posses strength of that of your average non-weight lifting male. Rhonda Rousey could barely hold her own against an average guy in a training exercise.
A strong ass woman up against ANY male soldier would make the Rodney King ass whopping look like a cuddle-fest. If women could be as strong as male fighters men wouldn't have dominated society and battlefields as much as they have.
Men built and run this world not because of patriarchy but because of genetics.
When I was writing the military column, I looked into the experience of Canada, which tried the experiment of feminization. I got the report from Ottawa, as did the Commission. Said the Commission:
After extensive research, Canada has found little evidence to support the integration of women into ground units. Of 103 Canadian women who volunteered to joint infantry units, only one graduated the initial training course. The Canadian experience corroborates the testimony of LTC Gregor, who said the odds of selecting a woman matching the physical size and strength of the average male are more than 130-to-1.
From Military Medicine, October 1997, which I got from the Pentagon library:
One-third of 450 female soldiers surveyed indicated that they experienced problematic urinary incontinence during exercise and field training activities. The other crucial finding of the survey was probably that 13.3% of the respondents restricted fluids significantly while participating in field exercises. (p. 690)
Because peeing was embarrassing. Or,
Kessler et al found that the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the United States was twice as high among women. (p. 661)
Depression, says MilMed, is far commoner among women, as are training injuries. Et cetera.
The military is perfectly aware of all of this. Their own magazine has told them. They see it every day. But protecting careers, and rears, is more important than protecting the country.
Anyway, for those who wanted supporting evidence, here it is.
most of them shouldn't even be allowed in the police
I would still beat the shit out of that chick.
Aside from the obvious reasons of uselessness on the battlefield and the potential to cause discord among the squad, there is also the possibility of destroying their ability to give birth. Women can literally destroy their uterus just by going through the rigorous training and making their bodies manlike.
most big bodybuilder girls are so strung out on roids they'd be thrown out of the military. Besides, explosive muscles (big muscles) are not what you need in the military for the most part, you need strength but also alot of endurance fibrers,
Only if they are a superbutch lesbian type sure.
Because this specific talent applies to special forces how?
I don't think a muscle-girl seductress assassin who crushed heads between her thighs is what the Seals are looking for.
how is that even helpfull in the army ? huh ?
Fuck off rostie, get the fuck out.
An make BETTER war prisoners. for those Bored guards,
Also, women do not have the physical ability to keep up with elite forces. If someone is shot, and that cunt can't get her battle buddy off the X, she has no place in combat at all.
i'm not going to start playing wargame: red dragon and make a deck with fucking women in it.
>accuracy 15%
>bullets per minute 281 and broke a nail
>suppression over 9000 because of breasts
Ok I'll just link you to the thread
There's literally millions.
Stop being a vagina worshipping white-knight cuck.
Oh who am I kidding, you're going to go whine to your cuck friends about how teh evil raycis and muhsoggyknees menz are being mean to wimminz.
>I'll take "Cherry Picking" for 400 Alex
Enlisted United States Army combat veteran here.
The answer is no.
Not only should women not be allowed in Special Operations unites, they should be nowhere near the front line. At best they should be allowed to be clerk typists and nurses in the rear - as in CONUS. That should be the extent of their "service".
War is a dirty, hard, dangerous business. It isn't the place for social experiments in radical egalitarianism. Women, besides being as a general rule physically inferior to men, are an emotional and psychological train wreck waiting to disrupt a unit.
But please, be my guest, force it on the armed services. If you hate your nation that is.
The barbarians are always there, right outside the fence line, waiting for your weakness to become so obvious they know their victory over you will be easy.
Read this then fuck off
What are they even yelling at her about? Are they just on a ruck run?
Women have no place in any combat role.
Why would any female want to look like this?
Because being a female is a mental disorder.
yes, if they deserve it. you guys denying are just insecure.
They yell at her because she bitched and whined before breaking into tears when someone said something mean to her and splashed her with water by stepping in a muddy puddle.
It begs the question, is that cunt someone you would want on your side or the other side in a fight?
>tfw I just say the barrel of her rifle
Joan of Arc never really held any command and the only reason anyone took her seriously at any time was because she looked and dressed like a man.
>That guy who stomped the puddle at the end of the video
Holy shit my sides
Even if I ignore the part where women just don't cut it, I would still have to ask: why? Why even contemplate employing women in the special forces when you have more than enough men superior in every possible way already competing to get in? It's fucking retarded.
Because your bodybuilder chicks don't post their selfies standing next to a guy which would make it instantly noticeable how small their frame still is.
>Should females be allowed into special forces?
Only if they have their own separate units that uphold the same standards expected from men. That way they won't be a liability on the battlefield or change the dynamics in existing male units. Of course this isn't going to happen because almost all of them are incompetent and will demand to be mixed in with the men, so practically no.
Sure, they just need to meet the standards required for the job. If they manage it then I'm OK with it.
Jesus Christ, that's embarrassing.
pretty shameful when you consider that this is how we treat our WOMEN
>but she wanted equality and now she has it
yeah sure, feminists BTFO and all that, but picture our ancestors learning that in the future our army is made of men who shout angrily at women for being unable to keep up, in a time of peace at that!
she whines about her head spinning and people splashing her with puddle water and they keep shouting at her to shut up
There are countless reasons beyond mere physical strength as to why women are more disruptive than helpful in combat situations. The physical disparity is the tip of the iceberg. I posted a long article here and there are countless others like it, written by women who served.
The fact that physical standards must be lowered for females to even enter the military is a proof that they have only weaken our infantry and ground operations.
Women are wired differently and I am sure they can be utilized in some way to the benefit of military operations, but it is not on the battlefield or anywhere near it. Their emotions cripple them, their physical ability limits them, and both of these combined can divide a squad when cohesiveness is essential to victory.
Well trained white women outclass Arabs and other such untermenschen in every way. Plus the rustling factor of having Islamist's wiped out by teams of women.
Don's Angels when?
oh you bleached italy
Sup smallpox England
Only if they're super women who were grown and developed in a lab.
Lol i though you were a retard at first and then after VERY close examination I saw it..... holy fuck she is muzzling herself with two guns at once..... just how?
she can't even really goon effectively. i mean come on.
no to both
>yeah sure, feminists BTFO and all that, but picture our ancestors learning that in the future our army is made of men who shout angrily at women for being unable to keep up, in a time of peace at that!
professional soldiering isn't a fucking game, son. people die. people die because you couldn't keep up. you ok with that?
Battle buddies aren't just for cunts
picture our ancestors learning that in the future our army includes women doing infantry shit
It's a basic training thing for men, for cunts its anywhere they are in the field because muh rape.
Let them try to pass the physical standards, none are going to get through, just not happening.
That way it's a win win, they don't get to bitch about inequality, and they get a dose of reality.
>Should females be allowed into special forces?
Of course. They are vital for undercover work.