Post your face when you realize that you're a fucking white male in 2017!

Post your face when you realize that you're a fucking white male in 2017!



enjoy it now, white bros. you've got about 40 more good years before you pay big time.

>t society without electricity and millions in region with winter
I'd say you are eating yourselves 3 years after whitey is gone















Nice try,Muhammad.

> blacks gain a majority over the world
> blacks take over
> all statues replaced with black faces, including Mount Rushmore
> electricity and infrastructure fail
> mass famines and death
> countries degenerate and devolve into primtive collections of tribes fighting each other
> enough white and Asian tribes survive to start over after the Blaknarok
> things start picking up again
> cities start to be built 100s of years later
> universities get founded again
> archaeology is restored, and ruins of 21st century found
> liberals believe in afrocentricism because the statues look like the faces of tribes in black Africa
> DNA gets rediscovered and fringe far right white people start believing John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Andrew Jackson and George Washington were actually black, even though the only people left with those surnames are black.
> these nazis get treated like people trying to research Kennewick Man or the Solutreans

It never ends.


Nice try.

Are you implying there's such a thing as white privilege ?

I think he's implying, this is the year the white man wakes up, and has our own little "chimp out" of sorts








No white tax $$$$ = no free handouts
No white people = no niggers

oh wait


it's been going downhill for you guys if you havent noticed


>I'd say you are eating yourselves 3 years after whitey is gone
3 yrs is WAY too generous. I give them a mere 6mts, with MASSIVE die offs after just the first 30 days. I mean does ((Hollywood))) swag really pay the bills or teach a nigger how to grown food? NOPE! because THAT kind of thing is "acting white"

My digits say otherwise




We go down, everyone goes down.
Welfare gone, niggers helpless.

We can start over again, we have the brains for it.

>German nationalism on the rise