Notice how that asshole mentions
>"love beyond age"
>an extra tumor for the fun
Notice how that asshole mentions
>"love beyond age"
>an extra tumor for the fun
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lgbtbbq+AIDS, African-Americans and native Americans wouldn't even make 25% of the country
Can we agree on the fact that the stats are completely surreal
>love beyond age
What did he mean by this?
See, the problem is he's reducing race, sex, religion, beliefs, into being 'just labels', when in fact these things make up literally our entire identity. So read this as a subversive call to "destroy yourself" for the sake of .. the minorities.
Reminder more Muslim American soldiers have murdered more active duty American soldiers than all Muslim American soldiers have died in all of our nation's history
Don't be pedophiliphobic, goy.
So the WWE finally turned him heel?
Pretty sure he counted transgender as a disability so I don't see the problem.
Is this a threat?
How can one country get so degenerated
He lost how many times to Rusev back when Rusev was good.
Does this mean that American liberalism can't stand up to based Russia and great leader Vladimir Putin?
Sounds like one.
Wow! Less than THREE PERCENT of the American population lives in the state of Virginia! Thank for letting me know Mr Cena! :)
I thought libruls would get tired of redefining words, but evidently it's their favorite tactic
>Love beyond age
¿Now are the liberals start to push this?
>Almost half the country belongs to minority groups
>Because the second any of us judge people based on those labels, we're not really being patriotic, are we?
Yes we are. Whites are still the majority and we should fight to keep it that way. The only non-white country that's doing well is Japan and that took two atom bombs before we beat the culture into their heads.
>my identity is just a label
Fuck you, liberals.
>love beyond age
Why would he even mention that crap otherwise?
Remind me why pedophillia is wrong exactly?
If the age of consent was lowered wouldn't it be legal?
Holy shit i loved autisn before but i just got a new level of respect for him.
>Ausfag being an absolute degenerate
Keep punching them roos, prison island monkey.
The "ignore the argument" tell for cognitive dissonance
there is no argument, just plain retardation. Its like saying "Remind me why murder is wrong exactly? If the laws were removed, wouldn´t it be legal?"
Remind me why murder is wrong. Morals are arbitrary and subjective.
Go to the nearest mental health facility and stay there for a few weeks. I am serious.
This is why AJ is the better role model and champion. Styles would never shill for the fag agenda.
Bi shouldn't even count, but of course the kike needs to pad their numbers.
Chicks who'll make out with other chicks when they're drunk makes up the overwhelming majority of women ages 14-30. And there isn't a damn thing wrong with that.
The kike is trying to normalize transfaggotry by associating them with "normal" college sluts.
Friendly reminder there are more British Muslims currently fighting for ISIS than enlisted in the British Army
I am waiting for an actual argument
>¿Now are the liberals start to push this?
You're a bit late. Yes. They've already begun, but are going to start relentlessly pushing pedo acceptance, hoping to make sex with children culturally OK before every kike in hollywood and the global elite is exposed for fucking children.
Never trusted this guy. Anyone from Massachusetts who can wear a Lakers jersey and still sleep at night is no friend of mine.
Yeah we're being brainwashed into normalizing degeneracy
Morals are based on perceptions of the soul. They are imprinted into the core of a mentally healthy human being to bring about harmony with its surroundings, and only if this is guaranteed you are morally right. If this inner compass did not exist in most people (apparently not you), we would still live like animals.
Read some Hume or other philosophers on the subject.
True, they started pushing that crap a lil bit after pizzagate started to blow up in their faces
>love beyond age
Love beyond age huh.
Damn those commies are creative when it comes to eufemisms