The jews are really making an example out of them.
What will become of this?
> website that debases work and enslaves the goy
> based in Israel
Typical jewish behavior tbqh
Who knows. Would be a big win if fiverr gave back the account.
Major symbolic blow for the joos, but they love those shekels know to do it.
what the fuck is even happening here
pewdiepie asked them to write "death to all jews" and dance around in the jungle
they did it
He even said the jungle reminded him of Sweden.
...Is Pewds /ourguy/?
heh cant wait for pewds to respond to these jungle niggas
if he has too much sympathy we'll now he's not /ourguy/
He is no longer /ourguy/
Two impoverished people robbed of a fun way to make money for themselves.
There is no justice.
How does that indicate he's not /ourguy/? Just because they're not white or something? That's pretty ridiculous man, I know these are poos and I don't want them in my country but I'm far more opposed to how the jew is treating them here, they are OBVIOUSLY the victim in this situation. They deserve some sympathy and support, yes, even from Nazis, it's not an invitation for them to come to your country and fuck your wife while you watch.
kill yoursefl kike
being far right or even natsoc doesn't mean you're heartless
you dumb nigger
Goy you know too much
Wait what happened to it?
>...Is Pewds /ourguy/?
>tfw you're not a redpilled millionaire handsome white blue eyed blonde swede with a cult following
life is pain
>Get paid literally millions a year to slowly redpill the youth
To imagine I've been so wrong about him all these years.
>...Is Pewds /ourguy/?
PewDiePie confirmed for redpilling his viewers
Stop shilling for e-celebs you underaged faggot
But Pewds is based!
>Hating on the Fuhrer
>Current year +1
Get with the times, discount Canada.
who is this guy and why is he famous? do people over the age of 18 watch him?
But he is teaching young video gamesmen to be be nazis. That seems like a good reason to promote him.
Don't you have some whiteys to hunt for?
Still no reason to be posting this garbage here.
Except, there are political ramifications to this "garbage."
Regardless as to your feelings, Pewdiepie has a massive following and the potential to redpill millions of viewers.
Look here :D
Only 9 year olds find this cuck funny.
that was 2 years ago, I was a bluepilled liberal faggot 2 years ago too.
>A person's opinion from 2 years ago is the same as there opinion today
I was a liberal until 4 years ago.
No one really knows what the Jews mean.
you're forgetting something
pewdiepie has 50 million subscribers, 99% of which are kids who can't even see the redpilling side of his videos, that's assuming that each subscription accounts to one person.
Also, with 5-7 million views per video, it appears that the other 43-45 million are inactive people who subscribed purely because he's the most popular youtuber. How can we even be sure that 10 million obsessed fans didn't just create 5 accounts each to make him more popular? don't you find it fishy that right before reaching the 50 million milestone subs starting pouring in like crazy when he wasn't even uploading anything special? he was gaining fucking 200k subs per day during that period...
he's just a clown that kids enjoy watching, he has no effect on anyone whatsoever.
Heck I have 6 subscribers and I haven't even uploaded any videos.
stop supporting bolivia to force us to give them sea you fag
can someone bring me up to speed on this? sounds interesting.
>2 years ago
Ah yes, humans are static and never change their minds on any topic.
Just like when I was 18 and a leftist and now am 31 and no longer a leftist.
how old are you?
if you needed the refugee crisis to finally see the light you're a cuck
my money is on pewdiepie giving them money, for 'damages'
Regardless of what you believe about subscriber count, you still admit he gets 6 million views per video yes? That is a fair number of kids to be exposing to nazi memes and jokes. The memes are the first step of redpilling for some. These kids laughing at ironic "gas the Jew jokes" are more likely to be saying it seriously as adults.
Pewds made a video about Fiverr that got a little controversial.
you're right that subs don't matter, views does. but he still gets plenty of views, many from kids, and he's making Hitler seem like less of a boogeyman with his latest videos. that stuff leaves a lasting impression on kids
He was saying he would delete his channel on 50 mill subs. You know nothing Pine Snow
He uploads a video every day. Gets 300 million a month or something. It's not 50 million x every video a month, but it's still a lot of views.
they are some poor, poo in the loos our something. They didn't have to make them make video and fire them.
How old are you ?
well obviously no one believed he was gonna delete it, he's making money while on his chair and he's milking it to the point that every video is now 10+ minutes long with repetitive shit so he can increase his revenue. Would you really believe he would risk his job as a youtube employee for the sake of standing up to his employers?
It's easier to write that Pewdiepie
its 1000 euro per 1 million clicks depending on the amount of available ads
ha, I've shared his opinion wholeheartedly two years ago. Now I'm a literal nazi. Opinions can really change.
It's a sickening alias regardless.
Pretty sure "top" youtubers get bonuses beyond just ad click money. He makes quite a lot. Certainly more than "only" £3.6 million a year.
>don't you find it fishy that right before reaching the 50 million milestone subs starting pouring in like crazy when he wasn't even uploading anything special? he was gaining fucking 200k subs per day during that period...
Never have I taught I will end up on a korean weave market forum defending pewdiepie, but here I am.
What he essentially did, before reaching the 50 million milestone, was to launch the rumor that he would delete his account upon reaching that aforementioned milestone. You had that, coupled with a few remarks made by him in some of his videos that were considered way too "out of line" by the mainstream media, and the snowball effect was in place.
During the Trump campaign, he deliberately tricked everybody to think that he supports Trump (by wearing the MAGA hats, by following Trump on Twitter etc) - thus gaining media attention.
He even has a video explaining most of this, he thanks the media for promoting his channel for free, either by creating false articles of him (pewdiepie is a white supremacist, a racist etc) or by hyping everyone up about the 50 mil milestone delete drama.
tl;dr I fucking hate his guts, but he really did a fucking good job in tricking the mainstream media.
So this is all according to Felix's master plan then?
>no one believed he was gonna delete it
>a good quarter of his viewers are probably barely out of the single digits of age
I am sure he got a lot of them riled up.
Also as a side matter, I am pretty sure he has already made millions. He could comfortably choose to retire at any time, which is probably part of the reason he has been comfortable with pushing more antisemitic things lately.
Poo in Loo's shouldn't be making 5 dollars a week.
>a-alright goy its time to stop, it is a mere coincidence, remember the 6 million goy never again pls
>Would you really believe he would risk his job as a youtube employee for the sake of standing up to his employers?
You are clearly not grasping on the fact that this guy owns millions at this point, and he couldn't give a flying fuck about youtube, not anymore.
Why do you think he changed his format to 10 minutes of him spewing constant shit and only talking, never playing games anymore? He deliberately does this to a. get more money b. rub it into youtube's face c. get more money
It's all about marketing, and this guy literally has the pot of gold when it comes to promoting himself
>Play the high-ground and make fiverr either look cruel or weak, they can't win
>not /ourguy/
End yourself.
Someone posted it here a while ago but he is absurdly reach. He won't be hurting for cash.
i guess no bonuses, but a lot of money because of the videos he already uploaded which get more clicks everyday. i guess 3,5 million in recent clicks and another 2 million in clicks on his old videos
He lives in the UK now right ? There are laws against what he did here.
>youtube pays him
>he's basically a youtube employee
that's simply how I look at it, just because he makes millions doesn't change the fact that he doesn't own his content and youtube can simply delete his channel with one click of a button. I wasn't saying that he cares, I was just saying youtube owns this guy.
>6000 video game reviews videos
>constantly pushing for at least 3 visual reminders for those videos in your new videos
>watch the money flow
At this point, he could just record himself sitting in a corner for 10 minutes, link 3 or 4 of his old reviews during the video and profit the fuck out of it.
I'm sure that with your amazing intelligence it was very easy for you to see. Everyone else is just so stupid, its not thats society itself is conspiring to keep people in the dark. How can one achieve such an enlightened perspective as you?
Weak minded idiots go and read more books.
>youtube can simply delete his channel with one click of a button.
>youtube owns this guy.
>not realizing how much money does youtube make out of him being on their platform
>not realizing that by deleting his channel, youtube might create a backlash that would potentially ruin the entire platform
Youtube and Pewdiepie are co-dependent at this point. The former can't fire the latter without severe consequences.
sure, but i don't think that would change anything about the scope of my political views.
How do you think they changed their views you daft piece of shit?
He was annoyed that the socialists won the election.
youtube has thousands of other content creators, I suppose you haven't heard of holasoygerman who has over 30 million subscribers? not to forget all the rest of the channels whose subscribers easily add up to more than half a billion.
I really doubt they'll lose much if they decided to let pewdiepie go, the worst thing that can happen is 5-10m kids boycotting youtube, then coming back after a while. and by a while I mean a week
Fucking sad, guys just want to do some work and ((they)) immidietly shut them down, why harass?
Probably read 8 books and Sup Forums.
Well if we are just saying whatever we want authoritatively, you probably took 8 refugee dicks.
don't take his bait
He deleted his channel, but not the main channel, only a account he made for a video or something.
>AND a Italian modle gf
He literally has it all.
>27 and childless
>has it all
pick one
Your wife's bull's son doesn't count, Sven
jokes on you I don't have a wife...
He's sticking up for the poos against the joos. Still alright in my book.
>the site that 'encourages' people to work for literally nothing also is run by a jew
>jews ruin the livlihood of two dirt poor rural indians who probably feed their entire familes
>for making a dumb joke they didn't even understand because they don't even know what jews are
The "great humanitarians" are at it again. They truly do care for the poor of this earth, probably because they are so horribly oppressed themselves.