What is UK's fucking problem?
What is UK's fucking problem?
that we have to put up with retarded shitposting Amerifats like you.
why so mad
It's inbred mismatched traits obviously. That is why they need the arabs and africans. The whites there are retarding themselves.
But we still love them. Our Lil tards.
by your estimates 50% of beauty in america is jewish
we do have better looking women than britain, but your post is obnoxious cherry picking bait. the worst aspect of Sup Forums
>the attractive women in America are Jews
Funny meme. I hope you didn't choke on your deep-fried butter stick laughing.
>has map of inbreeding...for best vacation spots?
You forgot Maisie Williams, the famed English beauty.
Whole lot of wrecks in that picture.
You can keep your anglo shit to yourselves. M8.
I always find it funny when Americans pull out this stuff. It's like they have zero self awareness.
40% of American women are obese. 4 in 10.
i noticed this from watching british tv as a kid. the "hot chick" was always a dumpy normal girl
oh my god everyone on that pic is retardedly ugly
Its 50% of you remove the 10million asian american women that are thin and have asian diets
Not like you guys can talk about obesity either. You are the fattest nation in Europe.
>10million asian american women that are thin and have asian diets
Yellowfever fags are the fucking worse. Asian american women don't follow asian diets fuck off. I went out with a Korean girl for a couple of months. She was 5'2 weighed 160lbs all she ever wanted to eat was McDonald and Olive Garden. Fucking fat slob. Constantly bitching about everything.
Emma W
Emma S
In that order, the rest are trash.
Emma Stone could bump to #2 if she has a flaming red bush.
I went to the UK for two weeks in 2005. I was in Manchester for first week and London for the second week. I went out to pubs, clubs, concerts, museums, restaurants, popular shopping areas, etc. I did not see one single British woman who was even remotely attractive. 100% across the board they were all dogs. The only attractive women I saw were in London, but they were all tourists from other countries.
My personal hypothesis is that after centuries of inbreeding on a little island they all just ended up looking ratty (sunken, small eyes, fucked up teeth, bad skin and hair, etc.).
>Emma Stone
She would be more attractive if she ate something once in a while. She looks like a fucking holocaust victim.
Selena gomez is not attractive at all
This is a proxy, noticed the increase in shitposting from Poles, Germans and (((Americans))) since what Trump said about UK.
Sage, hidden and reported (for spam) you have to go back (to Israel).
>She would be more attractive if she ate something once in a while.
for now. but bitch is right checking it early. any hoe can slip into fat slob mode in the blink of an eye, never to return
>jew, jew, jew, mexican, jew, jew
>bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong
Enjoy youre racemixing, amerijews.
Bloody hell, it's doctor who from the future with another leggggit graph
So American's like painted faces?
Why the fuck is that totally average in every fucking way spic gomez in there?
Who made this shit?
Every time I walk into a grocery store I am reminded of this. It's disgusting.
>op implying celebrites caked up in cosmetics and photoshop are considered attractive and not simply tolerated due to genetic desire to cum inside them and bail.
>She would be more attractive if she ate something once in a while
That's something you never hear an athletic or slim person say
Thousands of years of inbreeding. That's what. America was founded on a plethora of different European nationalities, the blending of which created very beautiful, tall, healthy people.
Pic related, English Super model Kate Moss.
Why do I care about what anyone but me finds attractive?
OP your picture proves:
Americans = mouth breathers.
Why are jewesses so sexy?
That ain't what London looked like last I was there, buddy.
Jews are the most beautiful people on the planet. We should treasure them.
criminally underrated
That's hot.
they are a bunch of inbread simpletons and nigger lovers thats whats wrong.
Yeah it is pretty cool.
Nice meme shame its wrong
This is one of the good things about living in London. There's plenty of foreign women here who are way more attractive than British """women""".
incredible amounts of inbreeding. Its no wonder so many of them are gay
Fake women with multiple layers of makeup
Natural women
Pretty good post there Hitler dubber. OP, care to explain yourself?
London white percentage = 60% and rising. Or was until the dumb fucks took us out of the EU.
Wahington DC white percentage = 40%
How can the Yanks even compete?
>any hoe can slip into fat slob mode in the blink of an eye, never to return
fake af
>still puts in pepegirl
Katy Perry is hideous
You fat fuck I thought Anglos being fat was a meme.
>Jews are the most beautiful people on the planet.
American or British, only about 4-5 of those twelve females truly are attractive..
wheres niki minaje OP?
>What is UK's fucking problem?
>implying they only have one
Chav women from Ealing are dope though, also Essex girls. Always good for a raw pounding. Why do English women, especially in London start having kids around the age of 13? Weird...
She's ugly
So is Scarlet Jewhanson without her makeup. OP is stupid and has poor taste in women.
Reminder the current generation of female celebrities are trash compared to the previous generations.
None of these cunts have anything on the women from the 90s and 2000s.
America on suicide watch
Ouch! Your wit m8
You're an embarassment
Note this article is 5 years old. You've taken in drastically disproportionate numbers of migrants into that city. Saying 40% of London is white would be generous.
>brit can't handle the bantz
this is just stupid, UK has given us Emma Watson, Kate Beckinsale, Hayley Atwell, Emilia Clark, Helen Mirren, i'm including Helena Bonham Carter cause I think shes hot but I might understand why others would dismiss her, Billie Piper, fucking Natalie Dormer how could I forget her, shes probly top of the list.
Message to fellow Brits
Must import more Jews like US
Bound to work out well
British people are the most disgusting people I've ever encountered.
I don't know know one redeeming quality of the brit, the filthy islanders don't deserve the breath of life.
I hope I live to see the day where the last ethnic anglo dies.
so atleast 40% of american women are ugly, and many non-overweight americans are still going to be munters as well
sounds like they on average have a lot more ugly fucks to me, if were going to put cherrypicked images aside
> liking white women
I un-ironically find her really hot
Cherry picking but good lord.
>That filename
Nice try Shlomo
die anglo rat!!
What's wrong bong? Your weakness is showing.
This is now a British women appreciation thread
Are you 12, m8?
They all suck. I would only have sex with the spic cause the rest probably have gross cunts.
Wtf, I hate niggers now
Oh America
The only thing wrong about that statement is the "never to return" part.
What, you some white knight who thinks women fart lavender and shit rainbows?
Your jealousy is showing Goldsteinberg
She's fucking gross
I see nothing wrong with the women in the bottom row. I prefer them, in fact. They wake up and go to sleep without going from a 10/10 to a pale faced 5/10 hollywood whore
Jealous of your imported women?
Only an island of purely inbred monekys would be proud of the women they kidnap
>I-i-it must be a meme!
You guys literally have more inbred characteristics. That's just how it is. Your saltiness could preserve his "deep-fried butter stick" for years.
t. butthurt mongrel who larps about your 1/64 heritage
she's a literal elf
here, have a tranny elf
Notice I have never once mentioned my heritage
The anglo seeks to divide men among men
Someone should nail your tongue to your door, islander
>It must be fake!
You guys have a show called secret eaters.
You should watch it actually, it's great, I wish we had it over here.
It's probably scripted but the idea is good. Fat fuck families who are in denial about their obesity being their own fault get monitored for a week and keep a food diary. The people who monitor count every calorie via cameras in their home as well as two people follow them to restaurants outside of the home and get copies of every meal they get.
Every single time it's a case of grossly underestimating caloric intake.
There was also also study by the new England journal of medicine showing that across 227 overweight and obese patients, all 227 underestimated caloric intake also overestimated activity level by anywhere from ~500 calories to over 2000.
Tl;dr: No one has an excuse for being fat, not here, and not there, eat less move more fatties
nice division tactic schlomo
>yes goyim, x are not white
>hate x, they are y
kill yourself crypto kike
None of them are that attractive, even on the American side.
inb4 the britfag kikes come running in
We enjoy our place peacefully in God's land without YOU monkey
Cut your needle tongue and reserve yourself on your cloudy rock.
The world is better place when the anglo's meddlings are turned around up his own ass!
>i spend my time larping an english tea drinking forum
Britain could not have become a scientific, industrial and cultural powerhouse if our women were good-looking or our cuisine was more than only just edible. It ensured that men like Newton, Shakespeare or Darwin had no distractions and could focus on important things.