Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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I wish it was 100%
Also being called a money-grubbing kike isn't anti-antisemitism, it's stating an objective fact.
This is terrible and heart-wrenching. Germany must donate another free submarine to Israel for this.
>breaking news: jews claim to be opressed
amazed it's not 100%, since all it entails is hurting a kike's fee fees
Makes me really think
>kicked out of every country they've ever been in
>it's everyone else's fault
So they're celebrating this fact then?
the fact that it isnt at 100% makes me believe this is fake news
Poll: Hillary has a 98% chance to win the election.
T. Media outlets Nov 7, 2016.
>generally right wing anti BLM website
>B-but feel sorry for us goy
Breitbart is such obvious kike shit.
But it's Breitbart! They made the correct bet!
imagined slights hardly count. ill give a shit when they all have serial numbers tattoo'd on their arms
I bet that's like 80 gorillion.
Polls were correct though. They said she would win by 2-4% and she did
I'm pointing out the obvious ability to skew polls for personal bias. Clearly brietbart is kiked
Who gives a shit? I've seen niggers say and do bad shit to white people. Am I supposed to get some sort of compensation for this?
Well, seeing as 100% of non-cucks and non-jews hate their existence, yeah seems plausible, if Anti-Semitism wasn't bullshit.
Those 15% of Jews are well integrated.
>"What you want a raise??? Get out of here you Antisemite"
100% of non-semites have experience semitism
"hey, rabbi! Whatcha doin'!?"
im sad its not 100%
or better yet im sad that there are jews to experience anti-semitism
>constantly get kicked out of cities and even entire countries throughout history
>vast majority claim to have been victims of hate
Wow it's almost as if they're the problem
What percentage has experienced benefits from being Jewish.
And what percentage of white males have experienced discrimination for being white males?
There's a good chance that most of those jews lied too since that's one of their specialities.
Top Kek
If you defined semitism and zionism to any rational man without using the word zion or semite and leaving a blank for jew no one would support it at all.
>have experienced, witnessed, heard of, or committed anti-semitism
thats why we voted for Trump
wow gee willikers, and I've experienced anti-me stuff in my life time too!
How dare anyone insult us or don't worship us completely
Better get crackin' on the other 15%
diss is derrible dis is like anudda shoah
Like 99% of Jews survived the holocaust. fuck them.
This just in! 85% of all Jews accurately portray the Jewish stereotypes.
If you run into to one asshole in a day, he's the asshole. If you run into assholes all day, your the asshole
Sup Forums welcomes Jews with open arms.
We stand with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.
The alt right stands with Israel.
lol don't care
Geee, annoying scheming people who covertly attack others face constant backlashes. Who would have thought?
laugh now, Hans......
You are about to get a rectal exam by a few million muslims
Donald Trump will make Israel Great Again.
>Am I supposed to get some sort of compensation for this?
Is white privilege not enough compensation for you, shitlord
>Donald Trump will make Israel Great Again.
I know he will :^)
Awwwww poor whiney kikes
I guess us goyim should feel guilty that most of us have experienced discrimination thanks to them pushing their multi-culti marxist global agenda as well.
Every single white person have experienced anti-white kike propaganda
"My name is Donald Trump and I'm a big fan of Israel!"
statistics pulled out of asshole. just look at the damn number
clickbait alert
"Only Jewish dick is good enough for my white daughter's prime pussy!"
85%? We need to try harder!
Oh geval, those goy are opressing me, iam scared, see you just HAVE to protect me now.
OH vey iam the victem cant you see?
Give me your shekel you disgusting nazi, its like anota shwoa
100% Serbs worldwide have experienced antiserbism.
Only 85% of Jews have seen Schindler's List?
GTFO Serb!
where's that other 15% hiding? israel?
Wow, six million have experienced anti-Semitism.
Jews have a very low threshold for anti Semitism. Essentially if you just disagree with them you're a literal nazi
>Sup Forums welcomes Jews with open arms.
welcome to Sup Forums newfag!
We need to find that 15%
1.6 billion muslim on this planet, just a matter of time and 100% of jews have experienced antisemitism followed by 100% jew genocide
The greatest antisemites are the jews themselves.
should be 100%
but most likely the numbers much lower and its a case of hey rabbi what cha doin
And everyday I turn on the news I see hatred for whites. Everyone has opinions grow the fuck up and not cry everytime someone calls you a kike u kike.
They probably spray painted the walls themselves. Wouldn't be the first time.
>people have experienced other people who don't like them
so, like everybody who's not a protected class jew?
Seriously I had a Jew turn to completely hate me all because I said ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ of all races.
And 100% of white people have experienced racism
Well op? WELL?
They know they deserved it
Jews won't have a purpose if they're not being persecuted
not enough
Oy fucking Vey!
Bunch of fucking liars they are...
Nazi post best post.
I've experienced anti-white racism at least 1000 times in the past year.
Get on my level.
75% of Jews worldwide are atheists so 15% of Jews are pathological liars.