Sup Forums is a Jewish psyop

Just a reminder..You ended up here because you had a NORMAL and standard human reaction to mass immigration from the third world..particularly from Muslim countries. (YOU) were not a racist or "anti Semite" and certainly not a NAZI. (YOU) simply wanted to stop unlimited mass immigration. (YOU) also have no significant issue with gays but considered gay marriage and the inevitable Gay adoption as anti children, anti family and anti society. This is a NORMAL reaction.

(YOU) had enough of the MSM rampant subversion and propaganda against "straight white males". The was designed to polarise and subvert white men down avenues such as the far some that in future we will rise up and destroy behalf of greater Israel.

(YOU) were not a woman hater but (YOU) have been marginalised and now polarised to have no choice, for your own self preservation as a "straight white male". Remember FEMINISM is a Jew psyop also. MGTOW is the inevitable male response..again a predictable response that the Jews pulling this social engineering shit knew would be the result.

Sup Forums is a containment board full of the worst type of Jews. They are the ones who push the Nazi shit and memes such as "Gas the kikes". They do this to sucker (YOU) in. Then they push divide and destroy memes such as
>potato nigger, snow nigger etc
To subvert and split white people. You know this for sure when most of this anti white rhetoric comes from the most mutt nation on Earth, the JewSA. The same CUNTree that just deselected a communist Muslim and replaced him with a brand new KIKE HOUSE

Other urls found in this thread:

Not all Jews are evil scum. Most of them are ordinary people, just like (YOU), but the Jews pushing the psyops and social breakdown are the same Jews who would be only too happy if you went full Breivik or Dylan Roof or better yet if you went full NAZI and actually targeted "their" people...remember Jews funded both sides in both world wars..They don't give a fuck about ordinary Jews much like Britain didn't give a fuck about ordinary Brits and considered them worth less than German bullets in WW1. Forcing young conscripts to commit glorious suicide for the King or be executed by their own men and stigmatised forever as a coward.

This message if for everyone who browses Sup Forums including the Jews who are currently pulling most of the shit here. Even (YOU) are a product of subversion from your own sick culture that thinks (YOU) are racially superior. (YOUR) not and you know it, you push the bullshit because like lots of the genuine racists here, (YOU) are a underwhelming male and feel at a social disadvantage due to you height, weight and (YOU) gravitated to your ethic superiority MYTH. (YOU) don't even believe in GOD and that's how the Jew master race myth started.
(YOUR) subversive bullshit has now back fired on (YOU) and Tel Aviv is a Gay hotspot. This is what (YOU) ultimately achieve, like an arsonist who who can't escape his own fire.
Keep burning the world and (YOU) will burn along with the rest of us.

jew detected

How's the skinned cock working out

"White man"

>tfw you've been on Sup Forums since 8th grade

What does that imply?

Kek, all this board has shown me was the jew and thats about it. I laugh at fags who take everything on here literally though. Seeing autists and social rejects justify their lack of meaningful relationships as MGTOW is just pure entertainment as a nordic chad with a hot gf.

Stay mad cucks.

A reminder
JEWS have powerful lobbies and can shut down practically anything the don't like. There is no fucking way on earth that Sup Forums wouldn't be shut down long ago by them..but for the FACT Jews know it's more effective to infiltrate and even create far right and far left movements..if they can use them to their own advantage..which they can and do.

Futher Reminder

Sup Forums is credited and owned or part owned by a JEW

Also this. People take things here too literally.

I ended up here because Sup Forums is a depressing board filled with people determined to hate the things they loved, to be honest fami

Nah, I was this way far before I came to Sup Forums, 9 years ago.

Jews really are subversive fucks though.

Praise Thoth

World wrecker detected

I'm an expert in NLP, hypnosis, covert hypnosis, anthropology, social engineering and subversion

This site is designed to control and manipulate a right wing movement for Israels ultimate benefit.

This is how white people have always talked about other white ethnic groups. We have always been competitive and bantered with other white nations. Take your sterile white egalitarianism back to stormfront.

no shit, now post traps

Subversive kike detected

Attempting to reframe the thread

After I already stated >not a NAZI

See, these cunts are not half as smart as they conned you into believeing they are


But i was here before any of the mass immigration issues

Again how's the circumcision working out GOLDBURGER

Wait, people dont actually stay in their nazi-stage long right? My nazi phase only took around 6 months or so before I moved on.


Stormfags are worse than Jews. At least Jews represent reality. Stormfags believe in shit like white kumbayas and abandoning the existing political system that whites created just because some Jews have some power.

100% true

Usa has been spreading cancer since the fall of the USSR.

Europe got turbo feminised and guilt tripped.

Niggers everywhere

Sequel deviation

Casual sex

Stupid "culture" - American movies


Plz nuke usa

> Fucking Jews and their white divisions. It's not like people in the based politcally incorrect 1800s ever thought Irish were anything less than human.

Don't let yourself get radicalized by anyone. Don't be a chump.

The vast majority of circumcised mutts posting from the JewSA are discredited the second your flag appears

After you it's your Australian bum boys who love sucking that circumcised American cock.

Fuck off newfag Jew kike shill faggot nigger. You don't tell me when or why I came to this board.

Sorry typo

100% true

Usa has been spreading cancer since the fall of the USSR.

Europe got turbo feminised and guilt tripped.

Niggers everywhere

Sexual deviation

Casual sex

Stupid "culture" - American movies


Plz nuke usa

This. Stay at home and play with your hotdog all day. Going outside is for the lower class.

Using hundreds of years old propaghanda cartoons made by prodestants to /prove/ Irish not white

Already pointed it out in my OP you kike scum

>implying I don't want to destroy the white race
>implying i don't want to see a world of mud brown people
>implying i am not a globalist shill


i came here because st*rmfront is gay. heil hitler, user

>You ended up here because you had a NORMAL and standard human reaction to mass immigration from the third world..particularly from Muslim countries.
I was here way before that

>(YOU) were not a racist or "anti Semite" and certainly not a NAZI.
Even there you are wrong.

>(YOU) simply wanted to stop unlimited mass immigration.
No because there are way more problems then just immigration

>so that in future we will rise up and destroy behalf of greater Israel.
At least there you are correct

>(YOU) were not a woman hater but
wrong again

>FEMINISM is a Jew psyop also

>MGTOW is the inevitable male response..
Wrong, that is the emasculated response. The male response would have been to rise up and crush the kikes and put women into submission again.

OH LOOK another kike form the JewSA

settle down you sweaty bastard, that's just the potatoes talking.

I'm 8% Irish, 40% Swede, and potatonigger and swedecuck banter doesn't bother me one bit. Grow some thicker skin.

I'll offer you some unwarranted advice newfriend.
The rules of the game are as follows:
>first to call the other a Jew wins
Lurk moar.

>admit to wanting to crush Islam for Israel

>Then talk about cursing kikes

Inconsistent German Jew scum

Not a woman hater. Not a Jew hater. Just hate globalism and genocide. Put the Arabs back in their own countries.

I love you user. Keep up these threads


opinion disregarded, i was completely sure only a gullible fag could make such an abhorrent post.

I really can't figure out whether you're one of the greatest shitposters or a fucking braindead conspitard

I have nothing against gays. Just the Mussulmen.

>Just a reminder..You ended up here because you had a NORMAL and standard human reaction to mass immigration from the third world..particularly from Muslim countries. (YOU) were not a racist or "anti Semite" and certainly not a NAZI. (YOU) simply wanted to stop unlimited mass immigration. (YOU) also have no significant issue with gays but considered gay marriage and the inevitable Gay adoption as anti children, anti family and anti society. This is a NORMAL reaction.
non if this is true, you faggot. I hope kek smites the fuck out of your family with that heretic get

You ain't white without a foreskin

And if you were a Sweed or Irish you wouldn't want to be tagged as a "nigger" or "cuck"

Your saying this because your a subversive Jew trying to undermine young and naive posters on here with nominal determination

kek wills it

Get out newfag.

I got triple 7's already you kike scum

Stop posting with my flag shill.

No kek wills this instead

I'm none of that, I'm just here because this is a bastion of free speech with a solid userbase.

Yeah, I'm circumsized. I can't help what my parents did to my ding dong when I was born

Grow some balls
Or are you a JewSA mutt on vacation here.

I'm not anti Jew, I'm anti corruption and degeneration, shitlord

If Jews happen to be involved in the shadiest of shadies well tough fuckin shit they get prescribed the rope

Don't mislabel me you fucking misandrist it triggers my jimmies

>They are the ones who push the Nazi shit and memes such as "Gas the kikes"


Well they won't be thinkin it's such a clever idea once they get shoah'd for the umpteenth time for being subversive scumfucks

It affects your brain and turns you Jewish

Didn't ya know kike

>To subvert and split white people.

Jews didn't invent nationalism, bro. The idea that there's some monolithic "white people" identity that's being fragmented by the rascally Jews is some ahistorical bullshit. People support their family, their kin, their clan, their nation, not some fag who happens to share their general skin pigmentation.

Wew, look at this (((potato nigger))) go.

That he's been on Sup Forums since August.

>Sup Forums is a jew psyop to get you to believe all the evil things about Jews that are actually true, as proven by the existence of Sup Forums in the first place

This is the most retarded post that has ever been on Sup Forums

If anything, it makes me Egyptian. That's fine with me.

Copy pasta them then cunt



>Someone who wants to genocide all non germanics is a Jew

Wew, you can't put in a bit more effort with your shit bait?


>I can't defend my stupid nonsense
>therefore, you must be a jew

Copy pasta this shit
We have the numbers on these scum


>implying we aren't jewing the jew by adapting their psyop tactics?
>Implying we arent more effective at it than 95% of the shills
>implying we aren't redpilling the masses by changing the definition of what is normal.

Muslims must be freed from Islam
Follow hashtag #exmuslim #banislam on Twitter

You must bring the information to normies
The traitor American media never show Muslim atrocities

I'm just here to get

Seeing as there were so many German Jews it would make sense

Pic related..and that's just the A's

Your imply a lot of shit you filthy mutt

Switch and bait all you fucking like
Your flag along with ozzy scum is discredited more than any others here

you are the subversive kike who is trying to disenfranchize usa, australia and england in this very thread.

either that or you fell for what you were warning about

>German Jews

No such thing. They are only Jews and don't belong to a single country, except maybe Israel.

I ended up here because the void that original /new/ left was so large.


OG /new/ > Sup Forums

But Sup Forums is still pretty ok, just leans too far into the nazi shit



Post 'em

Hello fellow Jews
We have been rumbled
Reassemble in the usual place for bagels and foreskins and a new plan of attack

>Italy having the nerve to call anyone a mutt


Drop the "potato nigger" "Irish not white" "snow nigger" "Slavs not white" etc etc and I'll consider backing down..I'm smarter than you kikes and will hammer this site with propaghanda to really red pill the teenagers here as to just what subversion really means.

Also you in the JewSA are the mutts of the world larping as "whites" white peole don't get circumcised. Mudslimers and Jews do though.

Fuck your kike

Yank Jew can't tell Irish fag from Italian


Thought you cunts had hign IQ's

Oh that's right you probably couldn't see the difference between orange and red due to your piss poor eyesight

>implying I'm not scientifically proven to be 100% European after many generations in USA

I came here as I was being censored in Jewish Social media.

Like I said kike
If I see "potato nigger" "not white" "snow nigger"
Shit here and none of your JewSA flags jump on it..I'm gonna be here a very long time cruishing you mutt bastards

Fuck off to Israel then

Yeah, I have no doubt plenty of the extreme stuff posted on here is done by people with special interests trying to brainwash those who can be manipulated. By creating actual extremists like Roof, they can advance their agenda and destroy any traction certain ideas (or even ideas associated with those ideas) have.

>Prescribed the rope
Kek, good one leafy boy

I think that at this point the word 'Jew' has taken on a double meaning over on our happy little board such as the word Nigger, which can both be a derogatory phrase and a welcome greeting. When referring to the disgusting hive of scum on villany the jewish faith is is, it is quite comparable to the disgusting practices carried out by FTSE 500 businesses, current Media/Banks and MNC's as a whole. This, combined with the fact the Jewish are largely overrepresented in managerial positions/ CEO positions in these areas for no other reason than the goyim do not work as hard, it is simply quicker and easy to refer to these wankers as the Jew that most of them are.

Make note, that the Jewish faith is nearly as twisted and incompatible with Western Society as the Muslim faith is at the moment. However because one of them are disrupting the Petrodollar and one of them is 'supporting' it, naturally the Burgers are in turn supporting the Zionist bastards and letting them get away with as much shit as they please in their own little land grab of a shithole. (See:Truly Merchant, you are my greatest ally) At the end of the day, the West wouldn't need an ally in the Middle East if there wasnt a (((problem))) in the Middle East in the first place.

For some light reading, I suggest The Looming Tower, Laurence Wright. Though it focusses more on Al Qaeda's rise, it outlines how much (((they))) pissed off all of the Middle East before the Mudslimes chimped out (It got a few awards, it should be in your local library, say it is for a research project or some shit)

Tl;Dr: The enemy of your enemy is not always your (((friend)))

Start threads..copy pasta my shit and ten bomb other threads with links back to the thread

Or just drop copy past in random threads

This is how you control the narrative on this kike site

Also always use a nice pair of tits in your OP

Then they push divide and destroy memes such as >potato nigger, snow nigger etc To subvert and split white people.

As long as people stay true to being pro-white and question Jewish interests, you won't fall for subversion or D&C. Pol helps to train you to recognize these tactics.

We get called Amerifats or Burgers and I don't give a shit because it means nothing when it's my fellow white brethren saying it. I call Sweden cucks out of love and wish their country the best.

Can someone point me in the direction of finding out more about this pic and all the flag? Is this white supremacists? Or nationalists?

I don't live, I invade


> thinks Burgerbros implies your "non white"
> "cuck" implies your non white

Cartoons of apes do
The word nigger does

If you can't tell the difference your either thick
Or another larping mutt Jew cunt..

Seeing as I don't buy anyone is actually this stupid I'll go with my critical thinking that says your another


This begs the question; What happened to European flags. They used to have dragons and lions and dead Moors on them, but now it's all these tri-colors ala the I mean the French revolution.

I have an issues with gays kid

>Tl;Dr: The enemy of your enemy is not always your (((friend)))

Top quality post and I agree completely.

Nazi phase? You being serious? Also I unironically believe that Hitler did nothing wrong and the holocaust is so embellished that I might as well call it a lie

Look at your looks like it was created by FAGGOTS ON COKE

What do you get when you mix green and orange?


Potatoes BTFO