Redpill me on Gaddafi
Redpill me on Gaddafi
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honorary aryan, competent dictator, got fucked over royally
Have you seen this man?
Here's what I know for sure:
He was a arab socialist.
The US and France ran articles saying he was demanding massive amounts of money or he would flood Europe with Northern Africans.
There is at least one interview stating his views were being wildly being misrepresented by the Western media.
He died from a bayonet being shoved up his ass.
Everything else on him seems debatable.
Said fuck off to central banks, so the U.S. funded "moderate Rebels" to take over Libya. Warned if he fell, the wall of African migrants would collapse and Europe would die. He faced the same fate as Saddam and most recently Assad. Though since Assad actually won in the end, the West now demonizes Russia for helping the Syrian people. Where was the outrage when Zionism killed 2million middle easterners? They lie and lie and lie, from Hitler to JFK, Idi Amin to Bin Laden, Saddam to Gadaffi and now Assad. Anybody who fought the bank lost.
Also to add: a mere WEEK after the Rebels moderately overthrew him, a central bank was magically formed.
This OP.
Fuck with the federal reserve/petroldollar = dead
All iraqis I've talked to saud he was a gruesome shitbag and his sons raped young girls.
Documentary called 'Hypernomalization' - watch it
God sent emperor of Africa. Dindu nuffin wrong. Stopped african immigration. France was jealous because Italy was taking all the oil. RIP
He annoyed Hitler a lot.
We should have supported him for emporer of all Africa in exchange for keeping them out of civilized countries.
scape goat for america, used him to draw attention away from what syria was fucking up, later allied with under false pretenses and later on abandoned when rebels threatened him, hes a dindu nuffin that america fucked because he was relatively weak
That bad goy had to go.
yes in my dreams
and most iraqis are/do the same.
american soldiers had to literally sit back and allow iraqi tribal leaders to rape children since it's part of their culture.
>We should have supported him for emporer of all Africa in exchange for keeping them out of civilized countries.
We can sink rubber boats if we wanted them out. There's absolutely no difference between killing them in Libya, and killing them in the Mediterranean. I'm fairly certain we're doing this on purpose to destroy the EU.
Man of the people of Libya. Made an oath that he would live in a tent the rest of his life until every Libyan had a home. Actually kept that promise and lived in a fucking tent.
It's like a fucking weird pajama party with weird eccentric golden fashion accessories.
>Elephant hat. Good.
>Yes, now my sash. Perfect.
>Staff, good.
>Where's my 2lb gollden ring?
Sponsored terrorism, tortured a shitload of people, made life pleasant for the majority of Libyans, was a cheap gatekeeper to prevent lots of boatniggers.
A lot of things here. Would you say he is based or not?
pretty simple
gaddafi wanted to get nukes, so the US would not invade
hillary convinced him not too
they made a warm welcome and a big adeiu, when he decided to go along with it
He decided to start trading oil for gold
USA did not like this, hillarys backers especially did not like this
HIllary led and armed an uprising in his country
gaddafi got killed by his own people
the end.
moral of the story, he should have said, fuck you cunts im getting nukes.
he would still be alive today
He was a megalomaniac and probably did atrocities but he was also the most competent ruler in Africa and transformed his shithole of a country to become a decent place, not far away from western standards. He was basically a competent bloody dictator.
Playing as the big guy when you are an african dictator, especially when Sarkozy was president, wasn't a good idea at all however, now Libya is a shithole
(((They)))) wanted him gone so here we are.
Literal ally of Europe fucked over by French and American Imperialism. He was actively preventing waves of immigrants from flooding into Europe.
like i said
gaddafi wanted to get nukes
US of A did not like this idea
convinced him not to get nukes, even invited him to the US after he made this decision and treated him with red carpet treatment, and went on the US news about it
Started trading oil for gold
Hillary's backers did not like this
HIllary and her cronies started a coup and armed the insurgents
Gaddafi died at the hands of these insurgents
He was a slightly-more-intelligent-than-average sandnigger who acquired power via bribing various tribal leaders into submission. Sadly, he was still dumb like my ass, all that power got into his head, and he went full retard to the point not even money could save him (especially since he ran out of funds at the end).
Enough to say that a bunch of literal niggers on toyotas kicked his ass so hard his country almost went bankrupt.
>conviniently forgetting all about the U.S. (((intervention)))
>Forgetting about (((funding))) of rebels against a leader who refused to act like a globalist puppet
>Being this retarded
He was born in a tent with 2 parents who couldn't read or write.
Kicked Italy, America, and Britain out of his country without firing a shot.
Put a roof over every Libyans head, fed them, educated them.
Kicked the ass of the NWO for 42 years.
Hillary finally hired wahhabi mercenaries to fuck him up, and then she laughed.
idiot who couldn't keep his mouth shut
God damn he was a looker
Dude, the Chadians literally received zero US help in the Toyota War. The biggest western support they received was from the french in the shape of a helicopter that effectively crashed as soon as it showed up.
His daughter takes after him
thx for the redpill fucking tax haven.
>american soldiers had to literally sit back and allow iraqi tribal leaders to rape children since it's part of their culture.
That was Afghanistan
Saddam was actually brutal as fuck and was the bad-guy psycho dictator Assad is painted to be (Iraq invasion should never have happened though).
Non Rothschild banking system, setting up gold based pan-African currency vs Hillary "Bribe Me" Clinton who had no moral opposition to setting off civil wars, murders, rapes, migrant crisis in return for donations. Hillary supporters can burn in Hell with her.
he also was talking about a gold backed currency for the pan african union , which he headed, was one of the few people in africa trying to actually make things better. shit was pretty okay in Libya before the shedemon got involved. big part too was looting gold and other monies that were stored in Libya and seizing gaddafi's swiss accounts + get to help ISIS too. That was the Hillary / Obama plan
The Arab Ron Paul in terms of future predictions.
Under Gaddafi, Libya's money was gold and was threatening the dominance of the US Dollar in Africa.
He was a bulwark against African savages flooding into Europe.
Neither of these is good for business or part of the plan.
After his murder, Libya's interest free gold banks were replaced with Rothschild style interest based Jewish banking bullshit, and many savages now rape, pillage an murder in Europe.
He was a dictator, and a good one. Dictators are the Presidents of low IQ shit holes. Hard people need hard leaders, and he was a fine one.
Guys I feel like I'm gonna snap. I'm tired of seeing the same god damn thread woven into the tapestries of war for the past 200-300 years.
That one thread, the common denominator, is the god damn Jew. I'm seething at this shit. I'm raging that the kikes think nothing of plunging millions into Hell on Earth for sake of enslaving common people with debt and maintaining their interest-based bullshit. Destroying families and women, sowing discord, funding each side of a war, it has to fucking stop.
The reason the Al-Aqua mosque sits on top of the Temple Mount is because the Jews won't drive their blasphemies from their faith. As long as truth is for sale in Israel, Jews will suffer.
Where's your faith, burger?
fucking kikes
I thought about it and i think it's okay to gas them. Hitler was too soft.
he literally warned a wave of black will come into europe if they overthrow him
little did he know that was the (((plan))) all along
Was a pretty neato guy desu senpai.
>gaddafi regime was crushed because he want to make a gold backed currency that works outside the current financial system and the petrodollar so of course berry obonga hitllary clinton amerifags the fucking jews pushed for regime change
I don't like him, but he was way better than what (((they))) put in place after he was (((overthrown)))