How does Sup Forums feel about freemasonry?
They are great. The hidden saviors of the world. Strong community bonds between brothers. Look up your local lodge today!
I wish I had financial security and a better paying job. Maybe joining them would allow me to network with blacks.
i like to feel female boobies
Your first president was one so yeah
how do you feel about occultisim in general.
just because it has white people in it and a special label called "fraternity" doesn't mean its not an occult.
All the metaphysics and symbolism they are into is fascinating, I would enjoy it, unfortunately I have no belief in god or a higher power so its not exactly the place for me. I don't understand why everyone is obsessed with them.
I feel like you are trying to get my eye after I found one of your passwords.
Then I found this. This is ending soon. I love you guys but we need to come clean now.
Not a member and I know about all the detractors saying they worship lucifer and things but I think they're okay. I'm actually pretty interested in joining a lodge but I don't know any masons. (Anyone have any advice for me on that, I've been thinking about sending them an email)
secret club to suck some cock.
>on this board
>50% NWO Jew bankers (spillover from /x/
>45% idk man, old dudes I guess
>5% freemasons or people who know them
Some are LARPers
Some are just making connections
Others are Jews with an intact foreskin
bunch of authoritarian nazis
Most towns have a lodge, usually on a main street. If you want to look it up, masonry has a website with more info. The only thing you're required to do is pay dues. You don't have to attend every or any meetings if you don't want, and it's all at your own pace.
oh shit
Absurd hermetic psuedophilosophy that teaches true religion is the common ground between all religions and charges you for it.
I bet not even them believe in that shit
Sorry Pierre, I worded that badly. I feel that's how a lot of the board sees them. I know from experience that it's an old man's hangout club with some general spirituality and philosophy tossed in.
You think Sup Forums invented the modern use of a cult devoted to Egyptian deities?
Masons are doing this for a long time now, we're just under a fun psyop to stress-test pedophiles and murderers. (aka the second coming).
Masons were the Jews of the 19th century.
I just wonder do they TRULY believe in it or is it just one giant psyop
No you are right about the principle, it's just that many of you right now on Sup Forums received the gift of the (un)holy soul of playing card games and this website is purposely turning into a giant mudshell.
It is necessary due to the context of the american elections, and all the shit hitting the fan after wikileaks and stuff.
Coming next: Pharao (ayy lmaos), Satanism or in the worst case Nibiru.
Or we can pack together, like branches forming a powerful faggot, and get hilldog dxdiag for Kuru disease.
Not democratic
does it really matters from their pov? they make mulla
>Make cult
>have no religion
seems like a pretty big deal or is it like modern Christianity where they say this is too backwards/silly so we don't follow anymore?
It's like Sup Forums but in real life.
in France we tend to consider secularity as a religion.
Freemasonry essentially is a secular hermetic gnostic sect.
I don't give a fuck about freemasons.
OP, Why the would I give a fuck?
Mason spotted. sup Kraut?
They tend to think they have a b-line to morality. To them a man is a rough hewn stone until polished by the teachings of masonry.
I doubt they buy into the mystical crap though. I also don't think they tend to be very smart... Masonic rituals and hidden meaning are the opposite of sound argumentation for or against ethical standpoints.
Thanks for the info. As far as getting into contact with them would an email suffice, they do have one on their website? Or should I just knock on the door or something?
Gnosticism is not secular by definition or isn't it? you would believe in an entity with multiple facets
> To them a man is a rough hewn stone until polished by the teachings of masonry.
O really? what happens to the man after that?
They literally meet in temples and shit. They don't necessarily have a god but it is still a religion of sorts
T U B 4 L C 4 1 N
I once saw two masons talking in some code when i was on the first class carriage at Marwar junction heading to Jodhpur three summers and a thousand years ago.
Would rather have them than be surrounded by a bunch of uncivilized fedoras.
You build society out of him. This is literally from their officer installation ceremony.
The man who would be king?
Was once a organization of good, got infiltrated, purged, infiltrated again, divided, and now is just a networking group that is slowly dying out.
I think there may be a branch or two who still have some hold on power in various places, but for the most part their golden days are long past.
The real secret societies who hold power are those whose names have not reached the public arena...yet.
yeah you win
>You build society out of him
What does that entail i don't get it
Satanist working for (((them))). They killed our king and created the USA.
larpers who think they know shit.
Well, on one hand, George Washington was a Mason, on the other, so was Bill Clinton...
They should have kept up with technology. Anyone can cut stones accurately. It's no secret.
Some of them are cool, some of them are pricks. The cool ones want you to join and make it sound awesome with their convivial dinners and brotherhood. The shitty ones make you want to hunt down their kind in an awkward freemason genocide because they will do whatever they want if they can leverage that freemason ring into some sweet, sweet nepotism from one of their brothers.
Also, defense industry has a surprising amount of freemasons.
>Sup Forums likes jewsonary
What a bunch of retards
I have no affiliation with the Freemasons, but I am historically interested in the Freemasons, because of their work with the creation of the Pigpen cipher. I myself am interested in ciphers and codes.
What the fuck? Am I supposed to understand this cryptic ass shit?
What the fuck are you doing faggots to protec the builders?
Masons disgust me.
dont joint them , they are slaves to someting that is not good .
If it smells like bullshit, it probably is bullshit.
>using ze menstrual blood argument against a frog
know your place.
Come on frog boy tell me what it means. Point me in the right direction at least
tubalcain. master (3) pass. you need a lion's paw and to touch the palm near the thumb's base.
wtf do you know about america stupid cartel member please go
Just waiting for that self righteous smug ozzy cunt that always shows up in these threads, is he here yet ?
Yeah I'm uninitiated. I'm interested in learning about this sort of stuff though, thanks.
Men are like stones
You cant build anything worthwhile with garbage unfinished stones
Freemasonry finishes men.
You can't build a temple out of men like you can out of stones but you can build a functional society.
Keep in mind most guys doing this are over 50... not like they are going to contribute to governance or anything like that after they become master masons...
>Freemasonry finishes men.
Yeah it finishes them alright.
Hitler tried to exterminate them so I don't like them.
6. The GOYIM enter the lodges out of curiosity or in the hope by their means to get a nibble at the public pie, and some of them in order to obtain a hearing before the public for their impracticable and groundless fantasies: they thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we are remarkably generous. And the reason why we give them this success is to make use of the high conceit of themselves to which it gives birth, for that insensibly disposes them to assimulate our suggestions without being on their guard against them in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own infallibility which is giving utterance to their own thoughts and that it is impossible for them to borrow those of others .... You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the GOYIM can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this condition of high conceit of themselves, and at the same time how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they had, and to reduce them to a slavish submission for the sake of winning a renewal of success .... BY SO MUCH AS OURS DISREGARD SUCCESS IF ONLY THEY CAN CARRY THROUGH THEIR PLANS, BY SO MUCH THE "GOYIM" ARE WILLING TO SACRIFICE ANY PLANS ONLY TO HAVE SUCCESS. This psychology of theirs materially facilitates for us the task of setting them in the required direction. These tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their heads. We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM .... They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality ....
I feel that if your little faggot club was all that interesting you would have better things to do than post these stupid fucking threads all the goddamn time. Also, every car I see with mason swag on it is being driven by a nigger.
Karpman's drama triangle.
>Explaint to me them what America is.
from my point of view you are puppets who are killing future enlithegh beings and do not now why are doing so.
you are faggots saying that you want to save the world , but instead are killing by action or omision all that is good or interesting in this shitty rock we call planet.
you are giving podesta the freedom to fuck us all just becose of mhu dick.
Masons disgust me the most becose at least the joods born in their illusion , But Masons out of weaknees look for masters to tell them what to do.
i have seen kids who have more free will than the masons.
Ah the protocols. One of my favourite bedtime reads.
What does being a freemason even mean? Do you build a temple to free yourself of slavery?
It's a little club where grubby old men plot amongst themselves to commit fraud for the purpose of monetary gain.
I don't even know what a freemason is.
Because its based on old guilds of freemen instead serfs...
And the answer shows up as as soon as I post. I think.
>What does being a freemason even mean?
Unless you are 169% Chosen full blooded Jew, you will never reach the upper echelons and will merely be a pawn.
So says the shit poor coca farmer, only caring about getting enough money to get wasted and bitch at people on the internet. You're biggest export was literally turned into institutionalized racism and tore the ghettos apart. Your countries most valuable resource killed any hope of my great nation being united away from racism. Crack cocaine destroyed the polite, hard working blacks that only wanted equality.
You should be ashamed of your country you drug farming little shit. I hope you lose your feet stomping through a cocaine slurry filled with household cleaners. Fuck you cartelnigger.
hahahahhahahahha damn you, americucks
so funny
he himself was a freemason
thanks for purchasing the 90% of our drugs you idiots
also say thanks to your C.I.A to maked posible to deliver it on time.
we are cucked by a foreing goverment who has more weapons than us
you are cucked by your onw goverment who has lees weapons than you.
You're cucked by the farmer down the road that actually has a donkey instead of just lashing his plow onto some starving orphan children.
So you think cocaine is a serious thing still? Fucking childs play, everything is methamphetamine and heroine. Your whole country has been replaced by Afghanistan, literally a mountainside filled with goatfucking Muslims. We never cucked you, we fucked you, broke you and butted in your fucking eye as we left you for dead. Enjoy blaming other nations for your poverty cartelnigger.
Oh ok, only multiplicity of guilds in one place I know of is in the city of london.
It's the money, guys
You cannot look up a lodge you total faggot, maybe it is different in the US, but real freemasonry requires an invite and you have to be a productive and weel-educated human being who would serve a purpose niche in a lodge. If you are a random guy with nothing much to contribute in that environment, it is right you should not get invited. Btfo with your trash and stop trying to be cool
you are not even using that word nearly correctly
Feel good
In the us you have to ask to join. If you get invited it's not a real lodge.
In the US you have to be sponsored by a standing freemason, apply for entry, and follow the interview process.
not for long when he realized what they were doing
Masons are controlled opposition
I asked this question earlier itt and didn't get s good response. I'm interested in joining a lodge but don't really know any masons. Is it possible to join if I were to send them an email or something and then go through the interview process? Or am I just shit out of luck until I meet a mason.
flies attracted to shit?
Matthew 21:42
Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
positively, but can't believe that you have to be a theist to join a lodge.
From what I understand, you are shit outta luck until you can get a sponsor. I was talking to a guy I worked for that wanted me to join. The biggest killer for me is that it is a Christian organization and I am without religion. The interview process involved meeting with fr eemason members several times, them going to your home to ensure you are an upstanding member of society, them looking into character references. You were also expected to, at a minimum, go to convivial dinners with your freemason brothers. They want their freemasons to volunteer and to always work towards elevating their community, their family and above all else, elevate their fellow freemasons.
Shit was weird, if I was going to join a crazy cult order I would probably join the Knights of Columbus because I was raised Catholic.
The have members with real political and financial power.
And nobody knows what their up to.
Who knows....
>working towards a better community while improving yourself and others
How are atheists supposed to accept the existence of demons if they don't acknowledge spirituality?
>caring more about the stars than your own species
It is the fall of Rome all over again.
It doesn't even feels good to shout out that I told literally everyone about it earlier.