Reminder that Sup Forums being Nazi is an edgy lie

>considers himself fascist
>says North Korea (communist state) is "Best Korea"

Actual Nazis wouldn't have done that. Just a reminder that people on here only support those types of views to be edgy like Sup Forums.

>being so assblasted that you're compelled to tone police Sup Forums

Notice: Doesn't respond to actual argument.

it's a meme you dip. Lurk Moar

Friendly reminder OP is always a faggot, and doesn't understand contrarian humor or that Sup Forums isn't one person.

>doesn't understand satire

Typical Ameridumb

doesn't understand a joke. You're a disgrace.

>i-it just a joke!

What about NatSoc?

North Korea is best Korea because South Korea is a boring shithole and North Korea is entertainingly terrible.

Sup Forums has always been pro Israel.

You will not break our spirit. Jews are our oldest allies.

The eternal Anglo strikes again

>What about NatSoc?
a natsoc, only must have an intense love for his people and desire for that love to manifest itself as a state apparatus with its people’s best interest in mind.

dont see anything wrong with that

>"Best Korea"

OP you're a faggot and your newb is showing.
>Babby's first post is lame.

What about it :^)

wew, you figured us many months did it took for you ?

We /radicalleftists/ now

The Lord Protector's got an eye on you
You think he don't but he do

Wow right. Fat people find common ground with people who hate fat people. Makes sense.

You'd think that they'd find common ground with people who worship fatness. Like say, the left?

i cant wait for stormfront to get tired of Sup Forums and find its next vehicle

after all you are all proud aryans, there is no need to cower in anonymity any longer

When did Daniel Tosh say that?

>Best Korea
Only faggot nerd 20 year old children from Sup Forums say this. About either of the countries, btw.

They're not communist anymore. They learned their lesson from the famine in the 90s.

Weak shit, OP.

Nazi,not part of Hitlers NSDAP,not german
>what is national socialism as an ideology
>american education a its finnest....

Nice try CIA.

Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Can't wait.
t. stormfag

*And also murdering 9,000,000 innocent people

What are you even trying to say nice trips

It's not stormfront any longer

Ever seen that graphic where monkeys are sprayed when one of them goes up the ladder so they beat up whoever tries to go up the ladder? And eventually they keep replacing the monkeys one by one even though they aren't being sprayed by water anymore and they don't know why they're doing it?

That's kind of like this board except the first monkeys are stormfront users and the replacements are imports from Sup Forums.

t. actual fag.

>Reminder that Sup Forums being Nazi is an edgy lie
>Reminder that Sup Forums is a cesspit of shitposting and stupidity and taking even an iota of what gets posted here are intelligent or worthy of deep consideration is a colossal error in judgment

>look away
>nothing to see here goyim

Not a nazi, but I've been here for 8 years almost now. Sup Forums has always been nazi. Even before the stormfags.

Best Korea is a meme mocking the utter poverty and failure that is their psuedo-communism.


>Sup Forums has always been Nazi

Yes, and Sup Forums has always been trap threads and gore threads. It's an edge factor, no one can deny it

A bit of edge keeps the faggots out.

You can't have much discussion if every thread is "oh my gawd how can you even say that!?".

Children too, which is why getting too popular and tolerant of other websites is an issue.