Why haven't you?

I'm a few thousand kilometers away.

My rifle is good for ~300 yards.

reported to RCMP

He would win if someone did that though

I'm more than a few thousand kilometres away.

They took away my rifle.

I think he just needs a serious car accident so he lives the rest of his life in pain.

Why does your beautiful country have to be run by a faggot?

Is that like the USSS for leafs?

I'm in b.c. plus I don't want to go to jail. Seriously, someone needs to take one for the team and blow this guys head off.

trump i guess
among all world leaders, trudeau is the only one that can damage trump's plans by running opposing policies
>trump makes tariff
>trudeau abolishes tariff and becomes middleman
>trump kicks out illegals
>trudeau starts open borders for mexicans to hop over from canada
also, trump is the only one realistically within reach of him at times without screening

Oh God what I wouldn't give to have this man as my president!

Just thinking about it makes me all tingly inside.
KEK grant us eyes!
Grant us eyes and a Trudeau.

Don't do it, violence is not the answer, and remember, if you kill him, he wins.

I have no idea

use a truck and convert to islam, the media will blame the truck


> convert to Islam
> move to a neighborhood near a mosque
> shoot him claiming a honor killing because he let fags live near your sharia controlled zone
> he dies
> he wins
> profit ??

Im waiting for the islamic apolagist news to label the truck attacks inside jobs, claim something stupi like "cargo trucks cant go through that many people without stopping, one little bump would stop the truck dead in its tracks." Then people believe it and make memes about it.

i know nothing about this man , can you please explain why you hate him , i mean i hate him now because he is not killing gays instantly , but tell me why do YOU hate him ?

reported to the french FBI

murdering political figures or activists only gives them eternal martyr status, victimizes his followers even more and actually pushes their agenda immensely

He's our Prime Minister, and he's a spoiled puppet of the liberal capitalist establishment who cloaks his administration's typical establishment douchery in a thin veneer of diversity, feminism, and LGBT alliance in order to deflect criticism from the right and the true left. He got elected because his dad, while controversial, was actually competent. He is a political novice with a strong chin.

That's why I dislike him. The other Leaf hates him because muh degeneracy, I imagine.

>Kill Trudeau
>He wins
Pick two. Don't play into his game OP.