DC fag here, I'm attending the inauguration and I wanted to show our support so I'm making a flag with the materials I've been hoarding, trips determines what flag I make, and I'm making it today.
DC fag here...
first for italy
A cute anime girl
I can't animate fabric
A Pepe flag with a huge swastika on it.
Anything else and you're a FAGGOT
Digits prove my point
icon of our lord kek (digits be upon him)
Just set up a flip board of 30 flags to achieve the animation effect. Don't be lazy when the memes need yiu
make a big pepe poopoo
Mexican one with a wall
Trump lion
Awoo girl
Just make it say Sup Forums in huge letters.
"Nothing is beyond our reach" would be cool at the bottom too. Re-rolling, if digits, KEK wills it
Bangladesh flag except the background is red and the circle is white and has a swastika in it
>make some liberal fag slogan like love trumps hate
>get the shit beat out of you and get it filmed
>when interviewed by liberal media drop a red pill
this gave me a kek
dude roll again I'm kinda liking this
african tribal flag with text
(possible: "N SHIEET")
A flag made from niggers lips and gums
I'll beat you up if I see you
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Protect the inauguration from Antifa thugs. Join Operation Frantic.
Make that retarded swastika. You know the one.
Black Sun
a Hillary flag
You have the colors to make Pepe. Make pepe
an Obama change flag
Nazi flag.
re rolling for trips
Chechnya flag
reroll for Kadyrov
what is that
bretty good
here you go, OP
Or else you can take separatist version. Wolf is not mandatory
looks like a winrar
i was expecting something more meaningful to Sup Forums though why chechnia?
kinda like this version more
Shitty fucking get
does anyone wanna dispute the ruskies claim on the get in the name of not sucking?
dunno yet
but you guys can invent another story about russian agents presence on inauguration to feed MSM
Mod it , make it look like a minimalist pepe.
No, accept the results
will you accept the proposed changes from this user?
This, you can't dispute the get.
Gets are immutable
you're right it was wrong of me to try to challenge the will of kek
I'm working on the flag now
oops got the red and white inverted
looks cool
a re-roll is not a GET
This thread failed.
>Don't be lazy when the memes need yiu
This is the heartiest kek I've had all day. Thanks Straya.
You make the NAZI flag with a feminist fist on it instead of the swastika.
FAL strong
forgot muh pic
im sewing the strips together now, I'll post an update photo in a minute
The Canadian flag but the Sup Forums version where the man is getting sucked off by his dog
You picked a terrible flag to do.
the trips picked it not me
This please, use red instead of green if you need
no idea how tempted I am
Second Advent of Babka Vanga. Chemical war with muslims in Europe. Moon is destroyed.
and i reroll too
you can do two flags, user... kek will provide.
It better be pepe or kek
looks like I have a new plan, first one, then the other
what's the point of making a muslim tier shithole flag ?
this one is the best flag to represent Sup Forums
and he's beautiful, would succ
kek works in mysterious ways, user. the chaos is irrational and incomprehensible.
Just do the pol flag family it's way more relevant
Nazi flag
nice try kike
Make this if possible!
A noble faggot
im not saying im going to do this...
Kek speaks
which one will you do then ?
Based OP
Got a portable sewing machine, it works quiet well once I properly lubricated the parts
Pepe flag with Sup Forums supports trump
Digits confirm
not totally sure what to make of this, but I have enough fabric for more than one flag, who wants to meet me?
Do it with SS bolts in place of the / and use red & black
Kek flag here
With pol supports trump
Also this
It is keks will
Not meteing you. Sorry user
Just take one of these, like your hero.
I dont want to get suicided
This is my vote