it finally hapenning
I thought Arizona voted Democrat though?
(or is this a Federal / State, where they voted for a Democrat president, but vote for Republican Senators and State Reps?)
wtf, I love iced tea now
Arizona went Red in the Presidential. You're probably thinking of New Mexico.
TFW Your state is based as fuck.
Don't tease me now op, where is the link?
Will Arizona ban John McCain?
i hope every state adopte this
execpt cucked states like commiefornia and new york
god bless america!
based ice tea
God dammit, why can't a temperate state do that. I don't want to move to a desert.
I thought I loved this state enough already but every day I come to love it more. Best state in the union all year every year.
Arizona arizone gimmie a lime let me grow them trees
This also bans pro-white/christian groups but it's probably a good trade off considering it's still [current year] in universities.
Also, does AZ have any big schools?
>banning free speech
smdh, you'll never learn
What the hell are religious groups doing at uni in the first place? It's not a religious institution, get your ass to church, damn.
>This also bans pro-white/christian groups
Aren't pro-white groups being shut down as white supremacist groups anyway?
And aren't christian groups mainly cuckservatives?
ASU, AU- division I ASU is basically the largest university in the country
NAU- Slightly smaller still pretty big school
Does the ban cover 100 % privatized universities too? I think it's very good to ban such useless courses from government supported schools, but people should still be allowed to teach anything they want if they get no support from the government. Otherwise it's just slightly better than leftist totalitarianism.
It's not like the universities themselves were allowing pro-white groups anyway.
This, as much as I despise social justice for the cancer it is, outright banning it defeats the whole point of the free speech debate. It's a tactic that SJWs would use and we shouldn't stoop to their level.
Speaking off, do you know any pro-white groups trying to do good work in Arizona? I'm sick and fucking tired of cuckservative groups here giving zero shits about the white race so they can get votes. This place is a fucking cesspool.
AZ is one of the most red states in the Union leafbro. Most lenient gun laws by far.
Pretty sure there aren't any white identity courses being taught in state universities.
>Aren't pro-white groups being shut down as white supremacist groups anyway?
Yeah, that's my point.
Good to hear. Does university of phoenix online count too? I see their ads all the time.
Thing is that private schools are usually exempt from paying taxes. So what the federal government can do is set rules about what has to be done in order avoid paying taxes. Even though these are allegedly private schools, they are therefore still under government control because they wouldn't be able to survive if they had to pay taxes.
What do you mean? SJW ban free speech all the time.
>Implying free speech exists in universities
It's more like leveling the playing field.
Ideal situation would of course be that even pro-white and anti-SJW speech would be allowed, but since it isn't, this is the next best thing.
Tell me when it actually becomes law
Sheriff Joe Arpaio got replaced by a democrat shitalian from New Jersey so you're going to be flooded by more illegals worsening the white decline there.
They block it from happening but it isn't banned and you don't want to pass bills that can eventually be used against you.
Social Justice now is just speaking out later.
Definitions change. Limitations change.
>no machine guns
>no assault rifles
>no "assault weapons"
>no high capacity magazines
>8 is too many
It won't end and just because you wrote the bill, doesn't mean you will always be around to use it.
Can't into reading, faggot? It says "moves to". Nothing has passed. They do, apparently, have a ban on ethnic studies.
It's actually the beginning of the end. It marks a serious decline in n freedom of speech when the government can mandate what you study. I think art history and women's studies should be banned, also. Still I see the beginning of 1984 in this. How far are we from the authoritarians telling us what thought crimes are? Or is this it?
You understand Tax dollars goes into universities right?
If I fund these courses I should Have a say if they still get teached, or be revised
I dont think uni of phoenix is actually based in AZ
I bet they won't ban Jewish studies.
Just kidding it is actually based in Phoenix i should have looked it up first. But it is sprad all over the country not just in Arizona
holy fuck
Man California would self implode if that shit ever happened.
CTR tried to meme flipping Arizona blue but it never stood a chance just like Hillary.
Really fuck-o? You should have a say?
Did they get you to vote on healthcare?
War on Libya?
Bombing Syria?
Upping our nuclear arsenal?
Foreign policy with Russia?
Russian hacking?
Hillary's emails?
Immigration reform?
Military spending?
Privatizing social security?
Tanks to Poland?
Face it, you're just a cog in the wheel and don't have a say in most things the government does. Your few fractions of pennies that actually end up in education are better with your fucked up opinion not fed into them, especially in higher education. You capitalize words in the middle of your sentence, Einstein. Teached isn't a word. You don't like it? Homeschool your kids.
>"Don't" is the same as "shouldn't"
Really mang?
Good for them.
State funding should be dropped for EVERY "university" that teaches that Marxist bullshit.
not banning it
they aren't going to stop paying for it
Intent unclear. Your comment makes no sense.
Someone finally saying no we won't pay for shit like
"Removing the mask of Whiteness"
>tfw you live in the best state in the US
Who /tucson/ here?
Yeah, I did figure it might be too hard for you to understand.
The guy said that if he funds the courses, he SHOULD have a say.
You went on an autistic rampage about how he DOESN'T have a say, and ended it with a zinger like you'd made a counter-point.
>Your comment makes no sense
The irony here is breathtaking.
What else should they drop? Just because you don't like it?
Ecology? Sociology? History? Psychology?
Should we bring back Hitler youth camps, and have a giant book burn? Should wet organize thought police and round up people for reeducation camps?
How long until ideas like that spin out of control? I hate multi colored hair, and the "72 genders" crowd too. Eliminating them will eliminate places like this where free speech is possible. By killing them off, you kill places just like this.
Arizona, can you please liberate California?
Yeah sure the state that repeatedly re elects the fucking crypt keeper Jon McCain is somehow going to do something good
His input, in taxes is less than a few cents.
His opinion should have the weight of his financial responsibility to that idea.
You made two sentences, that had no relation to anything said. pardon me for not being a mind reader.
Come on user Arizona might be a desert but a beautiful one.
I love my state. Home of "It's FREE speech, you communist faggot!". We just need to get rid of John McCuck, build wall, and make it harder for people from California to move here.
>His input, in taxes is less than a few cents.
>His opinion should have the weight of his financial responsibility to that idea.
And again, he said "a say", not "the say".
Only if it wasnt so fucking hot and dead looking.
In Prescott atm. It's nice people don't know how to use a turn signal
do you guys have lots of open land for sale? been thinking about buying 5-10 acres in montana but i might choose arizona instead if you guys are so based
>most lenient gun laws by far
Oh my sweet Sumer child... come to Vermont and witness the glorious/k/ paradise Comrade Sanders has built for us.
Flagstaff and Lake Powell area >>> Turdscon.
Sedona and all the commieformians infesting it must be gassed.
How am I supposed to get a useless degree to turn me into a useless Anita Sarkesian clone now?
>just because you don't like it
The opposite of "ban state funding for race/gender supremacy courses" is not "mandatory state funding for race/gender supremacy courses," you fucking retard.
Its not "because you don't like it," its "the state should not start playing favorites based off race, sex, etc, if the state wants to be based off the premise of liberty and justice for all."
>Just because you don't like it?
No, they should drop anything that doesn't directly lead to a career. What the fuck kind of career are you gonna get from doing Women's Studies?
The government shouldn't be giving grants or loans to people going to school for stupid ass shit.
Not bad for state full of spics.
Wtf I love Arizona now.
An eye for an eye, cuck.
You're fucking retarded. Kys.
Where are you seeing white pride courses at?
AZ native here too. Nobody except other natives really understand my infinite hate for Californians. Remember when they tried boycotting us for SB1070? They shut right the fuck up when we threatened to shut off their power from Palo Verde. Fuck California.
If you can afford it please get Northern AZ land as that as some amount of potential for grazing and farming, buying anything Phoenix or south is for real estate only. But yes.
Its not the same thing. Its banning speech that causes division and hate. Saying only YOUR specific race or gender is worth studying and deserves to be promoted over all the rest is the cancer killing America.
We are supposed to be a melting pot not fragmented into varying levels of oppression and privileged offering rights and benefits.
flagstaff is pretty comfy user. gets like 80 inches of snow a year
Lived there for a semester. Comfiest damn town in the southwest. It's like someone too Burlington VT and dropped it in the desert.
im just trying to set up my own little homestead. Greenhouse, solar panels on the roof, just chilling with my guns and dried food lol. A lake would be nice so i could populate it with fish but idk how many lakes you have out there.
just got a new job at work so gonna be full-time and making almost twice what i was before, hoping i can move within 5 years or so.
Flagstaff also has an okay ski resort if I am not mistaken. Plus it is sort of close to the Grand Canyon Nation Park of you ever find. Qt3d white gf to take on a date.
>going to a state that touches Canada
Inb4 Arizona touches Mexico, because wall soon
yeah, pretty similar, except that desert sun heats up things in the day time so snow doesn't stick around as much but if i had to live somewhere in AZ i'd live there.
Arizona ice tea is made in new york tho
>I don't get it!
But the other guy's the stupid one
OK, Einstein
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you fucking spic? I'll have you know that I graduated at the top of my class in the Vermont National Guard School of Mountain Warfare.
>Should we bring back Hitler youth camps, and have a giant book burn?
Did you forget where you are now?
Students pay thousands of dollars for one semester of education, fucktard (oh gee, I can name call too). I don't care if they want to study bugs, rabbit tendonitis, or chemical engineering. They have rights to study what they want.
On a practical level, I'm in complete agreement with you. I dated a girl who had a degree in dance from the university of Boston. She's a stay at home mom who struggles to pay bills, now. I graduated with a friend who has a sociology degree, and now does landscaping. I see what you are saying and agree on that level.
What I argue is, this is close to legalizing thought police. It's steps away from hunting down all the "flat earth people" and burning them at the stake. Do we round up religions and outlaw them because nothing productive comes from worshipping sky people? Sociology? Anthology? Psychology? Philosophy?That's the path of thought I see in this thread. Just erase Plato because all he produced was words. Nietzsche? Shakespeare?
When you are allowed to control what people learn, it's the beginning of the end for free thought. We've slowly become ok with our sacrifice of privacy, as Americans. This is the beginning of that for freedom of thought.
I'm not here because I disagree with Sup Forums, but on this aspect I wonder why some of you support this 1984 line of thinking. I'm old-school Sup Forums and don't agree with this idea that the state should be able to have thought crime.
You still haven't learned yet have you? Liberals do not fight fair and cannot be beat by doing so. You must stoop to their level to piss them off, and maybe, just maybe they will see how retarded they are.
If not at least we can trigger some of them.
>They have rights to study what they want.
Correct. So we remove ALL funding from ALL organizations that push racial, gender, etc. supremacist courses like that, and then colleges with an openly discriminatory and supremacist agenda can let the free market keep them afloat.
This guy gets it
It's plainly what the Constitution says and even that says that it's obvious to any observer
This is why it's important to have borders and to distinguish your nation from others; in order to have your citizenry united under one banner (the flag, remember the pledge of allegiance? Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.)
If you fuckers want to start really fucking with the left then go hardcore patriotic. When they start their fuck drumpf! cheers drown them out with god bless america, the star spangled banner, the pledge of allegiance, etc
Idk why no one else has done this yet, they are worthless classes meant to suck money out of retards. nothing more than scams to perpetuate racial tensions and hatred of whites.
>"This really challenges a bedrock foundation of what it means to be involved in the academy. It really puts a target on people of color and various academic fields that have emerged out of struggle.” said the guy in pic related
Arizona is the racist capital of the United States.
If Hillary supporters actually ((thought)) they could flip Arizona, it leads me to believe even more that her entire campaign was a total farce. Nothing but a puppet put in place to secure a Trump presidency to reap the rewards of Osama ripping our constitution to shreds.
I'd go farther and demand teaching degrees include the history of the US Constitution
I actually thought about that too, but if that is true then it implies that the "3 world wars letters" by albert pike are real, which in those letters states all the third world plebs will die, and the jews/muslims will be made toe exterminate eachother
Anyone who makes up words, isn't very smart.
Show me a dictionary where teached is acceptable verb. My spell checker won't even acknowledge it. The word is taught.
This is a place for politically incorrect discussion. How long do you think that would last under an authoritarian government? Didn't krautchan get shut down and the creators jailed last year? Can't just saying most of what's in this thread earn you jail in places like germony and bongland?
I'm just trying to prevent that from happening HERE because this thread, most posters seem fine with thought police.
Just remove federal funding, at all. That's the free market.
Sonorafag here (I share a border with Arizona) and it's probably the best state in your country. There's a bunch of mexicans on cities like Tucson and Phoenix but they don't seem as annoying as the ones in California, for instance. I've never seen none of this "La Raza" bullshit and americans/mexicans/chicanos whatever seem to get along fine, or at least there seems to be more tolerance for each other.
People tend to be nice too and you don't see much sjw faggets rampant.
What is it with California that turns people into faggots?
>Aren't pro-white groups being shut down as white supremacist groups anyway?
That's ALWAYS what happens any time whites congregate in numbers greater than 3, for any reason at all, but yeah they ALWAYS call it racist even if it's a few gray haired grandmas playing bingo or something
where the fuck have all the comment sections gone?!
its literally the only reason to read news in the first place.
Hope it goes through.
Fuck the libs in this thread
>Muh free speech only when it suits my lib causes
> what turn California's people into faggots
I lived there for a year and had to move because of smug. They think they are MORE than everyone else because they live in California. Fake ass people.
I will never set foot in that state without legal compulsion, again.
>"3 world wars letters" by albert pike are real
fake and gay. You have a shill problem if that's what you deduced from my post. Kill yourself
Soundl like we need to make it happen.
Do you think Calexit is a thing or just a meme at this point?