>real life Sup Forumsack
Grab her by the pussy
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Source faggot
((Fake News))
If this isn't the biggest setup ever. Makes it so difficult for Trump to condemn without the media then jumping down his throat on how it compares to the comments he made previously.
Gunna need to pull out the dimensions for this one.
here you go you stupid yank:
why are all republicans basically rapists and molesters? Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Trump.. now this guy.
100% believable story.
Found his facebook
Looks like a total douche.
You can get arrested based on allegations?
yes you can, you can't get charged with a crime based on allegations alone.
You can get arrested for all sorts of shit.
Basically, the woman kept egging him on, swearing at him, then stormed out in a huff saying she didn't have time for him.
He followed her, and she blew him off again and he, being the 71 year old he is, pinched her.
He later apologized, and probably will be banned from holding office, not that he does. He was basically just the town hall organizer.
The article says that the police have camera footage of the pussy grabbin'
did you even read the fucking article?
Obama is trying to provoke a war with Russia before he leaves office, but this town councilman pinched a woman.
I'd like to grab him in the genital area if you know what I mean
I wouldn't call Obama trying to cock block Cheeto Jesus's booty call "trying to provoke a war"
More like trying to prevent the president erect from getting oral herpes.
hahaha gay sex
*elect, sorry
Why are people getting unhinged all of a sudden? Just before obama there was a white president.
>He grabs her pussy in front of a group of people
>There is also security camera footage of it happening
>His lawyer admits it happened, but claims it was just a joke
Hmm yeah allegations.
no he's probably from the south he doesn't know how to read
Has the security footage actually been uploaded somewhere for everyone to watch, or are we taking the ((((media)))'s word at face value?
>After reviewing a surveillance video of the incident, police determined that its contents were consistent with the woman’s claims.
>“In almost 30 years of practicing law in this town, I would say Mr. von Keyserling is the one person I would never suspect of having any inappropriate sexual predilections,” lawyer Phil Russell said to the Greenwich Time. “There was a playful gesture, in front of witnesses. It was too trivial to be considered anything of significance. To call it a sexual assault is not based in reality.”
They aren't going to release security camera footage to the public. It is a crime not a public spectacle that needs to be proved to anybody but a judge. The police and the guys lawyer admitted he grabbed her.