Threads for discussing the King Ranch, other trucks, tractors, farming, towing, semis, boats, etc. and politics.

No discussion of anything that is a silver, black, grey, or white hatchback (Sorry Euros).

**Please do not ask***
"why do you need a 4x4?" Or any other question of that nature. I have provided a video to preempt that common inquiry so it need not be asked. If you watch the video and still don't get it then just fuck off.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ford Ka Masterrace reporting in

>be European
>dont own a truck
>go grocery shopping
>buy a bulk pack of toilet paper
>it wont fit in your cückwagen
>have to pay the grocery store to deliver it to your house
>it arrives next day off a semi truck loaded on a pallet

Is there anything more American than a King Ranch with brown saddle bag leather seats? Are Europeons even allowed to own trucks?

I dream of becoming a redneck.
Those people have it all figured out.

Trucks are cool, and practical.

The amount of exhaust they put off enrages some of the more irrational liberals.

American made trucks are GOAT.

/thread? Not really sure what other political ramifications your getting at in regards to trucks

Show me all those 2l engines making 800lb-ft you ignorant fuck.

>be european
>don't have an ass that is 6 acres huges
>toiletpaper and all other grocerys fit nicely into Ford Ka
>everything else I buy I just order over the internet and it gets delivered to my door

2015 F150 2.7l Eco 4x4 checking in.

Engine is a bit small for a trailer, tools and 2 bikes on track days.

Still love the truck.

John Deere or Cat?

I prefer Cat
>easier to work on
>parts cheaper
>takes more abuse

But the stick controls on the Deere are unmatched. ...

Ill give Deere that..

>tfw you'll never have a freetruck and a freeburger and just generaly being free
Sometimes I wish I were an American

>Europeans have no concept of self-reliance

Damn, and I thought Americans would be fucked when civilization collapses. You guys will REALLY be up shit's creek.

>be based American

>own truck that is bigger and costs more than most yuropoor residences

>he actually has to transport his furniture himself with his own truck and has to haul the damn things into his house


Based Case is better than Deere or Cat

'96 F-150 XLT reporting
Tuned up from a shitty rustbox to a mean-sounding truck, high-torque with 380+ HP

>Used it for cutting wood
>Handles great
>5.8l Windsor
>Goodyear 33 inch tires
>2 gas tanks but gets 13mpg anyway
>tfw my state has no regulations on sound or emission levels

What about this Automobile?
Is it a redpilled car?

Based Truck. Those have the push button 4 wheel drive right?

These look cool but they are actually a pain to work on and are uncomfortable.

or what about the Twingo?

>he has no sense of self-reliance so he has to hire refugees and niggers to touch and break all his possessions instead of doing anything himself
>he doesn't know what it means to be a man and stand on his own two feet


>everything else I buy I just order over the internet and it gets delivered to my door

You are fucking pathetic, what the fuck happened to you guys?

Looks like there's plenty of room in the front seat to put a car seat for your wife's son

>implying niggers and refugees work hard back breaking jobs

Its actually done by poorshit whites, I also have everything insured so when something breaks I get my money back and just buy something new.

Sorry. Us Americans still have a notion of what it means to be a man. Now go service an immigrant.

fuck you you're too good of a troll im out of here, you got me

We don't HAVE to. We usually do it to save money though. The difference here is we have that option while you are at the mercy of the movers who will beat everything to shit then charge you for it. Top cuck.

Whats wrong with this?
Why the fuck should I waste my te and energy hauling a TV back home when I can just get it delivered?

usually I don't care but this shit doesn't belong on this board at all OP

>he has to pay an extra delivery charge and wait for the movers to arrive any time he wants something done

god that must be a total pain in the ass

I just put it in my truck and then when I get back home I open the door and carry it inside the house. Takes me 30 seconds.

Here is all you need to know about ford.

>open front diff
>4x4 was optional

It says right there in the description that this thread is partly for discussing politics. Sheesh.

>two mouse clicks at PC
>can decide when stuff should arrive at which time and day
>don't have to lift a finger
>everything I buy is insured

>meanwhile you have to go to the store and the haul it back home also no insurance if something breaks during transport


Kek. I'm in the infantry and drive a prius.

I don't really have a need for a truck right now. I live by the university and exclusively commute to drill weekends and to run errands.

Eventually I want a farm so will actually have a use for a truck.

Nothing cracks me up more than these psuedo country boys and baby boomers with $60,000 new trucks with lift kits who never even have a use for it.

Truck fags who don't use them for work are the ultimate cucks.

1990 Ford Bronco. 302, C6, Limited slip diff.

96 f150 Eddie Bauer inline6 two wheel drive. Rescued it from a hillbilly. I love this truck.

If you were a software engineer then that'd be the perfect car for you. If you carry ANY loads at all, dirt, rock, lumber, etc. you want a big rig with boards around your cab, it's just the difference between blue collar and white collar and we get that type of shit all the time. If I pulled up to a job in a car like that everyone would be on the ground howling.

Most redpilled car coming through

more like the twinkgo amirite

OP is definitely a Ford shill

I like talking about Europeans being cucked but this isn't related to politics really at all. Mods should delete it

Go back to /o/ ford cuck

I can't wait for the traps, mlp, faggot and politics thread

Is comfy inside

Sometimes it's nice to discuss off topic things with other Sup Forumsiticians.

>truck fags who don't use them for work are the ultimate cucks.

better answer than mine

wait til you try dip son. shit gives a buzz that cigarettes just don't

Here take a Dacia Logan

Fords are for backwood faggots.

There are no roads. Fords are glorified tractors.

fuck off fat nigger

That looks like shit. Even down to the boring grey color. Sad!

>Fords literally have tissue holders in the center console for when they break down

Chevy master race checking in

Only downside to owning a truck is having people ask you to help them move. That and having not as good gas mileage but I couldn't give any less of a shit about that

Why are brit taking our cars?

u mad ford cuck?

enjoy spending twice as much on gas

buy chevy instead

What about this?

>used it cutting wood
Did you like run over the trees or something?

Which part is hard to work on?

Chevy is pretty good. So is Dodge. When Chevy comes up with a model edition name as badass as "King Ranch" though, then and only then will they be featured in the thread name.

Ford trucks are ugly as fuck and pieces of shit.

god, I hate renault so very, very much. I could puke just looking at this picture for a second

Fake Jeep

6MT full time 4wd
Center differential
Not made in canada


No solid axle on Chevy trucks. Can't be a real "heavy duty" truck with IFS.

As a massive Yota fan these cunts where a slap in the face....... Not a real cruiser.

IFS = not handling like a horse-drawn carriage

So uncomfy. RAM all the way bitch!

Makes me consider suicide.

I like my truck
>tfw sexy loud V8

It's clearly meant to look like a Land Cruiser. Jeeps are shit.

nice gokart

Chevy is utter shite though.

Everyone automatically thinks I'm a douchebag, but I'm actually a really nice guy that drives considerately.

So you got an OK one. There are still to many 2wd out there like the early JK wranglers. They should be crushed.

>he doesn't have chainsaws mounted on the front of his truck for cutting down trees.

only roaches and balkan slavs drive old A6s around here. Too bad because those were actually nice cars, only the station wagons of course

Are Ford Rangers /pol approved?

Old Dodge & new are ok but 2001-2010 stay away from. I've had too many to count come into my shop with same issue. Over heating after 70k miles. The blocks weren't properly cleaned when machined at the factory. The shavings build up clog water ports & overheat. Only fix is full overhaul and boiling the block.

>drives considerately

why would you do that

I've got to say, Euros excluded, I have generally been pleased with the taste in this thread. Not a single person has repped the Nissan Titan. Nice.

Pretty clean cucktruck you got there

I really wanted to buy a Tacoma but I hear they break and fall apart at the first sign of snow and salt. I'm scared to buy a cucktruck myself.

>Nissan Titan
Why are they so hateable?

Or the Honda Ridgeline for that matter, kek.

Indeed, just push the button and drive forward a bit and you're good to go.


Nobody drives them around here. The oldest Audis I ever see are B8s.

Because I hate dealing with idiots on the road, so I try my best not to be one of them.

Because they ain't made in murrica like chevy, dodge and ford

It's pretty cringe when you dumbfuck burgers take pride in your pathetic cars and movies, I guess I don't get the "yeehaw I'm dumb why the hell not ooohh weee" hick meme.