what goes on here?
South West Afrika
I heard it's a decent holiday/travel destination
There's barely any people there, most live in the north and it's just a bunch of tribes and dusty western style towns in the south.
I remember some months ago some poltards wanted to buy land here and create a perfect society, kek.
I've been studying Sup Forums since november and i can safely say 95% of the namibian economy is blacked videos
would be cash to go there
what a bunch of morons kek
Can I come too? I'm anglo so I'm not really white.
I dont remember but it was basically another south african poster who usually began those threads looking for people to join him and "donate" money for the cause to buy land and create the perfect "white" society.
sounds like based Civic Nationalism to me.
Theoretically if only 2 million whites moved there they would outnumber the natives.
It's a pretty big place
damn maybe a group of pol tards should go there
Two white Namibians used to post on Sup Forums, it was interesting to hear their stories when they used to post a lot
There was a project about Namibia, what happened to it?
Do you think so?
I mean there are more than 4 million whites right next door, plus land there is dirt-cheap.
It sucked my dick.
I think /r9k/ should go, personally.
Lol! If Pol wants to play the "let's take over a place and live there game," they should really consider various states around Washington DC. They should hone their message until it appeals to the current residents and recruit them to help build the new societies.
If they cool their heads a bit they might even get a legitimate political party started.
Hey, Muricans! Are you sick of Big Industry fat cats and their Central Banker buddies using the laws they lobby for to steal your wealth, flood the country with non white immigrants and force YOU to integrate with them? So are we. Join us in restoring white America like the founders intended.
Sales pitches like that actually work.
Already chinese clay.
damn well if someone were to make the situation better namibia for all those whites to move there, then this could work
They were all idiots and children, nothing became of it. This guy claimed by this time we'd have all settled there lmao
No one knows, but I've heard rumours.
Sup Forums tried set up a colony there
how did it turn out?
nothing only bushmen and sand
I heard that this project is still going on in 2^3chan
No people know for sure there was, you can check the archives. But no one was serious and it was poorly done like all the "Sup Forumsony" threads, schemes and plans. Namibian posters used to come here though but not for this idiotic threads
It's a mystery.
Can there be created a good portual city?
Are you autistic?
Yes,Windhoek is a pretty nice city.And Swakopmund and Walvisbaai on the coast is nice vacation towns
Are you?
How's the people there?
>Not using the synthwave version
Is but how they behave with westerns?
hey that's me
they are all pretty nice.Mostly desert niggers and germans
no it isn't, you are too white in the anime pic
Basically Germany 2.0
That guy 4th from the left sort of looks like me, funny.
Shit it is?
Yes,Germany after they become majority nonwhite
Is this like some inside meme?
what are we waiting for?
>what goes on here?
Mad Max movies?
yes they shot the last mad max in namibia
this nigga gets it
Sometimes I wonder if those /namibian/ guys are still around, just lurking, behind the shadows, making a calculated ruse.
Do you guys know the namibian guys. You seem to have a lot of their memes
It's them trying to get attention for their failed plan
Nigerian scammer