Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in the world I'm sure there are many ethnicities living there could be considered 'white'

what's Aleppo?

hes right u kno ;^)

i wouldnt be surprised if that group is more white than germany in 30 years

A leppo?

>hes right u kno ;^)
>i wouldnt be surprised if that group is more white than germany in 30 years

Aleppo, Syria, and even Iraq were cradles of civilization. Show some respect

Nassim Taleb is based.

The levant is historically white.

>More white than Germany
under 50 procent country

That's not Aleppo, there's too little rubble.

thats true though many Syrians are obviously white.

However so are most Albanians and Kosovars and they still must be removed from Europe.

What with the meme that if something was a part of some important idea or discovery that we need to acknowledge it as something respectful by default.

They did great, good job. Now they are killing each other like a bunch of apes. Is it worthy of respect, just because some time in the past they did something good ignoring that they are shit today ? No !

The past matters as something to learn from and as something to take in account.
It doesn`t serve as a life long achievement award for anything.

Syrians are literally the whitest arabs out there , i've seen syrians that are whiter than the average spanish/italian shitskin . (They're still mudslimes that need to be removed though)

I bet you think Ancient Egyptians were white as well

you can also see that all the men are sitting down and the few women present are standing in the corner

woman sitting down in the first row


>hellenic empire restaured


lol, do you know what an indigenous Egyptian looks like?

those are arabs causing that, not persians

Copts are not white if that's what you're thinking

I hope Putin conquers Istanbul, kicks out the turkroaches, renaimes it Tsargrad, and crowns himself Tsar of the 3rd Roman Empire.

It's true though. Many middle easterners are Indo-European diaspora. They're literally right fucking next to Europe, how is this so hard for some to grasp.

The issue arose when Arabs conquered them and raped them. Now many of them are brownwashed and you have to sift through them to find the white ones (which isn't difficult at all in places like Iran, Syria, and Jordan to name a few where you only find dirty Arabs in the villages). You will have to do the same in the Europe when you guys get brownwashed (we already have to do it here in the US)...

If you admit they're white you can claim their achievements, and there are many. You can also use them as an example of how brownwashing destroys nations and people. Iran is a prime example, once the great empire of Persia with laws of tolerance, now the Islamic Republic where Sharia is the law of the land. Tolerance of foreign influence caused it there and it will cause it here.