>Hillary is an unpopular candidate

If that's the case what does that make DRUMPF?

The winner

President lol

The 45th President of the United States.

Uhh how could he be the winner if HILLARY won more than 60 Million of the popular vote then? I can't wait to see the faces of you delusional DTUNPF tards on the 20 when Hillary Rodham Clinton will be declared POTUS by mandate of the PEOPLE
Say it with me


looks like im a #HillDog now

Are you a popular enough dude to be the President of the USA?

Who else #hillshill now?

A fountain of leftard butthurt. Ain't it glorious.

fucking leaf


well let me explain this to You

President Don J.T.


The day of the rake is coming.

Range ban when?

An electable candidate

Why behind every shit post there's a leaf writing like a madman?

Did CTR leave on bots or something?
Election is over Terry Fox

el presidente

>60 Million

??? nope.

People didn't vote with the popular vote in mind cause that's not how it works. I live in a deep blue state, so I voted third party cause it didn't matter.

If you take out California's votes Trump wins the popular vote by 1.4 million. The electoral college worked exactly how it was supposed to.

>People are still campaigning for Hillary


Prime Minister

>60 million popular vote
>600 million over Trump
>Hillary won by 6 gorillion

Oy vei!