Post-election hysteria thread

Post the best of liberal tears and election aftermath

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Can't wait for the post-inauguration hysteria

Oh, it's going to be fucking glorious

>My son's friend had nightmares for days after I told him Santa was going to come kill his parents
This is how Santa impacts our kids.

Ok that actually pissed me off. Are these people this delusional and unaware of their own behavior?

If they weren't, they wouldn't have voted for Hillary.


My favorite posts were the ones that said

"IT BEGINS" and then were followed by an absurd story.


It hasn't even ended yet m8.

I refuse to believe that happened

its gonna be lit

Fucking slut.

"My 8 year old" is synonymous with "this is bullshit"

I was just talking to my friends 8 year old

He told me that quantum entanglement assures us that in some dimension Clinton won and possesses interdimensional transport so we must build the wall before she arrives with the armies of infinite hells at her side

Told that little bitch to shut up and sucks my dick.

So obviously fake.



my favorite post-election tweet

Here's a good thread with tons of salt:

It was made on November 9th, so you can go through and experience the day after the election all over again. Crack open a bear and enjoy!

Most of the liberal's stories sound like bullshit, but so far, that reads like the most bullshit one. Racist at Starbucks? I mean seriously, maybe at Dunkin Donuts

>Sebastian and Harper

My sides.

This has to be fake

Lel, look at how he/she/it is trying to close his left eye as if it's bruised. 3/10, very poor effort.

Can't wait for Drumpf to be impeached by Madame Hillary

Yeah, he's a doughy man-baby and a total bitch. Went from snobby Marine to pussified veteran when his wife made him move to San Francisco.

Wtf?!!! Why are these shitholes telling people that they're going to get shoahed?! It's fucking disgusting!

Mfw I have no women in my life, or non white friends

nu-male faggot

That one was pointing out the delusion

nfkrz is russian u twat









you do know we all can see that you're samefagging, right?







Trump has already caused more liberal asshurt than 8 years of Dubya, Inauguration Day will be almost as fun as Election Day



>inherited Holohoax trauma
I was wondering how der juden would keep milking that cow after the final """"survivors"""" finally die off




oy vey, never forget the 6 gorrillion


I'm the black sheep of my family in that I am the only conservative and that night at around 11 I was called by my dad letting me know that my mom wasn't handling the results well and I probably shouldn't call home for a few days

Now she and my high school sister are participating in the women march in DC after the inauguration

I watched a documentary where Rudolf Höss's grandson went to Auschwitz to apologize and cry and some kike who asked him a question was introduced as a "third generation holocaust survivor", and they wonder why so many people hate them.

Good stuff, I wonder how this person reacted when the boy she met as a child was right.



>Millions of people have already died in the Middle East and North Africa because of Hillary's actions
>Many more have died in the west as a result of the conflicts she started in those desert shitholes
>All those lives snuffed out and leftists could not care less because their world view doesn't extend an inch further than their own social circle



It's a little early, but it's relevant and it's SO DAMN GOOD.





Might have believed it at Waffle House. But not Starbucks.


it's plural. Die Juden.



Do these oversensitive snowflakes not realize how hilarious their leftist fanfiction tweets and posts are? I'm going to enjoy the next four years of it so much

I guess it's convenient that his nose already looks pushed in

The second tweet is being sarcastic right? She is making fun of the first one r-right? There is no way autism levels have spiked this much

Based kraut helping fellow germanics

well first of all this isn't real but good God is it a nice shitpost

>thinking we care about poo in loo opinions


The bottom post is exactly right

>popped down to the corner shop so I did
>got myself a packet of chocolate globbernaughts, a handsome boy slivvy and some pandewaffe snazzies
>get spotted by a group of marauding Trump supporters and brexiters as I walk out
>they were there to burn it down because the owner is a Muslim but they didn't sell fags or kebabs
>my poofy effeminate gait offends one of them
>they surround me with their homophobic white vans and hairy beer bellies
>my Fisher-Price rape whistle is slapped out of my hand before I could summon a community support officer for assistance
>they beat me bloody with bike chains and a big stick
>a man in a MAGA hat starts screaming "THE WORLD BELONGS TO AMERICA NOW, SLIMY LIMEY" as he stomps my bowler hat and walking cane into the mud
>they threatened that if I ever showed my face around there again, they'd send me to America so they can deport me

How am I going to explain this to the nebulous 8 year old in my life, Sup Forums?

Why is always 8 yo?

>harambe died so trump could be president

my dick is still out for you, fallen hero.

2016 was the perfect year for liberal meltdowns.
June 2016 and November 2016 will always be the greatest months.




>1 post by this ID

>Bioshock infinite

both are satire

the first guy is worth following on twitter

It has everything that makes a great shitpost.


>American Second Language

Fuck i love this pasta so much