California secession imminent



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don't let the door hit you on the way out faggot.

As a Californian before everything, I will fight to my dying breath to remain a part of the United States, whose promises of freedom protect me from the cancerous assholes around me.

Heil victory!


And you dont get to leave

>born too late to explore Earth
>born too soon to explore the stars
>born just in time to line up and execute liberal traitors in service of Donald Trump and the United States of America
Please secede

Please secede. I'll re-up just to have the chance to slaughter the pitiful liberal resistance that dwells in this fag ridden nigger haven.

Do it faggot. The country needs a enima.

Get fucked by an earthquake and seceed into the ocean already. We don't need you.

>2nd civil war
>southern california and nyc vs everyone else

itll be over in a weekend

>cali secedes
>they realize they need water

I wonder what could happen next.

Can we meme California into leaving?


You are not welcome in the Californipede Republic. Get your Lefty liberal ass back to Nazi Germany or China or wherever the fuck your from.

I hope you do leave, watching you dirty hippies get shot for treason would be a absolute godsend

California has no natural resources, no crops, and most importantly, no fucking water. Even if it was possible to break away, youd be cut off from the entire midwest and America would simply refuse trade and sanction anyone that traded with you. Youd wither and die within a week as niggers and wetbacks took over your libtarded wastelands and then beg to come back to the US.

... it supposed to be bad for cali?

Cool. Now we'll have red-pilled Presidents for the next century.

Oh wait I'm in California.


We let them leave. Silicon Valley is the only economic asset they have of any value, and they've been sending multibillion-dollar companies running for the hills with their Marxist polices.

Get lost you communist piece of shit, Trump is not a racist, remind me what is the gene of illegal again?

Spoken like a true Californian, sacrificing all those minorities you were trying to save by bowing out of the country.

Don't get your hopes up.

San Francisco/norcal could secede, but LA would be fucked without water from the Colorado River.

just draw a line from san fran to la and cut it off from there.

state of jefferson when

Dont forget Hollywood!

Yeah we will. And it'll be glorious. For me that is, not for beaners like OP

>California has no natural resources
Wrong, it has oil, geothermal resources, abundant sunlight, large areas of mediterranean climate
> no crops
Wrong, it's the most productive agriculture land in the world. you can grow anything here
> and most importantly, no fucking water.
Wrong, it has huge reserves of water (as snow) in the sierras. That's why it can withstand years of drought.

Also we are getting a huge amount of rain this year due to el nino.

forgot to mention wind power as well. There's good wind onshore and offshore.

If fucking only!

Too bad those areas wont want to leave

Please join us we need money

>As a Californian before everything, I will fight to my dying breath to remain a part of the United States, whose promises of freedom protect me from the cancerous assholes around me.

As a Conservative American who lives in California, I will fight to hard to help make Cali break away from the United States, so I can leave behind all the cancerous assholes around me in Cali so they can all stew in the shithole that Cali has become.

California is NOT part of America anymore by almost ALL measures. It is a communist fucking state run by hardcore communist liberals, filled with liberal scum, gays, Mexicans and foreigners from everywhere BUT America.

The sooner America can shit California out of the Union, the better for the survival odds of REAL America.

So as a Trump-Supporter, I support getting rid of this shithole state. I'll gladly move to Idaho which I plan to anyways.

Hollywood has been declining in importance for years
LAs economy revolves around the port and they are fucked if they are no longer America's west coast port

/thread, no one will miss these communist faggots, now take our nigger trash and liberals and stay out, while we move on to the stars.

mem this pls

Please succede so we can reinvade, hang your politicians for treason and restore Constitutional rule in your despotic socialist wasteland

I'm from California. I threw away my flag yesterday. You guys are going to literally get purged and I will love all of it. You don't stand a chance, the only men in California are Republican.

Let them go. 55 less electoral votes.

>no crops

Not it the part that is leaving

You're correct about the sierras (the water supply) wanting to stay with the US, but I think the central valley, even though it's red, would want to leave since they employ a lot of illegals.

NorCal / san fran are actually not that fucked when it comes to water, since the natural flow is toward SF. Los Angeles is royally fucked since they rely on colorado river water being pumped and sent under mountains.

Anyway it's not happening, it's just a dumb liberal fantasy. My point is that california is extremely rich in natural resources.

Oregon and Washington are coming with you!

>even though it's red, would want to leave since they employ a lot of illegals.
it doest even matter what part of the state wants to leave
we can keep whatever parts we want
what is governor moonbeam going to do about it?

Bro just support secession and Fuck out of there. It is a shit hole anyway let the libfags run it into the ground

good riddance niggers and spics.. best of luck white people.. you might wanna move out.

>user doesn't remember what happened last time states tried to succeeded.
That's one way to turn California red.

"Real Value" implies positive value. If Hollywood got hit with a Cobalt-salted hydrogen bomb, the amount of poison it would blow unto the rest of the country would probably drop enormously.

Good. America will be red for the next century if CA leaves.

>what is governor moonbeam going to do about it?
That's what I'm saying. They won't even try to secede. They're just going to drag their feet filing suits against the wall to protect muh environment.

A third of your state voted for Trump, did you know this?

Also, the only fucking people who like California is Californians, and even that I'm not convinced of because you faggots keep migrating east and spreading your liberal pussy shit to better states.

Bye bye you flaky douche lapping gold digging compost sucking whiney bitches. I'll miss the pistachios.

No user the land is to good. Its ours.

We just need trump to use the earthquake machine they used on japan a couple days after they didnt sign an agreement on something.

He can fix it by causing the big one.

once they leave the union trump is free to invade

I'd rather live in Mexico than die in a California civil war

Thats true I suppose

Please do it asap. Just make a provision that cedes San Bernardino county to Arizona.

San Francisco reporting in. Fuck you.
We're going to MAGA whether you like it or not.

bay area here, I'm with you, see my other replies

>meme CalExit into reality
>trigger State of Jefferson
>Trump recognizes new state so dems can never win again
>California fails at trying to leave
>is punished reconstruction style
>everybody wins, America keeps California, democrats cry about it
Please let this happen. I won't be able to leave like you, but being a conservative carpetbagger in a reconstruction California sounds like heaven

California cannot be allowed to secede. It's not really about the Californians themselves, but that's rightful American clay and you don't just give up land.

You really want to get your ass kicked by the US Army, Navy and AF that much? Remember, the last time a state left the Union, the Feddies didn't take it well. They certainly won't accept the 5th largest economy in the world going rogue.

Best prepare your assholes unless you are running up to the mountains to stay out of the shitstorm that will overrun the state if it secedes.

naa fuck off


>imbeciles still think Calexist is an actual thing and not just butthurt reaction from losing liberals

Fuck off. San Francisco is a cancer that spread all over the state and it's horrible. A better solution would be to just glass that shithole city. Good news is that fucking "referendum" won't even make it to US congress without being torn up and shat all over.

Has Moonbeam finished doubling gasoline taxes for the state workers' pension fund yet?

Also people are obsessed with simple majorities because that's what decides where the state electoral votes go. But just because California is a solid blue state doesn't change the fact that 1/3 of Californians voted for Trump. That's a shit ton of Trump supporters. Because of the size of the state in outright numbers California probably has more Trump supporters than the majority of states do.

The difference between "solid blue" and "purple" is just a swing of 10% or so. And blue to red is often a smaller percentage. Americans really don't vary from state to state as much in outright terms as election analysis makes you believe.

like anyone would actually give a shit. Make sure you let the sane people out first.

we should nuke southern california. no memes.

Not to mention all of those airforce/military bases. It's impossible no matter how you look at it.

Pretty obvious you are not a Californian. Came out from Kansas...Yuma...peoria...etc.

Why does Gay Area get a free pass?

Can't wait, I will sip cocoa while reading news articles about starving californians

Mexicans report in fuck off amerishits

ok tactical nuke for san fran but glasser tier for southern ca

cali is deeply in debt and has no water
them leaving is just another liberal dream

>California leaving the U.S.
>Thinks the whole country didn't just let out a huge sigh of relief.

Fifth generation Californian...fourth generation San Franciscan. I would rather the op leave. Probably not even a Californian...just an "I came out here in...wak wajwajwakwaj."

liberals officialy declare the mainland enemy territory the us army is now allowed to engage them as traitors guilty of treason

liberals think this will work out for them


Yeah and how many people were like me? No point in voting for Trump here. In my county. Would have meant nothing.

This just means we'll finally have the opportunity to "liberate" California. Just lol @ you if you think America's going to let one of its states succeed.

yeah but its fun
i vote in s.fla county that went blue
i wore my maga hat and got to see all the salty poll workers and sign holders

And the ports. They are full of beans. They cannot take the ports.

You guys are really this naïve? Do you realize that every county seat north of Sacramento wants to secede from the rest of California and form their own conservative state called Jefferson? If California secedes from the United States the first thing we will do is break off and by force if necessary, and President Trump will supply us find us and arm us so that we can rejoin the rest of the country again. Try running a country where you are mostly desert without an adequate water supply

They should secede so liberals never win another election lol

All of them are spics and nigs anyway

cali exit is never happening
but whats the chances of jefferson actually happening

>but whats the chances of jefferson actually happening

slim as fuck

Never happening too

why not the only negative is we lose our 50 star flag which we all love and it becomes 51

How the flag looks has nothing to do with it retard

Too many logistics and the dems of the state fear losing their welfare funders and electorial prowess

yes it does
it needs to be respected and modified only if it is the correct thing to do

do you even patriotism


Dude you are arguing with a leaf. Effort wasted.

The state is not as blue as everyone thinks, very blue but plenty of red parts that wouldnt want the other red parts to leave.

The blue places vote 90 percent for the dems. It throws everything off and does not reflect the whole state. Plus...I strongly suspect those counties tally the votes before the polls open. Which is not to say the blue areas are not loony.

Can you clean out the 495 DC beltway area too? Just like every county bordering DC would do nicely.

pls go and take your cancerous faggot culture with you!

I know. I just want to piss on the Liberals fantasy.

Plenty more than just leafs think that CA has no natural resources. It's literally the richest state in the country.