It's over........ Drumpf is finished.........
It's over........ Drumpf is finished
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Its a distraction for the new Veritas video that came out
Says increasingly nervous leaf for the 1776th time this year
CNN and Buzzfeed is such a fucking joke, they've been blown the fuck out so hard that they're desperate to nail him.
is this the end of drumpf?
I hope to God it's him casually using the n-word.
Maybe it would help white males will rediscover their balls.
Of my god it's the fake sex tape
Sup Forums is about to sink the battleship
Nothing can stop the coming tide.
why would they contact infowars??
This is bait for infowars.
Why wouldn't they have released this during the election?
It's like they're begging for Trump to reem their ass again
I bet it's going to be something about Trump bragging to grab rich Hollywood sluts by their genitals.
It would be the end of his campaign.
Me too. I will still back him up 100%
>nigger tapes are released too late to stop him from being president, but just early enough to get him into a political shitstorm
do we live in the best timeline lads?
If this was real they'd have released it before the election
I've literally never heard this meme before.
this time it's not going to be about PEEPEE, it's about POOPOO
and they'll get him, too. I am hearing there are some big things coming up once he is president. There is sooo much dirt on him.
These cucks will never learn
Trump doesn't have to be publically popular for at least two years.
All this will do is make Trump mad & vindictive. Should be fun.
If this is real I say we drop the Abraham Lincoln tapes.
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”
-Abraham Lincoln, The Great Emancipator
the only ass you're going to be seeing reemed is the asses of 2 cute russian women that Trump is having anal sex with on videotape. This is 1000x worse than Tiger Woods and his "transgressions" with hookers.
This is what I thought.
Then I thought it was a troll calling InfoWars, which is more likely.
>MSM trying to discredit everyone, instead of just themselves.
>we memed a false story in to reality
this.. not just one compromisng tape, but several, and several other allegations. This is almost like watergate all over again.
How is a billionare white man becoming president so inspirational?
Fake news
it's not.. in fact its sad and depressing.
Yer. Nah.
It would have come out in the election.
I'm sure some more fake news will totally be the end of him this time!
no matter what they do he will become president
Well, I guess because hardly anyone in the political sphere wanted him?
Kinda the same if Bernie won, but the DNC have more control over their picks than the RNC.
Is it possible for Trump to lose at something for once?
jesus christ apparently these tapes are fucking real.
Unsure about US constitution...can he be impeached for something that happened prior to inauguration?
god damn it.
they exist:
this isn't good, Sup Forums
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
Even if not for nlawful?
they could release any video they want but it won't stump the trump
nothing ever does
No, it's the one where he supposedly says nigger
So what? Hillary said nigger
Nixon used nigger
Roosevelt used the word nigger
wrong, and also it wouldn't happen. you can't just turn over a democratically elected president because you don't like some of the things he does. that's the point of democracy. you just go with it.
i think the videogames got to you. you can't just ragequit
If they had something then they would have released it during the election
N-not the n-word!
Alex Jones needs website traffic. That's all there is to it.
yeah they impeached Clinton for a blowy. Didn't get him out of office tho.
Impeachment isn't "We don't like you" it's for crimes.
Only if he's doing something illegal.
Pretty sure saying bad words isn't that.
no, really! we have him this time!
Heard that during the election too.
I never heard perjury referred to as "a blowy".
Ok, thanks Aussie. Tell me more about my country.
Congress can impeach a president for whatever it wants to. Really just a matter of public opinion if it gets to that point.
everybody should tweet nigger to him
Who honestly gives a fuck? Trump is obviously a lad-type of bloke. What he said is fucking normal. Guys talk like this to each other on a daily basis in US colleges. It's the same in Eastern Europe.
I don't see why a bit of banter should be taken so fucking retardedly serious
Based Lincoln
y-yeah. like, "blowing hot air"
Holy shit it's fucking over, say it with me Madam President!
>Congress can impeach a president for whatever it wants to
no it can't and even if it could they would discredit themselves for all time as being ragequitting pussies.
just ragequit, masturbate, and ask your mom to get you some chicken tendies
This was last year, in October.
Didn't it turn out to be Trump calling Lil Jon an "uncle tom" because Lil Jon was wearing an Uncle Sam costume, and Trump had no idea what uncle tom meant except that it had something to do with black people, but he stopped calling Lil Jon an uncle tom after Lil Jon explained to him?
They can't handle the Trump bantz
you're assuming the average liberal numale is a lad
Oh no !
>I don't see why a bit of banter should be taken so fucking retardedly serious
litigious society
>CNN is now commonly associated on the same tier as buzzfeed
If they wanted an impact out of all this they wouldn't be waiting till 48hrs before the inauguration. Now all they'll get is even saltier liberals. You can't impeach someone for saying nigger a million years ago. What were they waiting for? Someone that can shoop nigger into a trump tape?
real talk.
would anyone believe them? they've been shown to be full of shit so many times. even if they had him saying nigger would anyone believe it?
oh no a white guy doesn't know everything about an esoteric corner case of black culture! :(((
>There is sooo much dirt on him.
That totally got brought up during the primaries and general election.
If they had it, why didn't they use it against him during the campaign?
>>CNN is now commonly associated on the same tier as buzzfeed
InfoWars for gawdssake
That's what I'm saying. At this point they're just being shitty out of spite. The right would've blown this kinda thing up(like for instance if we had Obama on tape saying racist cracker honkeys or Hillary saying anyone with a dick is literally a hitlerfaggotnigger) during the primaries.
That or it's complete horseshit that took months(for some reason) to fabricate
No it can't. You can't punish someone retroactively, and it needs to be a felony.
He's need to commit a felony after he's sworn in for there to be any material to impeach him. Even if he was convicted of a felony, if the act was committed before being sworn in it can't be used as a reason for impeachment. Being a felon doesn't disqualify you for the presidency. Literally the only requirement its being over 35 years old, being a natural born citizen, and residing in the United States for at least 14 years.
Get fucked commie.
Watch it be fake news again like GoldenShowersGate.
>but sir, he's attacking our NEWS ORGANIZATION
-cnn cuck during the press conference
cnn thinks they can attack the president but he can't hit back?
the days of peak cuck are over. better get used to it.
It seems like Buzzfeed is denying the existence of the tape?
ok now its serious
When the story broke nobody said " gee - Donald Trump would NEVER so something like that"
yeah because people care more about what he gets done as president, not what he said when he's hanging with his bros
identitarianism is on it's way out
WW3 Middle East style
Naw this could be pretty bad for trump, funny for us though
Fuck Donald Trump
Fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, nigga, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, yeah, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, nigga, fuck Donald Trump
Yeah, yeah, fuck Donald Trump, yeah
it's not going to make his constituency suddenly abandon him.
it's only going to make the minority voters have another "reason" to fear him
No user, you are the fake news.
The days of corporate capital fascism have dawned.
Clearly hes not like all the other fuckers that are purposely keeping the world down.
Board is filled with dumb hillbillies and niggers with no brains.
Every time you struggle.
When your job lets you go for no reason
Or you dont get raises
Or minimum wage consistently goes up screwing over employees who spent decades to get to a wage that people get hired at only to in 3 months make more than those.
If you have a small business and it fails you have your shitty self to blame and the corporate america you wanted in power.
You dumb fuck.
Its like we're all niggers(not really)
So to save our nigger problems
We put a kkk plantation leader in charge of our nigger futures.
Is that a way to dumb it down so you dumb niggas can understand how dumb you niggas are
Bring it on. I think all Trump supporters are mature enough to realize we've all done dumb shameful shit. Especially when one doesn't plan on politics. If he sucked the medias star fish they wouldn't be doing this. I respect him more. Take the hard road and fuck the easy path.
it also isn't going to suddenly make the house and congress turn blue either
trump train has no brakes
You've never seen a nigger chimp out over a white person saying nigger.
a little late for that isnt it?
he already WON the fucking ellection
hmm, national guard vs a bunch of rioters
yeah so a populist psychopath voted in to power by riding a wave of racism and anger is gonna be the most powerful person on earth, but you know what really scares is injured, tired, terrified women, men and children fleeing a living hellscape just looking for a safe place to call home.
t. Ahmed
What did he mean by this?
>i pick my preferred flavor of propaganda and fuck you you don't have a RIGHT to disagree with my opinion