What is a wall actually going to do?

What is a wall actually going to do?

We already have walls and fences in place, what's one more going to do?

Ask Israel if their wall works and then get back to me

I don't know, all those attacks and shit you hear of every other day...

Even a fat autist could scale that thing. We need a 40 foot concrete wall with guard towers every quarter mile and some of those automated sentry turrets from Korea.

you also guard it

good shitpost op

Works better for them than if they had no wall. We know they can and do shut down the tunnels when they really want to, and it certainly gives them a better handle on the flow of people.

>We know they can and do shut down the tunnels when they really want to,
Take the local college geology class and have them monitor seismographs for college credits. Or put them online and let the public do it for fun!

If a Mexican were to leap the wall, would you let him stay?

>40 foot concrete

nah breh, it's gotta be at least 50-100 feet with concrete AND metal AND it's gotta go underground AND have guard towers AND sentries.

mexico's paying so we might as well go all out.

People don't realize that the physical wall itself isn't what keeps people out, it's the idea of the wall. The knowledge that it's there and that the people inside it are hostile to them will keep people out.

>what's one more going to do?

youll find out

Those are in Europe

>What is a wall actually going to do?

>We already have walls and fences in place, what's one more going to do?

it means you can mount cannons m8

Keep those Mexican foxes and chickens out.

They either get in through tunnels, which are promptly shut down, or they get in through the checkpoints and then get a knife or car once they are inside Israel. They arent just climbing over the wall with weapons and blowing shit up. And the big hype about muh attacks on Israel is rockets, which are fired from outside of the wall. Want to guess why the fire them from outside?

Tunnels cost millions. I'm sure whoever builds it will want to only use it for drugs; having illegals go through there would make no sense unless they pay big. Those who could pay big wouldn't leave Mexico anyway.

It is a metaphor for actual enforcement of the law without pussyfooting around.

Actual enforcement involves a physical barrier, AKA wall.

You could have a monorail along the top, also it will serve as a symbol.
Putting up a physical barrier, even if it isn't actually that effective, is a physical representation of "fuck off we're full"

Do muricans really believe they will build a wall and make tacoxicans pay for it ?

The wall will be big enough to keep you out when you are deported.

It's going to create a lot of jobs

YouTube / alternativehypothesis/ Adam Wall


>For fun
Honestly that sounds great. Make it into a hunting simulation.

does mexico really believe the usa cant tariff and tax the shit out of them, while importing similar products from other countries at the same cheap price?